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The next day was spent with me avoiding going home, not wanting to talk about anything that happened with Amber with Heath. Gabbie was silent in the car after I had told her over lunch at Fro-Yo. She scraped the remains of her frozen yogurt cup, looking as empty as we both felt, when she placed the cup in my cup holder and sighed. She looked over at me as I passed our street for the sixth time, not wanting to head down it. She pointed, and without having to say anything, I new she was telling me it was time. I sighed, going in reverse for a moment and than headed down towards the loft.
Once parked, I cracked my knuckles nervously. I reached into the backseat and grabbed both Gabbie and my bag, handing hers to her, before getting out of the car. Locking it behind me, the car made a beeping noise. I assume Heath heard it as before I could open the door, Charlie ran out and jumped on me to greet me, followed by attacking Gabbie in kisses. She laughed as I walked up to Heath, squeezing his right bicep. "Thank you, again.
"Don't thank me." He shook his head, smiling lightly. "What did you need to talk to me about? Is it something to do with us?"
"I told you, we are totally fine." I sighed, walking further into the house. I set my bag on the floor next to our shoes, kicking mine off next to Gabbie's. She closed the door behind us and Charlie ran over to the couch, jumping on top of it and panting to calm down. I went to the refrigerator, grabbing a bowl of macaroni salad I had made yesterday for myself to come home to. Gabbie grabbed a fork, attacking it with me as she bashfully threw away the garbage from our first lunch away. "I think... I just... Amber told me she walked in on Scott fucking some pink-haired chick and now Corinna has pink hair and I just... I wanted to know if you knew anything about it."
I watched as Heath's jaw dropped before he nervously blinked harder underneath his glasses, running a hand threw his already messy bedhead underneath his hat. He adjusted his grey basketball shorts and shifted his weight on his feet before speaking. "Don't get mad... I heard him talking about how Corinna was looking mad hot the other night, but I swore he was just fucked up." Gabbie and I exchanged worried glances, not sure of what to say. "I'm sorry, yo, I swear I didn't have any idea he meant shit by it!"
I shook my head back and forth, shoving a forkful of macaroni into my mouth. "It's not you, don't say you're sorry. He's the cheating fuck."
Heath came up to my side from around the counter and put a hand on the small of my back, rubbing it with his thumb gently as if to say he was still sorry. I smiled t him before looking back at Gabbie who was angrily chewing her food. "I just can't believe Scott out of all people would cheat. If I had to bet money, I would have said Liza just so she could get rid of David once and for all." Heath and I laughed as she threw her fork over my shoulder and into the sink. She straightened up, stretching her back a little before waling off and talking over her shoulder. "I'm gonna' do yoga on the balcony and pray I resist the urge to jump over."
I laughed as she closed her bedroom door behind her and I continued to eat, leaning over the counter as I did so. I felt Heath take his hand and place it underneath my shirt, his warm hands taking over my lower back. I soon felt him put his weight on me and I turned my head to look over my shoulder. He had wrapped both arms underneath my over sized, white, t-shirt around my waist to hug me from behind, leaning down on my back so he laid his head down on the back of my shoulder. I smiled, reaching bag to rub his head gently. He smiled, kissing the back of my shoulder as he smiled. I fed him fork fulls of food and he would lift his head every so often to take them from me, before the bowl was completely empty. I pushed the empty contained away from me, turning around.
I lifted my arms to wrap around his neck, pulling him to my level. I held my head in the crook of his neck as I held him tightly. He rubbed his hands up and down my back as we began to sway lightly. My hear began to feel as though it was going to burst as we had not had a completely silent moment like this in a while. Or, really, ever. Heath was never one for hugs because he always felt like he was hurting me. Though, jokes on him, because everyone knows bear hugs are the best kinds of hugs. He spoke softly into the top of my head, his lips dancing on my crown as he spoke. "So, Elton wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come with us tomorrow... We are going to be filming TFIL. He got tickets for our Warped date-" My head snapped back immediately as my eyes went wide with excitement. "Zane was going to go, but he wanted to suck Andrea's clit for the day. Want to-"
"You don't even have to ask! Of fucking course I'll go!" I smiled happily, going back to hugging Heath. I spoke in his ear as he laid light kisses on my neck, smiling excitedly. "Gabbie and I were going to the Vegas date in a few weeks, but she has work and I refused to go alone."
"How could you be alone ever again if you have me?" Heath's question caught me off guard, though it was in all the right ways. I leaned back slightly, looking at his face for a moment. I was surprised by the level of confusion on his face, making me wonder if he wasn't trying to be cute, but was genuinely being sincere. "What?"
I shook my head, mumbling that it was nothing, before lowering my hands to meet the sides of his neck. I felt his beard in between my fingers, smiling as it was nearly as long as it was when we first met. I lowered his face to meet mine, smiling against his lips, as he pressed his down onto mine. He pulled me closer, squeezing my sides to make me giggle. I began to squirm, pushing him off of me playfully. Heath smiled, stumbling back, before walking back up to me. He cupped my face in his hands, immediately landing on my lips again as my arms squeezed his biceps.
Although I have never been happier, I couldn't help as feel as though something was off about Heath. He had always been a genuinely affectionate guy, however, this felt different. This wasn't just him showing me how much he wanted me and cared for me. This was him trying to tell me he needed me. Not on a sexual level, but emotional. As if he didn't want to share what was really going on in his head, but he wanted me to figure it out for myself. And whatever the case was, I didn't mind him needing me to figure it out on my own. I just wished he understood he never has to asks for my help.

Too Much Clickbait - Sequel to ClickbaitWhere stories live. Discover now