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     Heath's P.O.V
     I walked out onto the balcony connected to the living room, sitting down on one of the chairs we have set up. I saw Zane hesitate before walking out, closing the door behind him, and sitting across from me. I took out my pack of cigarettes fro my front pocket of my black jeans, immediately lighting one up before speaking. I tried to avoid looking at the shape I put him in, but I couldn't. His lip and cheek was still torn up, long with a black eye and swollen jawline. The worst were the cars I noticed peaking out on his chest and his hands from trying to fend me off. I knew I didn't gash him enough to do serious damage, but I didn't expect to scar him...
     I continued to look down, not wanting to see the look on Zane's face when I spoke. "So... Would you like to explain to me what the fuck really happened?"
     "She came onto me first." Zane spat out, immediately earning my attention. I whipped my head towards him, causing him to look petrified. He stammered before he spoke fluently, white knuckling the armrests on his white picnic seat. "She... She kissed me first. Then she initiated coming back to our [place and I just..."
     "When was the first time?" I hesitated, not sure if I wanted to know the real answer.
     "When... When she got home from the ward." I shook my head, not believing him. "Dud, hear me out-"
     "Dude, that's impossible! I was home that..." I trailed off, remembering vaguely of me stumbling drunk when I had gotten home from a bad tinder date. I stared at a small stain from the chair rusting on the concrete from the rain while I thought about the conversation Zane and I had. I looked back at him with the sudden realization that he smelled of Katie's body wash that night. "She was in the house when I vented to you, dude?"
     Zane rolled his neck, not wanting to answer me immediately. I continued to bore my eyes into his skull until he answered me, letting out a breathe of air he had been holding in. "Underneath my bed."
     "Zane!" I snapped, nearly losing my balance in my chair.
     "I'm sorry, okay!" Zane put his hands out to the sides, shaking them for emphasis. "I didn't know you would be coming home at that time! Neither of us did! Regardless... You were on a fucking break, duee."
     "That's not an excuse." I shook my head, feeling myself getting worked up as I took a quick drag of my cigarettes. Holding the smoke in my chest, I spoke before releasing it. "I wouldn't go and fuck NANDrea on any of your fucking breaks."
     "I know. Zane bowed his head, sighing, before looking up at me to speak again. "I know how badly I fucked up, dude. I'm just... It's not like we cheated, you know? You guys were broken up. I comforted her. I-"
     "Comforting her would have been putting an arm around her shoulders! Not your dick inside of her mouth!" I stood up, kicking my chair behind me. Zane looked at me with a horrified expression, not ready to relive the other night. I began to point and scream in his face, unable to contain my anger anymore. "You are my best friend Zane! Shane and I aren't' even half as close as we are! You knew I wanted to marry her, dude! How the fuck could you turn around and... How could you?"
     Zane stood up, putting his hands out ofor defense. "I'm sorry! I know, Heath! I know! I-"
     "I came to you crying when hr and I were on breaks! I would..." I threw my hands over my head, kicking the chair until I felt my foot go numb through m boots. I turned around to see Zane begin to tear, not knowing what to say for himself. I pointed at him, continuing my rampage, through the pain I felt increase in my chest. My vision became blurry when I emphasized my words, beginning to slap him in the chest with both of my hands. I was forced to bln away my tears. "When she was in the hospital, I stayed in your fucking room crying and you told me everything was going to be okay! You knew I was on the verge of tryin to... You knew how badly I needed her in my fucking life, Zane." He went to speak and I cut him off, beginning to push him as I screamed onto his face, my voice reaching peaks that I'm sure made our neighbors question if they should call the police. "What would have happened if I did something, man? You knew how badly I didn't want to stay... I didn't want to fucking stay here without her! What would you have done?"
     Zane grabbed onto my wrists tightly, stopping me from hitting him anymore. He spoke in a calm demeanor, making me force myself to slow my heartbeat and catch my breath. "If you are going to be mad at someone, be mad at me. I took advantage of her, knowing she needed you and I needed someone." He shook his head, lowering my hands to my sides and taking my cigarette from me, throwing it over the balcony. "Stop blaming her. Go find her and talk to her. She-"
     "No." I shook my head, standing tall as I wiped my eyes quickly, sniffling. Zane looked at me confused as he did the same thing as me. "I don't want someone who can do that to me that easily." I looked down, lookin back up at Zane who put his hands awkwardly in his front pockets. "I'm gonna still move out... I already paid for the place and it's more expensive to break the lease than to stay, sio-"
     "I get it." Zane stretched his arms out for me, looking at me hopefully. "Are we at least on speaking terms? I need my brother, man."
     I felt a ping in my chest when he mentioned the word 'brother', causing him to shake my head and sigh. I fixed my hair under my at, looking off onto the street below us before looking back at him. "As long as you don't fuck my next girl, yes. We are going to be okay, eventually."

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