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When I woke up I had a splitting headache. I crawled over David who was still fast asleep to check the time on my watch. It was 1pm.. What a night last night was..
David had obviously tried to take his shirt off before crashing but before he could unbutton the last three buttons he must have fallen asleep. I had one shoe off and the other one on.
"Knock knock!" I heard a voice and a face appeared from the skylight, it took a while for my eyes to adjust, "a little bird told me you needed a new manager."
David's shoulder blades clenched as he woke up facing the window in the roof where.. Courtney Holt was looking down at us.
I couldn't help but smile... At last.. A good manager again!
"Courtney! Where've you been?!" I laughed, opening the window, Courtney fell down through the window onto the bed beside David.
"Morning sunshine!" She giggled, patting his shoulder and jumping out of bed. She was wearing a blue t-shirt paired with denim jeans, 90s' style. Her blonde hair was poofed up by the humidity.
"Wha?!!" David laughed in shock, still not fully awake.
"God you two look like you had a rough night last night." Courtney laughed,
"It was different..." I admitted, winking at David who flicked his hand at us signalling us to leave.
I sat beside her on the deck,
"So what have you been up to Miss Holt?" I asked her,
"None of your business Mr Garrett." She replied, smiling, "professional this time, Joseph."
"I can do that." I replied, "you're my boss, I don't wanna lose my job."
"Well then don't be flirtin' with her!" David intruded, walking up the stairs.
"David I flirt with everyone!" I laughed,
"Yeh he flirts with me sometimes." David laughed sitting on the other side of Courtney.
"He really is desperate isn't he?" She laughed, "and what's with the blood on your ankle?"
I looked down at my ankle, dried blood surrounded it.. That was from jumping off the buildings last night.
"God I don't know." I said, not wanting to get in trouble I walked downstairs to the bathroom to wash away the blood.

"So here you are in New York. The final stretch." Courtney said, I took a deep breath, she's right.. We're almost there.. We're almost home!
"Only a couple thousand miles.. A couple more months.. " I said with hope.
"Can't believe you've gotten this far, wow. Not too many gamers can say they travelled around the world on a boat."
"Pfft, I still can't believe it. Seems like yesterday since we were in Spain.. Or in Morocco. It's flown by."
Courtney smiled at me,
"Thanks," I told her.
"What for?"
"You set this thing up. This whole boat trip. You changed my life."
"Not yet. Tonight, 6pm. I'll meet you both right here. Then I'll change your life." He replied, dirty ideas formed in my head.
"Courts I'm engaged!"
"Haha, not like that. Just meet me on deck at sunset." She said, walking off the boat back onto the quay.
"Alright then." I replied, walking back downstairs.
"Stamps take a shower." I ordered,
"Because we've gotta do something in a couple hours'"
"Sounds good." Joe replied, walking into the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth.

A couple hours later Joe and I decided to explore the city in daylight before meeting Courtney at 6. It was the 3rd of April. Tomorrow we had booked dinner at some restaurant we found in a Note-in-a-bottle a couple months ago,
"This city is buzzing! I like it!"
"Yeah, it's crazy here. So alive!" I mentioned as we walked along the streets. It was then that we heard a scream. "Oh my god it's Squid!"
"It appears that I've just been recognised!" I said with shock,
"Well then run!" Joe said, waving.
"What about you?" I asked, jogging.
"I'm not as famous as you, run! You big celebrity!" Stampy laughed before I rolled my eyes and ran down an alleyway onto another street. I tied my jacket around my waist so that they wouldn't recognise me from my coat.

When we eventually made it back to the boat it was just after 5 o'clock. I got changed into a suit and tie, unsure of the occasion. As we got ready I heard an uproar as if a huge crowd was appearing right beside us.
When I finished gelling my hair there was another knock on the door.
"Courtney?" I called,
"Are you ready for this?" She asked, Joe and I walked up to her and opened the door.
"I don't know I haven't seen what's out there yet." I admitted,
"Then come on out and have a look." She said. She was in a long black formal dress, she wore deep eyeshadow and a nude lipstick, her eyebrows were slightly more filled in and her hair was up.
Joe looked at me in confusion before he grabbed his blazer and put it on.
Then, we dared to go outside on the deck. That's where the screams started. Hundreds of people had surrounded the whole area, the sky was dark but the lights of everyone's phones and torches lit up the city like fire.
"Oh my god.. Remind me not to limp." I breathed. There was a huge red carpet for us to walk down, police officers were keeping the screaming fans away from us.
They're screaming.. They love us that much? That's so.. Weird.. I didn't think that I could ever mean that much to anyone.. I wish Sarah could have seen this, I wish she could be here with me right now and hold my hand, she'd say something sensible about nerves and then give me the confidence to smile. If Lily could see me now.. She'd be laughing, saying "I deserve credit, I gave you your name you ballistic squid." Although I have very little of my original family left, I have Nicole and the new baby.. Well he or she hasn't been born yet.. But I'll tell the child all about this when they grow up. All about the time I messed up and convinced Stamlylongnose to travel around the world with me on a boat. And now as everyone screams out me name. I think about if I could scream anyone's name out right now it would be Sarah's, because she means so much to me. How much do I mean to these people that they have to scream out my name?
"Are you welling up?" Joe laughed at me as my eyes watered,
"Yeah.. I didn't mean I meant his much to someone."
"You mean this much to a lot of people." He told me.
"It's quite nice." I laughed, "but very noisy! I can hardly hear a thing!"
"What?! Sorry I can't hear you!"

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