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Katie's P.O.V
I had been with Heath, Kam, and Gabbie more frequently, though I would barely speak to Heath when we were all together at first. We had finally gotten to the point where we were freely poking fun at each other and acting as if we had always been friends. Zane had still been avoiding me though, making me question if Andrew had been keeping him at bay from me. Though, I couldn't completely blame her.
     Today, we were going to finally be doing the TFIL video for Elton. Heath had also just flown back from visiting Amber for the first time. Kam picked him up from the airport and agreed to meet us at the paintball range to start.
     Elton had already filmed the into when Kam, Heath, and Zane showed up. I looked over, giving Matt and Elton a look. Matt shrugged. "Well ain't this gonna just be a rootin' tootin' time!"
     I ignored Matt and looked at Elton, speaking lowly as the boys began to get their things from Kam's car. "I thought Andrea's Pet was going to be kept in his cage today?"
     Elton laughed, smacking me in the side of my arm jokingly. "Stop it! I invited him because Heath wasn't going anywhere without him."
     I rolled my eyes, frowning. "He's that bad? If he misses her that bad, he could have stayed."
     "Who the fuck says he left willingly?" Elton pointed out.
     Corey walked over with the boys, holding onto a camera. He began to hand out attachments for us to
put on our chests. I stared at Heath as he spoke, watching his eyes go to the ground as he twitched his lips to the side. "Turn these on when we play. They're gonna capture your point of view during this shoot. I'll be around filming."
"Are we gonna do teams?" Zane piped up. "Because I claim my baby!"
"Katie! I choose Katie!" Kam shouted, pointing at me.
"I don't want Matt!" Elton yelped, causing us to laugh. "Kam, switch with me."
"Teams are final." Zane narrowed his eyes, a hint of annoyance prevalent in his voice. "Thirty second head start?"
We all grabbed a gun from the brown, wooden table in front of the field. We stepped inside of the shooting zone, waiting for Corey to shout. "Go!"


I had lost Kam as he decided that he was playing every man for himself along with the rest of the boys. I felt my thighs bruising as that was everyone's favorite spot to shoot me for the day.
I began to walk behind a large haystack, holding my hip as I felt like it was going to bulge out of my skin. I heard Zane's voice and immediately drew my gun, ready to walk around the bend and shoot. "Seriously, you need to shape the fuck up, Heath!"
"I can't stop thinking about her!" Heath whined. I dropped my gun, beginning to eavesdrop.
"I noticed! And look what happened! Matt was able to shoot you! Fucking Matt, Heath!" Zane laughed, sighing at the end. I could hear him patting Heath's shoulder as he spoke. "You're seeing her again soon, stop worrying."
I frowned, realizing he was bitching about Amber. "I know but, I just... Something felt weird already, man. I have a bad feeling."
I whipped around the corner, ignoring my instinct to have let him keep speaking and fired both at him and Zane. I shot heath twice in the back and managed to get Zane three times in the chest. I smiled proudly, though it was soon wiped off. Heath pointed in my face as he shouted. "You think this is funny? What the fuck is wrong with you?"
I stepped back, begging Zane with my eyes to pull him back. Zane attempted to do so, looking at him with the same shocked expression I had on. "I... I didn't mean to. I-"
"That seems to be a fucking theme with you, huh? You never mean to destroy things, it just happens, right?" Heath's eyes grew darker as his volume raised. I felt the other boys begin to come out of the woodwork to find us, the tension building around us as Heath continued to become belligerent. "I'm so sick and tired of acting like you're this cute, little, bean that just happens to be a quirky slut!"
     I watched Corey lower his camera as everyone began to shut off their own. Elton stepped in and put his hand out, getting angry. "Chill with that word, man. What even happened?"
     "Don't start with that hero bullshit when your head has been between her legs!" Heath rolled his eyes, throwing his arms up in the air. He continued to scream as he put his hands on his hips, narrowing his eyes as his voice returned to regular volume. "Don't act like you're innocent, I saw you two at the party! She was all over you!"
     I thought back to what Heath saw and my heart sank, realizing the mistake he was making rather than having caught us during other events. "Heath, no. At the party we-"
     "Save your breath! You need to conserve your oxygen when you gargle the entire squad's balls, next!" I felt my breath hitch as I didn't understand how Heath was managing to be nastier now than he had ever been to me. "Kam, lets-"
     "Get a fucking Uber." Kam walked up beside me, throwing an arm around my shoulders.
     Elton did the same, wrapping an arm around my waist. Slowly, the boys stood across from Heath with me, Zane looking back and forth between us. I shrugged, understanding if Zane took Heath's side. "Zane, lets go."
     Zane shook his head, speaking in an almost inaudible tone as if he was ashamed of his answer. "Dude... You went too far."
     I widened my eyes, looking back at Heath who had a pained expression on his face. He went to say something but shook his head instead, mumbling under his breath and walking off. I watched as he walked out of the shooting area and I could swear I saw him look back as if he was a puppy who was kicked out of the house and into the backyard.

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