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Heath's P.O.V
I clicked on the red button, sending Katie to voicemail. "Sir?"
"Sorry, yes. For sure, that one." I smiled at the jeweler before looking to my right side. Gabbie's eyes were like saucers as she stared down at the thirty-five thousand dollars in the man's pointer and middle finger. "What's wrong? You don't think she'll like it?"
Gabbie shook her head back and forth for a moment, taking in a large breathe before exhaling with a nervous laugh. "I just... what made you want to do this?"
"I wanted to for a while but I wasn't going to just get her any old bullshit. She deserves the world, but I'm on a Wal-Mart budget." The jewelry turned around, eyeing me over his oddly small reading glasses. "Not today, don't worry."
"You really think this is a good idea?" Gabbie crosses her arms over her chest.
"What do you know?" I frowned.
"No, no! Nothing like that. I just mean that... You know... You guys have been through a shit ton. You think it's the right time, for sure?" Gabbie frowned when she saw my angered expression followed by me crossing my arms over my chest. "I just mean I want both of you in the right headspace before... Before shit happens. I love you both. I just want to know everything is settled."
"Katie has been getting better, I'm still with the psych... Trust me, we are mentally okay... Kind of." I teased, laughing lightly. Gabbie rolled her eyes, smiling, as she lowered her arms. "Trust me, everything is fine. We are looking at apartments together, probably the one that's in your complex... It's on Accidit boulevard ."
"You know what that means in Latin?" The jewelry brought the ring box over to me, placing the neatly wrapped satin red box with a large white bow in my right palm. "Coincidence."
Katie called me again and I hit the end button once more, laughing as I looked between the jeweler and Gabbie. "Hey, you weren't kidding. Thanks again, buddy!"


Katie's P.O.V
I felt my heart in my throat as I heard rummaging through the house. Heath ignored my second call, making me have a sick inkling hat he may be behind this. I let Charlie stay on the bed, pointing my finger at him to not make a peep. I walked carefully towards the door, looking through the crack. Unable to see anything besides the kitchen light, I reached for the handle slowly. My eyes veered away from the crack, moving closer to the silver handle. As my fingertips grazed the top of the metal, I saw a light flash in front of me. Looking into the crack, I saw a pair of angry brown eyes looking back into mine.
I made no noise, praying he didn't notice mine as he tried to open the handle several times with no attempt at breaking the lock. I stumbled backwards, scooping up Charlie and headed towards her window. As I opened it, the sound of a shoulder to the wooden door crashed behind me, making me let out a yelp.
Charlie barked in response, causing the crashing to reoccur more violently this time. I looked out the window, letting Charlie out first so I could roll out safely and quickly. As I crashed onto my hands and knees, I heard the splitting of wood behind me before I picked Charlie up again and took off running in a state of shock.


Heath's P.O.V
Gabbie was in the passenger seat, digging through her purse violently for the last five minutes and silently cursing to herself. "Dude, what the hell did you lose?"
"I forgot my charger and my wallet. We have to run back to the house." I side eyed Gabbie, earning a slap to my arm. "Make a left here and then your first right. We can avoid Main Street."
"Ugh, whatever you wish." I mumbled, jokingly.
I picked up my phone from the center console as we turned, texting Katie. After a few moments of not hearing back, something told me to call her. I quickly dialed her phone, turning a sharp right as I unknowingly does up until- "Holy shit! Watch out!"
I slammed on my breaks to see a panic-stricken, barefoot Katie with Charlie in her arms out of breath in my high beams.

Too Much Clickbait - Sequel to ClickbaitWhere stories live. Discover now