Chapter 7.

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I pulled back blushing as he smiled at me. I couldn't explain that feeling. It wasnt like any other kiss I've ever had. It was different. Too different.

"Did you feel it?" he whispered as he placed his huge warm hand on my cheek.

"I.." I was lost for words. What do I say? Do I tell him how it felt or should I just shrug it off.

"The fireworks.." he whispered looking into my eyes.

"Sehun.." I breathed out as he stared into my eyes,

"I like you Kail.. I really do." he says not daring to take his eyes off of me.

I close my eyes and breathe out. I'll just say it. He's not like Derek. I shouldn't be scared to confess, besides, he confessed first. I mentally facepalmed before looking back at him. Here I go,

" I lik-" As if on cue, I was instantly cut off by shouting.

"YOU KISSED HER!" Chanyeol's voice boomed throughout the house. I heard a crashing noise and my eyes widened. Before I could think of anything I dashed out of the room and ran towards the room they were in.


I ran to Lay's room and saw a smashed vase on the floor. Sehun ran in behind me with a confused yet concerned look etched across his features.

"Chanyeol" I called but he just kept yelling at Lay.

"I COULD KILL YOU!" Chanyeol shouted, raising his fist as if threatening him.

"Guys!" I said a bit louder.

"I SAID I'M SORRY!" Lay yelled, Chanyeol raised his hand even more to hit Lay.

I ran in the stop him but I stepped on the pieces of glass that were shattered on the ground and instantly felt a sharp pain shoot up into my foot.

I screamed and fell foward not being able to stand the pain, but luckily I fell in the clean part of the room. Chanyeol stopped mid way and looked my direction, tears pricked my eyes and started falling in slow streams as my foot atarted burning. The three boys instantly ran over to me and Sehun picked me up before taking me to his room and laying me on his soft bed, even the warmth of his comforter wasnt easing the pain. I hissed as Lay came forward and lifted my foot. I watched with a blurry vision as he examined it and Sehun went to the bathroom for the first aid kit while Lay took my foot and sat on the bed before gently placing it in his lap.

"There's a piece of glass in there" he stated as Sehun came in with the first aid kit and handed it to Lay. He took out some tweezers and a Cotton. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to see any of this.

"Shh..." Sehun whispered as Lay gripped the piece of glass with the tweezers. I whimpered as he pulled it out and instantly pressed the cotton to my cut. Sehun hugged me tightly as I cried silently into his chest and Lay cleaned my foot and then wrapped it with some bandages.

"Thanks you Lay.." I whispered as I calmed down.

"It's fine Kail." Lay told me as he massaged my foot.

"I'm gonna go clean up the mess" Chanyeol said and walked out rubbing his nape with a guilty look set on his face.

"W-wait!" I said, he stopped and turned around.

"Hmm?" he asked.

"Come here" I said, he looked at me confusedly and walked closer to me.

"Lean foward" I whispered, Sehun and Lay looked confused as Chayeol just looked shocked.

"what n-" He was cut off when I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For w-what?" he stuttered, his cheek turning pink.

"For everything. All of you" I said looking at them.

" No need to thank us Kail" Chanyeol smiled. I nodded and he walked out after bidding a goodbye.

I let out a huge yawn and the two guys burst out laughing, "What was that?" Lay asked while trying to contain his laughter.

I pouted.

"That sounded like a bear yawn." Sehun laughed.

"Stop laughing at me!" I whined while pouting. They continued their laughing fit so I decided to play a little game with them, "You guys are so mean.." I said and sniffled a little so they'd think I'm crying. I held my head low so they won't see my face.

"No no don't cry, we were just kidding." Sehun said.

"Leave me alone.." I 'cried'.

"Kail we're sorry, we didn't mean to laugh at you" Lay said, his voice scared and wavering. I continued to 'cry'.

"See what you did Lay?!" Sehun said to Lay.

"Wha- You laughed first!" Lay retorted.

"Actually you did!" Sehun sassed.

"You called her a bear!" Lay said.

"I didn't call her a bear! I said she sounded like one! There's a difference hyung!" Sehun said.

"You made her cry!" Lay whisper/shouted.

"No I didn't! You did!" sehun whisper/shouted back.

"N-" I burst out laughing because I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Idiots!" I yelled between my laughter.

"HEY!" the two of them chorused.

"Get out, I wanna sleep." I giggled, trying to stop. They mumbled profanities under their breaths while walking out. "I heard that!" I shouted.

"NOTHING!" They chorused and ran outside. These boys act like their 5 year olds, I'm already getting attached.

Not long after they left, I fell into a peaceful sleep filled with unicorns and rainbows. And ramen. And chocolate. And bunnies. And ice-cream. An- I think you get it now.

I fell asleep.

The end.
Just kidding.



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