Chapter 68. So Much Can Happen In One Night.

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~Kail's P.O.V~   

"Kail can you be my mom and Sehun will be my dad??" Chen asked me with puppy eyes.

"Chen you're older than me.." Sehun chuckled.

"Ah tah chhh shhhh--' Chen shushed Sehun as he placed his fingers on Sehun's lips.


"Nae Appa?" Chen answered and he sat on Sehun's lap and smiled.

Sehun rolled his eyes, "Don't call me appa" he mumbled and pushed Chen off of his lap.

"Eomma~ Appa's being mean!" Chen pouted as he got up and rubbed his butt.

"Aw come here ChenChen" I cooed while opening my arms.

Instead of hugging me, Chen sat down on me making me grunt in pain, "Owww Chen get off~!" I groaned.

"Chen you'll kill her!" Kai exclaimed as he sat down on Sehun's lap.

"Hyung get off!" Sehun pouted as he pushed Kai but Kai just stayed still.

"Chen get off of me or else I'll call Kyungsoo and Xiumin" I groaned as his ass bone poked me.

He quickly stood up and pouted, walked over to Sehun and Kai and sat on Kai who was on Sehun making him groaned in pain.

"KYUNGSOO!!!" I called loudly making the two boy instantly bolt up and Sehun sighed in relief.

"Wha-Kail you evil little-"

"What?!" Kyungsoo yelled from upstairs, cutting Kai off.

"Kai is harassing me!" I shouted.

Soon enough, opening of doors, yelling, pouting, running and falling took place.

"How come you didn't tell on me?" Chen asked cutely.

"Ah you're too cute.." I mumbled.

"Yeheyyy ~ she called me cute!" Chen exclaimed as he flipped his imaginary hair and stuck a pose.

"She said cute not constipated.. " Sehun muttered as he got up and kissed my cheek.

"Be right back Jagi" he smiled and walked upstair.

As soon as Sehun left the front door burst open and Luhan came marching in and he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen.

"Luhan what the heck?!" I exclaimed. 

"What? I'm hungry.." He mumbled.

"So?" I blunted.

"COOK ME FOOD WOMAN!" he exclaimed in a deep voice.

"Chanyeooooollllll" I called.

"WHAT?!" he shouted in my ear making me jump a mile.

"Holy sh-" Luhan cut me off.

"CRAP CHANYEOL DON'T DO THAT!" he yelled while holding his chest.

"When did you get here??" I asked him.

"Uh.. About a minute ago?" he said casually, "Now.. Where were we... Oh yeah right.. WHAT?!" he shouted once more which made both me and Luhan jump back holding our chest.

"Chanyeol stop shouting!" Suho's voice shouted from somewhere around the house.

"Is it just me or is it that everytime I ask or do something, I hear Suho's angelic voice...?" I asked.

"It's just you, But I always hear Suho's annoying, kill-me-now voice all around this house" Chanyeol replied as he drank some juice.

Luhan laughed, "Yeah, that dude is weirdddd"

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