Chapter 24. He Broke Out.

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We got home after about an hour and 20 minutes of 'Are we there yet's from Chen and 'Chen shut up's from Chanyeol. The guys stopped at the hotel for me to get my stuff because apparently I'm too young to be living on my own. T_T 

Right now I'm in my room un-packing my clothes and other stuff. I heard a knock on the door, "Yea?" I called out to the person.

"Can I come in?" Kyungsoo's voice asked. "Yea" I answered. He walked in and sat on my bed. 

I smiled at him and I picked up my undergarments before he could see them, "Saw it." he stated while folding random clothes from my bag. I rolled my eyes and took a shirt out of his hands. 

"You don't have to fold my clothes." I told him. I folded the shirt and placed it in a drawer. 

He took another piece of clothing and started folding it. I took it from his hands and he just took up another piece of clothing. 

"Kyungsoooo stop itt" I whined. He ignored me and picked up another piece of clothing. I grabbed it from his hands and I threw it across the room. 

He stopped picking up the clothes and looked up at me. He got up and walked up to me with a serious facial expression. I have to admit he does look scary. Big scary eyes. ._. Uhm..

As he reached right next to me he raised his hand slowly. Next thing I knew, my forehead felt hot. and he was laughing his butt off.

"KYUNGSOO!" I exclaimed. I smacked him and I held his wrist. This dude just flicked me. Hard. T_T

I pushed him out the door but he just pushed his way back in. I sighed and shook my head. I pointed towards the door, "out" I said.

He remained silent and stared at me. "Would you stop that?!" I yelled at him. I pushed him and he fell back on my bed hitting his head on the headboard. "Oow" he groaned.

I giggled silently and finished folding all of my clothes. There was a thump on my window and my head immediately turned to the window. 

D.O got up from my bed and gave me a confused look. I shook my head and walked to the window. Then there was a knock on the door. Kyungsoo walked towards the door and opened it and in came Baekhyun.

"Kail" he called. I glanced out the window and I saw a shadow running across the street. I couldn't see anything else because it was dark and Baekhyun pulled me to face him.

"Come on" he said, he pulled me out the door and down the stairs. I was confused. I looked at D.O and he look confused also.

"Baek what's going on?" D.O asked the younger boy. Baekhyun didn't answer and we walked into the living room. 

Sehun got up and walked over to me. He hugged me and since I was facing the other guys, I could see that their expressions were mixed up with anger, sadness and worry. I pushed Sehun away from me. 

"Ka-" he started but I cut him off, "What's going on?" I asked him. "Derek broke out of jail.. It was on the news. He said he won't stop until he has you." Sehun whispered. 

"W-wha-" I couldn't finish, What did he just say? Derek broke out? Tha- He wants me..? Oh no.. no no no no no... "No.." I whispered.

I felt the tears in my eyes welling up. He wants me.. He wants me dead, I know it.

"Kail" Sehun whispered, "Don't cry. I'll keep you safe, the guys.. They'll keep you safe. We'll protect you." he whispered.

"Sehun's right Kail, we already called the police, every night, there's gonna be 2 officers outside our house. We'll be with you during the day." Xiumin said to me. 

"That son of a-" 

"Kai" Chanyeol warned.

"Sorry. Kail we won't let him touch a hair on your head." Kai said.

"I can just break his neck.. Kail if he touches you I'll kill him" Kris muttered.

"I'm with Kris on this one." Chen muttered.

"Same here" Luhan said.

"He needs to die." Suho murmured. 

Tao nodded in agreement.

Baekhyun walked up to me and kissed my cheek, "He can't harm you" he whispered. I felt Sehun tense up and I held his hand to reassure him.

"Guys we should go to bed." Lay stated and they all nodded and everyone went upstairs except for D.O and Sehun.

"You okay?" D.O asked, sitting next to me on the couch. I nodded and he wiped my tears from my eyes. "You should get to bed. Sehun you too" he said. 

We both nodded and the three of us walked upstairs and to our rooms. 




I slept with Sehun that night. 





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