Chapter 69. Angry Luhan.

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~Kail's P.O.V~   

I felt like the whole world came crumbling down on me. I felt betrayed. I felt cheated. I felt angry. I felt used. I felt regret. I felt disappointment. I felt sadness. I felt like dying.

Right now, here I am sitting in Kyungsoo's room, still crying my eyes out. It's 9:15am and this is all I've been doing. There's nothing else I can do. It hurts so much.

How could he do this to me? And seriously? I find out about this.. the same night he proposed to me. The same night he told me that he can't explain how much he loves me. 

But now I know that it was all a lie! Everything he said to me was fake! LIES! Nothing but useless words to him. He's a jerk. I can't believe I fell in love with someone like that.. 

I feel so betrayed.. Like I was nothing to him.. Did he really love me? Did he really care for me? Am I over reactin- OF COURSE NOT KAIL! He had sex with another girl! And.. And recorded it? Kept it in the same room that we both slept in, every night. It was so close to me. 

How could I not know?

December 17th? I can't even remember that day clearly. Just like any other random day. I can't believe he did this to me. After all we've been through together.. Why did he save me from Derek? Why did he tell me he loves me? Why did he act like he cares for me when the truth is that he couldn't care less about me?

Why does this hurt so much? Oh maybe it's because I LOVE HIM. >_< I hate this feeling. I really feel like dying right now. 

Maybe I should die. I'm suicidal anyways, and everyone knows it.. so there's no hiding it right? And besides, I've already tried to kill myself alot of times but that bastard keeps saving me. Well you know what Sehun?! You can't fucking save me now!

"Fuck you!!" I screamed as tears flowed from my eyes like a waterfall. 

"Kail!" Kyungsoo exclaimed as he ran into the room with worry written all over his face.

As he saw how much I was crying. More than before. he quickly ran over to me and embraced me in a tight yet gentle hug.

I held onto his polo shirt as he rubbed my back soothingly and I cried so hard that footsteps were already heard running into the room.

"Kail?" Kyungsoo said softly after I calmed down a bit.

I whimpered softly, still gripping tightly onto his polo shirt.

 "Hey.." a voice said softly as he lifted my chin and turned me around to face him slowly, Xiumin.

"It's oka-"

"Stop saying that! That's all you guys have been saying ever since I saw that shit! Please just shut up!" I cried.

"Kail.." Kyungsoo breathe as I turned me back around and pulled me into another tight hug and I just cried.

"I'm leaving...." I cried into his chest.

I felt his body stiffen and I felt myself being pulled away from him.

"What the hell are you talking about?! " Lay asked as he held my shoulders and looked at me but I just looked down.

 "Lay. She's not leaving. She can't leave." Chanyeol said and Lay let go of me but was still looking at me. So was everyone else.

"Stop staring at me.." I said softly.

"Kail you're sleeping with me tonight" Chanyeol said as the other guys just nodded in agreement but I shook my head.

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