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     I walked out of my salon with Gabbie, running my hand through my freshly bleached hair, having returned to the bright blonde I was used to. I cut off a few inches, my hair falling in loose waves to the very edge of my chest now, and feeling fresher than ever. I sighed, getting to the passenger's side of Gabbie's Toyota and slipping inside. "I can't figure out how to fucking part this shit now, Gabs." I whined as she started the car. I threw on my seat belt, looking at the notification my phone had just received. "Ugh, my doctor wants to see me this Friday for a check-up."
     I felt her giving me a nervous glance before I looked over at her and she avoided eye contact with me. "You still haven't told Heath yet?" I raised an eyebrow, unsure of hat she meant. "About the abortion?"
     "Oh." I felt my throat go dry at the thought of having to speak about it with him. "I haven't really gotten around to- Stop giving me that look!"
"You two are trying to start over and yet you haven't told him the biggest thing you've ever kept from him?" I smiled awkwardly and shrugged, earning a slap in the chest from the back of Gabbie's hand. "Don't you fucking look at me like that! What is the matter with you? I- Why the fuck is she calling me?"
I felt a wave of relief wash over me as Kristen was calling her via FaceTime. Gabbie and I had both been avoiding her slightly, worried we would accidentally let something slip if we spent more than two minutes on the phone with her. "Hey! What's up?"
"Nothing! We just got our hair done." Gabbie smiled, turning right down our block to head for the grocery store. I smiled, leaning my head slightly on Gabbie's shoulder as I waved at Kristen. "What about you?"
"I'm just headed out to grab some stuff for this Friday. Y'all are still coming for Scott's million sub party, right? He's really excited about it." Gabbie answered with a grin and a head nod as I pouted in my corner of the car, trying to fight the urge to scream. "Awesome! I'm going to get a whole sushi platter and stuff made for him. Katie, can you text me that cake decorator that you used for yours? That shit was wild!"
I called to her as I fiddled with the seatbelt, practically jumping from the car as we got to the store. "No need! Amy Lipshaw at Goodhoney next to your old office!"
I jumped from the car, not wanting to hear another second of Kristen being a perfect girlfriend. A moment later, Gabbie joined me. I looked at her over the hood of the car, feeling her anxiety rise. "She's getting him a cake while he's apparently 'on a hike'." She shook her head, frowning. "After the party, we have to talk to her."


I hung on Heath's shoulder, smiling as I took a sip from my Jack and Coke. I fixed the collar of his dark grey button-up as it was crooked while he pulled up the sides of his black skinny jeans. He placed an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him as he spoke. "Since when do you wear colors again?"
I had on a red and white tye-dye maxi dress with a pair of black flip flops, my hair down and wavy as I had not wanted to mess with it due to the heat wave we had been having. I rolled my eyes, getting closer to his ear to speak. "The same moment you switched to skinny jeans full-time.
I slapped his ass playfully, kissing his cheek before he could yell at me. Heath turned to his side, cupping my face in his hands. The smell of beer wafted from his lips while he spoke, a smug smile on his face. "At first it was to impress, but now my ass just looks good in them. Don't hate, babygirl." I went to speak but he kissed me quickly, breaking away from me. "I'm gonna grab more food, I'm starving. Want anything?"
I shook my head, no, before he walked off. I immediately felt alone at the party, everyone around me already in small groups. I grazed over the crowd of people, admiring the decorations Kristen had poured her heart and soul into. Poor Kristen... poor, poor Kristen.
I shot my eyes towards a corner of the boys' kitchen. Immediately, I felt my legs guide me over to where I saw Corinna and Scott speaking in a corner. Scott walked away, joining a conversation with Todd and a girl he had brought over, leaving a tipsy Corinna on her own. She smiled at me before dropping her happy expression when she saw the look on my face. "Stay away from him. At least in public. What is wrong with you?"
"How do you-" Corinna cut herself off, trying to play herself off. "What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I pointed at her, though still attempting to keep my voice lower. "Why do you feel the need to push up on someone you're supposedly friends with's man? In what world is that okay?"
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I looked to my right, seeing Kristen with a red solo cup in her left hand. Her cheeks turned blushed as I watched her set her eyes on me, a feeling of panic start to rise. "Katie, what the fuck are you talking about?"
"Ask Scott." I stammered, stumbling backwards slightly.
The room began to slowly fall silent as Scott walked over to Kristen, his arms outstretched slightly in front of him. From behind me, I heard the sound of the patio door open and close and I looked back. Heath began walking towards me as I watched Amber come in behind him, an instant red flag going up in my head. Heath came to my side as if he had seen a ghost. We looked back as Scott stood in front of Kristen, speaking low as if we all couldn't make out what he was saying. "Look, it was one time. I was drunk from shooting that Captain Morgan ad and-"
She slapped Scott across the jaw, an immediate handprint in red showing on his cheek. We all gasped, taken back by Kristen of all people to retaliate in such a manner. I felt Heath's breathe hitch beside me and I knew the same thing he was thinking. I kissed him on his shoulder, hoping to bring him out of remembering the past, when Kristen stepped in front of me.
"You fucking knew about this the entire time and you didn't say a damn thing to me?" Kristen's voice cracked, though I saw she refused to show tears. She pointed in my face for emphasis and I watched Gabbie grab onto Zane's upper arm for support. Amber came up next to her, looking between each other and than back to me as Will rubbed her shoulders from behind. "How could you?"
I knew if I said everyone else in my immediate circle knew, it was betrayal to them. I also know the hurt Kristen was feeling because it was the same pain I had inflicted on Heath. I began to choke up, feeling my chest tighten and release repeatedly. My breathe quickened and I blinked rapidly, trying to calm myself before I had an attack in front of everyone. I began to tap my finger tips in a repetitive motion on my palms, a technique I had learned from Gabbie when she first started therapy. "I'm s-s-sorry. I-"
"You really think you acting like you're panicking is going to make me pity you? I'm not Heath." Kristen scoffed and I felt my knees buckling, immediately wishing to be sitting down. Heath must have noticed as I felt his left hand go to my lower back. Kristen shook her head, throwing her drink in my face, followed by the cup itself. I jumped back, the cold liquid immediately making me feel like I was going to freeze to death. It must have gotten on Heath too as he stepped to the side, calling out a loud 'son of a bitch'. "Anyone else know? Hm? Was this another fucking mind game? Or was this just another Katie Pity Party?" The room remained quiet as everyone looked at each other, trying to figure out if anyone else actually did know besides me. I looked at Gabbie and Amber, shaking my head slightly to make them remain silent as I brushed the wet hair from my face and over my shoulder. "When you learn to stop treating all of us like we are some part of your sick fucking fanfic, call me."
     Kristen pushed passed me and we all stood, looking at the ground, before hearing a front door slam. David emerged next to Scott with a camera, lowering it slightly. "Man, that was too real... Where did she learn to act like that?"
     Scott walked off, and we all heard him slam his bedroom door, before we all began to look at each other aimlessly, unsure of what to do. Todd cleared his throat. "Why don't you guys go... I don't think anyone is gonna wanna be here if either of them emerge again."
     We all began to say our goodbyes to each other. I simply waved to everyone, not wanting to show my face much longer, before walking off to Big Red. I waited for Heath, leaning on the passenger's side, as I sent Amber a quick text telling her to bring will back to Gabbie and I's place immediately.

Too Much Clickbait - Sequel to ClickbaitWhere stories live. Discover now