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Present Day. Heath's P.O.V
Tonight was Liza's twenty-second birthday. I couldn't keep my mind from wandering to what all of our lives were like around this time last year. Though the group still all spoke, it was only in the last few months everything seemed to be back to normal. No one in the group speaks to Katie and if she is mentioned in front of Gabbie or Zane, you can see the fire in their eyes. I have been living on my own since coming back to Los Angeles... Kind of.
Two months after Katie and I's breakup I ended up hanging out with Amber more and more. The group approved of her and I, though I also think they were all lying to me to make me feel better. I don't understand how any of them could not like her, though... Granted, she is the complete and total opposite of everything Katie was. For starters, her hair is a pitch black color and is pin straight naturally, falling just past her shoulders. She also has big, brown eyes, nearly black that she rarely wears much more than mascara on. She also comes to eye level with me, unlike Katie who was just below my chest. I can't complain though- Her body is curvy like Katie's, though Amber has a larger chest. Amber also dresses much more modestly than Katie which, at times, it's one of the things I miss. My favorite thing about her however is the fact that she wants nothing to do with youtube- She's currently working on getting her law degree at UCLA.
We were currently walking up to the door of the larger-than-they-needed house David and Liza chose to buy. I pulled the sleeves down on my black button-up shirt, the cold making my forearms become cold. I fixed my black jeans and made sure my crocodile-skinned boots were still clean. My mind began to wander to Katie when I stared at them, waiting for someone to hear Amber's door ringing. I wonder if she will be here tonight? I heard she has a new boyfriend, but I didn't know if Elton was just fucking around when he told Zane it. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, sorry." I shook my head, Amber's southern drawl taking me out of my thoughts. She grabbed onto my hand, smiling lightly. I had not told her about Katie being here, nor did I tell her about her at all really. She new I had dated someone very publically before, but I never mentioned anything other than her being a part of our friend group, nor did anyone else. I wanted a fresh start, and thankfully, being that Amber was genuinely repulsed by social media in its entirety, I didn't have to worry about her being jealous if she saw any video Katie and I ever made together.
Liza came to the door, a red solo cup in her small hand. Her hair was bouncing over her shoulders as she smiled widely, engulfing Amber in a hug before me. "I'm so happy you guys are here! Come on in!" Amber walked past Liza, dropping my hand as she immediately found the girls as I could tell by her joyful squealing. Liza stopped me from coming in, putting a hand on my chest. I looked at her confused before she spoke low. "She's here with... Her boyfriend."
"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, pushing past Liza.
I began to scan the room for her as Liza spoke. "This is my party and my house, Heath. Don't spill blood this year, okay?"
"Why would I spill..." My voice trailed off as my eyes locked with hers from across the room. She was in the kitchen, holding hands and sitting on a beer with her hands locked with... No... "Brennen fucking Taylor? You're kidding me, Liza."
"Heath, don't." Liz said sternly, whipping me around my my shoulder. I narrowed my eyes at her, knowing she was right. "Just let it go, okay? It's been a year, dude. None of asre happy she is here, but Brennan is still a friend of-"
"Fuck David." I rolled my eyes. "He's been a real prick for the last few months. Don't use him as a defense shield, baby. I'm not starting shit because it's your night and I wouldn't do that to you... Or your furniture."
"And that is more than enough for me." Liza smiled, patting the side of my arm as she pointed to the left of me before walking off. "Drinks and food are in the dining room. Help yourself."
I smiled as she walked off, joining David. I looked around the house for a moment, admiring how nicely they had set it up. It looked just like the house we used for David's birthday, though Liza decorated it in strictly white furniture with black and/pr grey accents. I grabbed myself a beer, opening it as I saw an arm of roses dig into the cooler on the floor to my right. I looked over, seeing Katie in black, patent leather Chelsea boots, black leggings, and an oversized, overly-distressed, black sweater that showed off her midsection. I noticed she had gotten a large rib piece on the opposite side of her shark outline. Her hair was also an icy grey color, something she had wanted to do for forever, though she was nervous to do it. Her hair was longer than ever, touching almost to her hip bones... Her hip bones. Something I had never been able to see unless she laid down and sucked in slightly, though now I saw them standing up. I also took note than though it used to be larger, she still had her backside and chest. I tilted my head, noting that the cowboy tattoo was still on her arm. I felt the rose on my arm burn, wondering why she had not gotten hers covered up.
Katie turned around, losing all color in her face when she saw me staring at her. I noticed she had also gotten her medusa and left nostril pierced for a second time, a stud and a hoop dangling in silver on her face. A long silver necklace dangled from her neck, a crystal at the very end of it. Her eyes popped from her gold eyeshadow with what looked like gems underneath the wings that were extended t the corners. Hre lips were a deep red, matching the fire in my chest when I looked her in the eyes for the first time in over a year. I looked to see her hands were not wearing a single one of the rings I had gotten her, yet were adorned by random silver ones, making me feel as though I was just stabbed in the chest. My jaw dropped to say something,though it stayed gaped open like a fish until Brennen came up behind her. He kissed the side of her neck, wrapping an arm around her stomach and pulling him closer to her. She broke her stare from me and I walked away, going off to find Zane and Kam.

Katie's P.O.V
I walked into the dining room, going straight to grab another beer after I had seen Heath. My stomach was instantly in knots, not knowing if Heath would pull some shit now that he knew the rumors about Brennen and I were true. I bent down, feeling eyes upon my back. I grabbed the bottle, snapping up to see Heath eyeing me up and down with a deer-in-the-headlights kind of look.
Heath was wearing the boots I had gotten him last year, making me feel instant regret for leaving my rings at home. His hair was grown out on the top, freshly shaven on the sides. His beard was grown out however and his body... He still shaved the chub around his midsection, but it was quite obvious he was extremely toned, specifically his arms. His face was as perfect as ever, making me wish I could go up to him as if it was old times... Old times. Sure. It kind of was, I mean... This was the first time in over a year that the group invited you out. Maybe Heath had said something to... Don't be fucking stupid.
My throat went dry when I watched his mouth gape open. I had hoped he would say something, anything, to give me some sense of where our position was. I watched him go to let out a breathe, a small noise escaping his throat before a an arm snaked around my stomach, pulling me close. I realized it was Brennen from the kiss on my neck. I smiled, handing him a beer from the cooler while looking to my right to see Heath had left me.


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