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I looked forward through the crowded walkway and instantly spotted Gabbie by her hair. I walked briskly towards her with Elton in tow, his hand slightly on my lower back the entire time. Gabbie smiled and hugged Elton quickly, greeting him with a squeal. "Hey! I feel like I haven't seen you all weekend."
Zane gave Elton a one armed hug, followed by Kameron and Meghan waving slightly awkwardly. Elton shrugged. "Yeah! I've been kind of busy. Corey had me doing panels and shit with him. Where's Heath?"
I frowned, tuning out Gabbie's full response after I heard the name. I looked to my left to see Heath flirting with Veronica Merrell, one half of the (terrible) Merrell Twins duo. My teeth grinder together as I spoke, watching Heath pretending to giggle while slyly reaching out to hold one of her hands. "That good for nothing snake! He knows what they said about me on Andrea's podcast!"
"In her defense, for a change, Andrea didn't engage in it! They said it on their own." Zane pointed out, causing my head to snap up towards him.
"Not the time to be defending your pet, Zane." Gabbie retorted.
"My bad, but... What did they say?" Elton asked, weary of my response.
I looked back to Heath and Veronica just as he pulled a piece of long, dark brown, hair behind her ear, making sure to brush her cheek. I watched as her (noticeably uneven) large, brown eyes googled back at him, reminding me of a Furby. Gabbie took a deep breath before she began to explain the first half of the story. "It all started with Andrea having them play truth or dare. Totally innocently, mine you, because they're not old enough to even legally drink. Yeah... I know." Gabbie scoffed at the shocked look Elton gave her. "Anyways, Andrea chose truth. Veronica straight up asked her to name a YouTuber she doesn't get along with I-R-L. She named Katie. Veronica and Vanessa both had the balls to say they agree and said Katie was using YouTube as her 'day time soap opera special'."
"Don't forget the part where she admitted that she heard Katie was a total slut and she wanted to steal Heath from her, if given the opportunity." Meghan added, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Or the fact that they said her grandparents died from shame." Zane mumbled, earning looks from the group. "What? They said it, not me! I think it's fucking sick!"
"You guys want to head to Harry Potter World or explore Simpsons World first? I need to get away from them." I turned back, frowning.
Elton smiled, wrapping an arm supportively around my shoulders. "Let's get you one of those big, pink donuts and some Duff!"
"We'll catch you guys later! We want to find the minions!" Kameron smiled, walking off with Meghan proudly.
"You think she moans like a mouse?" Zane tilted his head, watching them as they walked off before turning to us to see our blank expressions. "Come on! You can't say you never wondered-"
"He likes it. They do that schoolgirl role play a lot." I sighed, shaking my head aimlessly when I looked at the horrified expressions surrounding me. "Heath and I heard a lot of shit we didn't want to. There's a reason we used to go to bed early."


We all had been at Moe's drinking Duff and snapchatting the experience, all of us enjoying ourselves. Gabbie had an arm wrapped around Zane's shoulders, smiling before making goofy photos as he snapped away at his phone's camera button. Elton tapped my shoulder, leaning one hand on the bar ledge to hold his head up. He pointed at me with his beer as he spoke before taking a sip. "You think they'll get together?"
"God willing. But clearly my senses aren't the strongest." I felt my good spirits leave my body as I watched Veronica and Heath walk inside of the building together.
I must have stared too long as Elton turned around, shaking his head. He rolled his eyes as he spoke. "You need to not. He's being a little bitch because he doesn't know how to handle his emotions." I went to speak when Elton stopped me. "Think about it! When you two broke up, he ran to mommy. When y'all fought, he ran to use. When you guys may finally get back together, he runs away entirely... He's a child. Use it to your advantage and treat him like one until he listens."
I was interrupted by the sound of laughter walking towards us. I looked at Heath and Veronica, studying Heath's face. He was smiling with both rows of teeth showing, his eyes going wide for a moment, before returning to normal. I furrowed my brow as Ceronica spoke, though my eyes didn't leave Heath until the end of her sentence. "Hey, guys! Fancy meeting you here! Hey... Katie."
"Veronica Feral, right?" I raised an eyebrow, my tone incredibly high-pitched and fake.
"Merrell, actually. As in the Celtic meaning of the elements muir, which means sea and gael. You know, like, bright!" She smiled cheerfully.
"My bad! I thought it was Feral as in wild beast. You know, like the only thing that would be capable to publicly shame an abusive, rape, and kidnapping survivor while also disgracing the death of her only close, blood relatives?" I said in the same cheerful tone as I slowly stood up from the bar stool. I felt all eyes on me as I got closer to her, my voice deepening as I spoke. "You can say whatever you want about me, but don't you dare touch the people I love. So run along, because you're not even old enough to sip on a pretend beer."
"Minions are down the street and to your right, run along, now!" Gabbie waved sarcastically.
Veronica looked at Heath who put his hands in his pockets, looking down at the ground. She stomped her foot before starting to blubber, running out as fast as she could. The moment the door slammed behind her, Heath began to apologize. "I swear to god, I had no idea who she was until she told me her last name. She looks hot on camera! I swear to god, Katie, it didn't click until she was dragging me around and I met Vanessa. I swear, I'm-"
"I saw the look." I laughed lightly, causing the tension to be broken between the group. "You're fine. Have a beer with us before we head out again."


"You're on crack!" Heath yelled, rolling his eyes at me as we walked through Diagon Alley. "You are no chance in hell a Gryffindor! Your ass is a Ravenclaw!"
I had been non-stop rolling my eyes as he continued to argue with me from the moment we began walking towards Harry Potter World. Elton had agreed to fall back, telling me to text him if I needed him to step in at all. Gabbie and Zane walked behind us, having their own conversation filled with laughter. I pulled Heath towards the castle where we were allowed to be sorted. "If I am right, when I'm right, you're gonna be sorry, ya' snake!"
"I am not a Slytherin! I am a Gryffindor, a true one at that!" Heath yelled proudly. "You wouldn't know, you little bird of death."
Heath held out his hand as I did to mine. I smirked as I made our bet. "If I win, you buy the robes and wands for us."
"When I am right, you buy me a Nimbus 2000." Heath grinned, he reflection of the street lamps reflecting off his teeth.
"You're on, half-wit." I giggled as he playfully pushed my shoulder, earning a 'fucking weirdos' comment from Gabbie under her breath.

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