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     I put my straightened hair into a low bun, slightly tilting it to the left, lower side of my head. I threw on a cropped, babydoll pink hoodie with black, distressed, skinny jeans and all-white, classic Vans. I had decided to drive with Gabbie to the boy's place, excited to meet Dex. I was warned that everyone wasn't showing up anymore when I got to the front door and Kam stood there, smiling, and greeting Gabby, Charlie, and I. Kam pet Charlie's head while he rolled his eyes at Gabbie and I. "Everyone except Elton bailed because David got tickets to see Twenty-"
     "That son of a bitch!" Gabbie screamed over my shoulder, walking into the apartment. I followed after her, waiting for Kam to close the door to release Charlie. "He didn't think to invite us?"
     "He invited Zane and I." Brennen shrugged, walking over to me from the couch and kissing me quickly. "He said he didn't think anyone else would go."
     "I'm getting real sick of his shit." Heath mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Amber beven got an invite!"
     "You didn't go with her?" Gabbie raised an eyebrow.
     Charlie went from standing at Brennen and I's legs over to Heath, sniffing his leg. Heath bent his hand down slowly, speaking to us as Charlie gave him permission to pet him. "I didn't want her to miss out on it just because of David's selfish ass."
     "Why didn't you go?" I looked over at Brennen, seeing him begin to fidget.
     "Well, I wasn't going to go without you, baby!" Brennen threw his arm around my shoulders and from the corner of my eye, I saw Heath shake his head disapprovingly.
     I was about to ask what he was annoyed with when Zane walked in from walking Dex with Elton. Dex immediately ran up to Charlie, happily sniffing each other before beginning to play, shocking me. Zane put his hand up as a wave to Gabbie and I while Elton gave us both a hug. I was taken back when he had the balls to kiss me on he cheek in front of Brennen, though he didn't say anything. Zane called to Brennen, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb towards the door. "You ready to go? David is meeting us at-"
     I turned my head slowly towards Brenen, flashing a beaming smile at him. He attempted to to stutter out an excuse, but I quickly cut him off. I chose to act like everything was fine, going to deal with this in later times. "Go! I'm not mad, go! Have a good time! Text me when  you get home!"
     Brennen hesitated for a minute before kissing my cheek and following Zane out of the door. Once the door behind the boys' closed, I turned to Km. "Get me a fucking drink."
     "Hennesey and sprite?" Kam asked,headed over to the refrigerator. I shook my head, yes. Sitting down at the kitchen island on one of the black, metal stools.
     Gabbie leaned an arm on my shoulder, shifting her weight onto me as she spoke. "So, who here is in favor of beating Brennen with a sack of screws?"
     "I!" Heath, Elton, and Kam called in unison.
     I rolled my eyes as Kam passed me my drink, grabbing one for himself as well. Gabbie walked over to the refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of wine that was labeled as her. She took the cork off and grabbed a solo cup. She pointed the bottle at everyone else Elton being the only one to take her up on her offer. She handed him the cup and he smiled and thanked her, causing his eyes to slightly twinkle underneath the lighting in the kitchen. I never noticed how golden they were even though I could have sworn they were- "Was the drink that strong?"
     "No, sorry!" I shook my head, snapping myself back. "What did you say?"
     "Want to have a homemade sushi night?" Kam smirked.
     I smiled excitedly, shaking my head. "Yes, please!"


     I sat in between Gabbie and Elton with Heath and Kam across from us. I was putting yet another slice of tuna into my mouth followed by a rice ball dipped in soy sauce. Kam rolled his eyes, slightly amused. "Why are you tearing it apart?"
     "She doesn't like the feeling of soy sauce on fish." Heath said before I could. "Believe me, it pisses me off too, man."
     "I never asked you to watch me eat, assholes!' I barked back, swallowing my food mid sentence.
     "You're fucking weird." Heath dropped his chopsticks on his plate, shaking his hands as he spoke. "Who the fuck will eat soy sauce with sushi, you know... Raw fish. Yet, they don't want it to touch each other? You're fuckin weird."
     "You eat spaghetti with marshmallow Fluff!" I snapped, slapping my chopsticks next to my plate angrily. "Who the flying fuck thinks that's okay, Heath?"
     "You're fucking weird." Elton shook his head.
     The room fell silent before we call chimed in, laughing with each other. I caught a glimpse of Heath's smile before turning to face Elton, a hand being placed gently on my thigh in the process. I assumed it was a friendly gesture until I looked back at Heath, seeing his laugh settling down slowly into a look of nervousness. It was quickly wiped away as Gabbie started up a new conversation, though I could still send something was off.
     Almost like I could sense Elton's lingering hand on my thigh the rest of the time we spent at the dinner table.

     Almost like I could sense Elton's lingering hand on my thigh the rest of the time we spent at the dinner table

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