Chapter 21. I can't talk to you anymore..

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I woke and stretched my arms and legs before getting off of the bed. 

I walked into the bathroom and did my business. I took a bath and brushed my teeth and I threw my hair up in a tight ponytail.

I don't wear make-up so I don't have any. Just saying. 

I walked into the living room to see Jinyoung, Sandeul, Baro, CNU and Gongchan.

"Morning sleepy head" Jinyoung said to me.

"Hey, Morning." I replied.

I walked over to Baro and CNU and I just laid myself down on them since they're taking up the whole couch. 

"What about me?" Jinyoung pouted.

"You're on the floor T_T" I said. He pouted more but then turned his attention to Sandeul who was currently walking to the kitchen.

"Hey Sandeul can you get me some cereal?" Jinyoung called out to him.

"You have legs right?" he called back.

Jinyoung muttered something under his breath and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Bring me some too please!" I called behind him.

He nodded and entered the kitchen.

"Channy why are you playing with my hair?" I asked Gongchan who was currently taking the band out of my hair.

"It's pretty.. and long.." he said. I sighed but didn't say anything and he started braiding it.

"Gongchan get off of me." CNU told him.

"Hold on, I wanna braid her hair." He said ever so calmly.

I was about to get up but he pulled me back down. 

"Hold on I'm almost done." he said to me.

I sighed and waited till he was finished and then I got up.

I heard CNU sigh in relief as Gongchan got off of him. 

I chuckled. "What's taking them so long?" I asked mostly myself.

"I gotta go. I'm hanging out with Kris today." CNU said while getting up.

"Exo's Kris?" I asked him. He nodded and walked out of the door. Weird. o.O

Jingyoung and Sandeul walked out of the kitchen chuckling.

"What are you too laughing about?" Baro asked them. I got up and took a bowl of cereal from Jinyoung. 

"Nothing. Sandeul slipped on some milk and fell down in the kitchen" Jinyung said.

Baro chuckled and took a bowl from Sandeul. We all sat down watching TV while eating.

"I'm bored...." I whined. "Same here..." Sandeul and Baro said at the same time.

"Aish... I have to take care of 3 kids today.. T_T Where's CNU anyways?" Jinyoung asked.

"He left to go hangout with Kris." Baro replied.

"Exo's Kris?" he asked. I nodded and he just had on a confused facial.

My phone rang and I got a text from Baekhyun.


From: Baek <3

To: Kail <3

           Hey, Wanna hang out with me and Xiumin hyung today? By the way, I'm not mad at you.. I was just jealous I guess.. Mian.

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