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     For the next few days, I had to convince Katie that fighting with fire was only going to make David's pranks intensify. She persisted that "keying the Tesla" would be only a fraction of the pain he caused her over Charlie. Though, not persuaded, I made sure to warn David of her anger as I did not want either of them to begin a prank war.
     I walked out of my therapists office, immediately throwing a cigarette in my mouth. The air had begun to get oddly cold for this time of year, causing me to hold my navy blue, zip-up hoodie just a little closer to my body. I put my hand in one of my pockets, using my right one to take a drag of my cigarette. I fidgeted with my sleeve as I did so, pulling the sleeve over my hand, and wondering when I became such a child when it came to the colder weather. My phone buzzed, alerting me I had a call. I picked it up immediately, smiling to myself when Katie began speaking into the phone. "Hey! Okay, what if I maybe just light the-"
     "Baby, you aren't lighting anything on fire and you aren't going to key a 'hundred an' ninety thousand dollar car." I shook my head, hearing her mumble as she pouted. "Listen, he will get what's coming to him. Why don't you and I just hit up Saddle Ranch tonight? We can grab a drink and you can take your anger out on a dart board."
     "Would love to, but I can't." She half laughed. I heard her shuffling around on her bed, Charlie barking at her before hearing a few thuds, which I only could assume was Katie tossing his beloved blue, rubber ball onto the hardwood floor. "Gabbie is still in the midst of her song and I'm starting the first chapter of my book, finally... You can come over for late night Chinese if you want to."
     "I'll be there at ten. The usual for both of you?" I smirked.
     "That'd be nice." I felt her warm smile on the other line as I walked down the steps, heading towards Zane's Jeep. "I love you, I'll see you later."
     "I love you more." We clicked off the call, just as I opened the passenger's side door of Zane's car. I flicked my cigarette out before closing the door behind me, buckling up immediately. Zane had an ugly grin stuck to his face and I narrowed my eyes. "The fuck are you so giddy about?"
     "Veronica and I went out today." Zane smirked, proud of himself as he began to drive away and back towards our house.
     "Oh? And how was that, baby?" I asked, jokingly tickling his stomach.
     "We went out for lunch at Bravo's. I got a little diarrhea brewing, but totally worth it." Zane flipped his imaginary long hair and giggled. "We went down to the pier, she gave me road head, we went mini golfing because that new spot opened-"
     "She gave you road head on the first date?" I stopped him, putting a hand on his chest. Zane laughed, smiling proudly, as he shook his head yes. I sighed, slapping my hands down on the top of my thighs. "I had to fucking wait six months before Katie trusted my driving... She hasn't done it since, either."
     "Because you drive like a bat out of hell." Zane shrugged.
     "No, it was because I hit a pot hole, and ... Anyway, so you like her?" I changed the subject quickly, earning a giggle from Zane.
     "I really fucking like her, man." Zane stopped at a red light, looking over at me, batting his eyelashes. "Thank you, baby."
     I rolled my eyes, pushing his shoulder playfully. "I'm happy for you, baby. Don't thank me."

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