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     I had spent the next two days avoiding social media so I didn't see Heath posting. I was currently on the couch as I had been since I left the boy's apartments. Gabbie walked in, a bag of food at the ready as well as a soda. She closed and locked the door behind her, walking over to me. I grimaced as I sat up, the weight from my chest releasing itself. I began to wildly cough and Charlie jumped on the couch next to me, looking on at me nervously. Gabbie set the food down on the coffee table beside me, frowning. "I grabbed you a burrito with as much hot sauce as they could fit and your mixed-soda concoction... You sure this is safe to eat with bronchitis?"
     "I'm going to kill myself if I can't breathe out of my nose soon." I shook my head, beginning to unwrap my burrito. "The spice will clear my ass right up."
     "Well, you'll be pleased to know your ass got Heath sick." Gabbie laughed, going to the kitchen to grab me napkins. She came back, throwing them next to my soda. "He won't admit it, but I ran into him and Zane at Chipotle. He looked like literal death and it wasn't just because Amber went back to Michigan."
     "You know, he showed her people who did the ex challenge and she flipped on him? Apparently, she likes me only when I'm 'occupied with a boyfriend' so I can't go after Heath." I rolled my eyes, taking  few small bites of the burrito. "Literally, it makes no fucking sense."
     "No, it makes perfect sense." Gabbie let out a light laugh, putting one hand on her hip. She leaned towards the side with her hand on her hip as she spoke. "If you really wanted to, you would be a twat and go for him."
     I nearly choked on the mass amount of pinto beans in my throat, scaring myself. "Are you batshit? Why would I go for Heath?"
     "You really don't even mildly like him still?" Gabbie gave me a look like I had lost it officially.
     "Honestly, no." I shrugged. "Everytime I look at him, I remember all the fucked up shit that went on... I don't think there's any coming back from that."
     "Suit yourself, babe." Gabbie shrugged, going to walk over to her room. "If you're feeling up to it, tomorrow I'm going out with Carly and Erin to do some shopping."
     I shrugged. "I'll probably be better, thanks. I just won't risk it, though. Thanks for the offer."


     Heath's P.O.V
     I held my head over the toilet for the third time since I had gotten back from Chipotle with Zane. The acid in my throat began to burn and I knew I was going to blow again. I braced myself, letting it happen and instantly regretting to get extra hot sauce on my burrito. I back away when I thought it was finished, scowling at the feeling of having vomit on my face. I instantly sprang up, washing my face and beginning to brush my teeth for the sixth time since I woke up. Zane walked in behind me, shaking his head in disgust. "Dude, what the fuck? Did you get poisoned already?"
     I spoke through brushing my teeth. "Dude, I don't even know. I think that cow was still mooing or some shit."
     Zane gave me a once over. "Go rest, Heath. You look like the fucking crypt keeper."
     Zane walked out of my bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror as I rinsed my mouth and toothbrush. My skin was noticeably paler as well s the bags under my eyes becoming darker. I had as few beads of set coming from the top of my head, though I figured that was just because of the heat in Los Angeles today. My chest had been feeling tight and I have had a cough that refused to leave, though I also just associated that with smoking. Except lately, I could barely finish a cigarette without having to put it out because my chest began too inflamed.
     I left the bathroom, turning off the faucet and light behind me as I went to my bed. I instantly stripped my shirt and shorts off, leaving just my light grey boxer-briefs as I crashed into my bed. I picked up my phone from my side table as my front half was buried into all of my pillows, laid out in a starfish position. I called Amber and she picked up on the first two rings, her face instantly brightening up the screen. "Hey, handsome! How-Are you dead?"
     "I'm going to kill myself!" I screamed dramatically, the pillow my face was buried into muffling my volume. I peaked over the top to see Amber narrowing her eyes at me until she sa the shape of me, becoming worried. "I think I'm actually on the brink of death."
     She rolled her eyes, though I could tell he felt guilty. I watched as it looked as if she was walking outside and into a large, marble-stone building. "You sound like you smoked more than usual... Have you gone to the-"
     "Don't you dare say that Amber-Olivia Sindicator!" I snapped, instantly sitting up on my elbows to stare at her intensely. "I'm not sick!"
     "Sure you aren't. Zombie is just the new fashion craze, yeah?" Amber smirked, earning a dirty look from me. "Get some rest and stop being a child and go see a doctor. I'm postmating you some get-better supplies, now. I have to head back now, we are getting to hear the verdict. Wish me luck! I love you!"
     "Good luck!" I called as she hung up, my heart sinking as he face left my phone. I instantly felt another burning sensation in my chest and whined as I made a beeline to the bathroom.
     I made it to the bathroom in time, though the burning turned out to be acid reflux, thankfully. I frowned as my stomach made a noise that I as certain was not human and I dramatically fake cried, sitting on the toilet. I scrolled through my phone, finding Katie's contact and clicking on it. She picked up on the first ring, her face extremely close to the screen as she had some form of red sauce and rice all over her face. "Are you going to yell at me?"
     "I have food poisoning and whatever germs you breathed on me, you rotten bitch!" Katie began to giggle evilly before she heard a noise come from my body.
     "Did you facetime me while you're taking a shit?" She screamed, earning a proud smile from me. "You broke up with me, I don't need to take this abuse anymore. Goodbye."
     "No, stop! Come on! I was going to ask if you would go to the doctor's with me tomorrow. I don't want to get anyone else sick if I can help it and Zane and Kam are on antibiotics already trying to avoid me."
     "I'll grab you around eleven." Katie rolled her eyes, wiping her face off with a napkin. "I have to go and do some grocery shopping beforehand and then I'll come and scoop you. You can go to my doctor, she's nice."
     "I'll see you. Thank you, bub." Katie rolled her eyes, though I could see a smile on her face.
     "Fuck off, asshole." Katie giggled. "I'm postmating you some get-better supplies, red Gatorade included."
     Katie hung up before I could protest and I instantly felt a pang in my heart that I had not felt for her in a long time. And before I could think about it a second longer, I tended to continuing to toot on the toilet.


     Katie's P.O.V
     I had rolled out of Trader Joe's with a huge car full of groceries. I had just finished putting all of it away when Gabbie came out of her bedroom. She shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Girl! Go to the doctor's, I can finish this!"
     "Are you sure?" Gabbie began to unpack groceries, ignoring me. "Okay, fine! I have to grab Heath first. If you need me, hit me up."
     "Have fun babysitting!" She joked, half hanging out of the refrigerator.


     I drove over to Heath's, my stomach beginning to twist. I began to worry, hopping I wasn't getting food poisoning from yesterday's Chipotle as well. Leaving my car, I began to have the sudden feeling as if I should turn around and run. Again, i couldn't place the off-putting feeling and continued my way up to the boy's apartment.
     I got to the elevators, hitting the button with a sense of urgency I didn't realize I had until I looked around. The feelings of eyes boring into me burned into every fiber of my being, causing me to look around wildly for an escape. The doors to the elevator opened and I nearly lost my balance jumping inside. I hit the third floor, thankful when the doors slammed closed and I began to move.
     I shot Heath a quick text to let him know I was on my way up to which he replied with stating the door was open for me. Once at the floor, I walked out and went straight to the boy's door. Just as my hand touched the handle, I felt a presence behind me followed by the feeling of something stabbing at my lower back. "Step away from the door and don't make a single fucking sound."

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