Chapter 40. Oh Sehun.. That Guy.

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~JinYoung's P.O.V~   

"Hey!" I felt something poking me and I groaned and stirred.

"Yah!" I felt something land on my face and I opened my eyes to see a pillow on my face.

"What?" I groaned.

"Don't 'what' me. I can kick your ass out of this house in less than a second pretty boy" a voice said.

I sighed and looked to see big eyes staring right at me.

I yelped and jumped up and off of the couch, "What are you doing??" I asked.

He stared at me blankly. 

"Actually... The question is.. What are YOU doing HERE?" he got up and walked towards me.

"Look, I just want to talk to Kail, okay? Nothing more, nothing less" I stated while backing away but he just kept walking towards me.

"Did you really get jumped?" he asked.


"No." he fired back instantly, while walking closer to me.

"I swear.. D-"

"It's Kyungsoo." he cut me off.

"Kyungsoo.. Please, come on man." I backed up until I felt my back touch the wall.

He walked closer to me and stopped right in front of me. 

His face right next to mine.

"One thing.. Jung...Jin...Young.." he said slowly while smirking, "Touch Kail.. And you're dead" he said.

I shoved his body back, but he just shoved me back harder making my back hit the wall, I groaned in pain but he just stared at me.

"Look here, I'm not the type to get in fights.. Usually.. I just kill the person I hate.. It's easier if you ask me.." he stated.

"I... Don't care.." I breathe out, "I like Kail okay? But I know she's with Sehun.. Oh Sehun. The guy that took my previous girlfriend from me, Sun ah. Kim Sun ah.. I hated him for so long. I pretended that I didn't know him at the hotel. He forgot about me already. I don't blame him. I'm over it. I just want him to apologize." 

He held onto my collar and pushed me into the wall again, "You want him to say sorry for something he already forgot about?!" he growled.

"Yes." I replied.

He raised his hands but something stopped him. 

I looked to see everyone else standing there and Sehun holding Kyungsoo's hand back.

"Sun ah wasn't worth it" Sehun said to me, I could tell he was being truthful. He stared at me with regret and anger, mixed.

Kail stood there with a confused look on her face.

"Jinyoung." I looked at Sehun again, "I'm sorry for taking Sun ah away from you." He said once more.

Kyungsoo pulled his hand back and moved closer to me, "Got what you wanted right? Now you can leave." he growled and walked away, to the others.

~Kail's P.O.V~  

What's going on? I've never seen Kyungsoo like this.. I'm so confused.. 

I walked up to Kyungsoo, "Calm down okay?" I whispered.

He ruffled his hair and sighed heavily.

I looked at him with pleading eyes and he sighed and nodded.

I turned around and walked up to Jinyoung. Sehun held my hand but I shook it off and walked closer to him.

"You're forgiven." I said.

I was about to walk away but Jinyoung grabbed my hand, and instantly a hand was on Jinyoung's wrist.


"Chanyeol.. It's fine." I said to him, he moved his hand slowly and glared at Jinyoung. 

"Don't touch her." Chanyeol growled and stepped back.

Jinyoung sighed and dropped my hand.

"Why did you forgive me?" he asked.

"I know now... Why you did it.. It's fine. I understand.." I said softly.

He stared at me for a minute before smiling slightly, "Thank you..." he said softly.

I smiled and hugged him and he hugged back. I broke the hug and walked back to the others.

"Did you guys pack everything?" Lay asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Pack for what?" Chen asked blankly.

"We're going home today you idiot" Kyungsoo smacked him.

"Oohh........." he nodded with a confused look on his face but then his eyes widened, "Oh shit!" he yelled and ran up the stairs.

I laughed and Suho yelled at him, "Language!!!" 

Everyone walked upstairs to pack and Jinoyung said goodbye.

He said that we'll hang out some time but I'm sure when.

I sighed and finished packing my bag and I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"Don't tell me.. You stopped loving me" Sehun's voice spoke.

I smiled and turned around in his arms.

I pecked his lips and he smiled and kissed me with all the passion he had.

I kissed back until..

"Hey hey guys you can do 'that' when we get home." Luhan's voice spoke.

Sehun threw a pillow at Luhan and he ran away laughing.

I giggled and we went downstairs to hangout before leaving.

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