Chapter 4.

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As we arrived at the front of the house. I unbuckled my seat belt and went around the car to the passenger side.

"Kail, Hey wake up" I whispered and shook her gently.

She grunted and shifted on the seat. I let out a small chuckle at her cuteness and poked her again.

"Kail come on"

"Leave me alone.." She mumbled, still sleeping.

"Kail wake up" I poked her one last time.

She groaned and her eyes fluttered open. "Sehun?" she murmured.

"Yes?" I answered while unbuckling her seat belt.

"Where am I?" She asked looking around as she rubbed her eyes.

"My house." I stated simply.

I got up as she looked at me like I was crazy.

I raised a brow, "Aren't you coming?"

"I'll wait out here." She said smiling softly. I chuckled and walked back to her. I picked her up bridal style and started walking towards the door.

I'm surprised she didn't yell at me or flinch in any way. She just smiled at me. I smiled back at her and got out my key for the door. I tried sticking it in the key hole but it wouldn't fit. I sighed and knocked. "why are you knocking on your own door?" She asked me in and I looked at her spotting a bit of amusement in her eyes.

"I live with 11 other guys." I told her. Her eyes widened at my words.

"A-are you-"

I cut her off, "I'm not gay." She sighed in relief but then her face went back to looking confused. "Their my best friends." I answered before she could ask. Her mouth formed an 'o' and she nodded.

I knocked on the door and then it opened, Lay stood there looking at us. I cleared my throat and he looked startled. He opened the door wider and I saw all 10 other guys sitting in the living room watching tv. We stepped in and all attention were on us.

I cleared my throat again and everyone stood up. "Guys.. This is Kail. A friend from school." I introduced her. They all started introducing themselves.


Chanyeol~~ Well hello there. It's nice seeing you again. I'm Chanyeol.

Baekhyun~~ Hello! I'm Baekhyun. It's a pleasure meeting you. I hope we can become great friends.

Luhan~~ Hello there. I'm Luhan. We should hangout sometime.

Chen~~ Hello I'm Chen! You can call me ChenChen--' you're hot.. So hot-

Lay~~ Sup. I'm Lay. I'm 18. We will all get along great.

Kai~~ Hey babe. I'm Jongin. You can call me Kai. Don't stare for too long. My beauty is hard to handle.

Tao~~ Hi. I'm Tao. It;s nice meeting you. I think your beautiful and I think the boys agree with me. They keep staring.

Suho~~ Hey! Wanna date-

Kyungsoo~~ Hey. I'm Kyungsoo. You can call me D.O It's nice meeting you.

Xuimin~~ Hello! I'm Xiumin. You can call me Umin. As luhannie said. We should hang out.

Kris~~ Hey i'm Wu Yi fan. You can call me Wu Yi Fan



That was...Sweet, weird, scarey, Etc.

I let out a huge yawn without knowing and then clamped my hand over my mouth as a small blush crept up onto my cheeks.

"Tired? Come on you can rest in the guest room." D.O said as he walked up to me and took my hand. I nodded and followed him upstairs to the guest room.

My eyes widened when I saw how huge the room was.

"Woah" I breathe. It was all i could say at the time.

"I know it's not much but please make yourself at home." He stated and turned to leave.

I shook my head "It's amazing!" He chuckled and then left to go downstairs.

This should be interesting....



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