Chapter 1.

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I got ready for school in less than an hour and quickly headed out of the house. I threw on a purple baggy shirt and a black ripped jeans with a pair of vans without thinking about how it would even look.

I walked down the street and instantly saw the person I never wished to see.

He spotted me and headed over before I had a chance to hide. Maybe if I acted like I didn't see him, he might leave.

I quickly looked down and pretended to check through my bag. Im such an idiot, I had to walk pass him to get to school so I knew this wasn't gonna work.

I still tried.

"Hey Kail" He said. Crap.

"Hi Derek," I replied as a nervous feeling coursed its way through my body.

"Meet me in the janitors closet after school. Or else." I nodded knowing that I couldn't say no, he glared at me and walked away with his friends smirking and following behind him like a pack of pups following their alpha.

I continued to walk to the gates of the school, I started thinking about the possibilities of me being in a room alone with him.

" OOOF" I was soon cut off as my face collided with something hard. Almost like a freaking wall-

"Are you okay?" The person asked, his deep voice instantly sending shivers down my spine.

I could tell it was a boy, so I started to get scared. "It's okay..." I answered quietly hoping he would just shrug it off and go away but to my dismay, he continued.

"Are you hurt?" He panicked and that caused a small smile to creep up onto my lips but it instantly dropped.

"No, I'm fine. Just, excuse me." I said before I quickly sped past him, if Derek sees me talking to a boy then I'm dead.

That was close..

I made my way to my first class period and walked to the back of the class to my seat.

I sat down and doodled in my art book since the teacher was late today.

I heard the class door open and I looked up to meet eyes with the same guy I ran into. What th heck is he doing here? Is he stalking me? I should have learned karate from that Chinese dude at Fukang.. Wait what?

I glanced at his face and I couldn't help but notice the way his jaw was perfectly structured, his chin smooth and held high, his eyes full of confidence yet I could see some nervousness. His colorful hair was falling right over his eyes I couldn't help but bite my lip at the ssight.

I was so busy mentally drooling that i didn't notice he took a seat next to me. I looked over at him to see him staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably and he moved his gaze.

The teacher walked in and started talking and I silently thanked the heavens that he turned his attention to her and off of me.

I turned my attention to the teacher also and tapped my foot silently as a nerve habit.


Class ended and I headed out to the cafeteria, I sat down at a table in the far corner of the room and started eating my lunch. I don't eat much. But I still eat because I'm not sure if I'm ready to die.

I chuckled to myself randomly and glanced up instantly regretting it as my eyes locked onto the familiar face making its way towards me.

"Your name's Kail right?"

How did he know my name?

" Uh, Yeah, and you are?"


"Um.. yea.. And you are..?" She asked.

She's cute.

I studied her eyes. Theyre brown, beautiful, her nose, tiny and perfect, like a button. Her lips were pink and her ears were kind of like chanyeol's.


Hello?" She started talking and i snapped out of my trance.

"R-right! I'm Sehun. Oh Sehun. It's nice meeting you." I said smiling at her.

As she was about to reply the bell rang and we both got up.

"Can I walk you to class?" I asked her instantly regretting it as she gave me a weird glance but nodded hesitantly.

There's something in her eyes. Sadness maybe. I shook my head and pushed the thought aside before walking her to her class.


Sehun was nice. We talked a little about ourselves, I mean he talked about himself and I listened. But he sounds like an amazing guy. I just remembered I had to meet with Derek.

I muttered a soft prayer under my breath as I hung my head low and made my way to the janitors closet.

I didn't forget derek's request. Last time i ran away things didn't end well.

When I stepped in I saw Derek standing there.

"Took you long enough" He said.

"S-sorry" I stammered.

"Sorry?" He chuckled darkly and stepped towards me and I kept my eyes adverted.

He didn't say another word and I instantly felt a sharp pain at my abdomen. He punched me, I gasped for air at the sudden pain and he grabbed my hair forcing me to look at him. I still said nothing as I stared into his eyes with a pleading expression.

"Speak. I love it when you beg me to stop." He hissed. I kept my mouth shut and he chuckled, "You'll regret that." He took out a knife and started carving words on both of my legs. I cried and thrashed around but I knew there was no getting out of this.

Soon after he left, I got up and headed towards the girls bathroom. I washed up in the school's shower and then headed home.

I saw Sehun talking to two guys just outside the school. I tried to speed walk past them but suddenly my head started spinning. I stopped and rubbed my temples slowly then glanced up.  He spotted me and walked over with a smile on his face and his friends trailing behind him.

"Kail! Hey These are my friends Chanyeol and Kai" he said smiling at me.

I smiled slightly and said "I-it's nice to meet you guys. Sehun I have to go. Excuse me" I started walking away but not even 5 seconds after I collapsed.

I felt someone catch me and saying stuff but I could hear what he was saying. Black dots started taking over my vision and then complete darkness.


She told me she had to go and she started walking away. Not to long after she collapsed, I ran and caught her before she could hit the ground.

" Kail! Kail are you okay? Kail?" I started to panick as I didn't get a response and her eyes started closing.

"Hey, keep your eyes open, Don't close them." I whispered but I don't think she heard me.

Kai called an ambulance and Chanyeol helped me lift her up.

When we arrived at the hospital they took her away. I followed the doctors to the room.

" Only doctors are allowed in here Sir. Please wait in the waiting room" A nurse said as she stopped me.

I nodded and went back to the other two boys. There's nothing I could do but wait. I sighed and sat next to the two boys who were in a deep conversation. I couldn't but let my thoughts drift to Kail.

What happened to her?

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