Chapter 52. Help! We need help!!!

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~Sandeul's P.O.V~   

"Dude~!!!" I yelled at Luhan who's foot was currently on my chest.

He groaned and shifted, kicking me in my face in the process.

I groaned and pushed his foot off of me but he just swung it back in the same position.

I shook him and he mumbled something but I could still make it out.

"Get out..."

I checked the time to see that it was online 5:17am.

I sighed and stood up.

I walked to a random room and opened it.

I saw someone laying there with the cover over their head and I pulled the cover down to see that it was Tao.

I pulled the pillow out from under his head and I laid on the couch in his room falling asleep instantly.

~Gongchan's P.O.V~   

I sighed and shifted on the bed, feeling as if something was watching me.

I shifted once more feeling uncomfotable.

I snapped open my eyes when I felt someone hug me.


My eyes literally rounded when I saw it was D.O, Kail's scarey friend.

"Uhh... Dude?" I poked him and he started snoring.

I scrunched up my face in disgust and I tried shifting away from him.

"Gross..." I muttered.

His eyes snapped open making me jump up.

"Did I hug you?" he asked.

"Yes..." I answered.

"Did I snore?" he asked.

"Yes..." I answered once more.

"Did I scare you?" he asked.

"Yes..." I answered.

"Good. Tell anyone about this and you're dead." he said to me seriously and he went back to sleep.

I gulped and got up.

I walked out of the room and walked to the room Jinyoung was staying in.

~Jinyoung's P.O.V~     

"Jin....Jinyoung... Jin!" someone whispered while poking my harshly.

"What?!" I groaned while hitting the person with a pillow.

"It's me. Gongchan. Can I sleep here?" he asked.

I sighed and shifted a little bit so he could lay down.

"Thanks bro" he said and I felt the bed sink.

"No hugging.." I said as I was drifting back into my sleep.


~Kail's P.O.V~    

"Did you guys sleep well?" I asked as we were sitting around the dining table eating breakfast.





"I dunno.."

"I'm tired.."

"Are you gonna eat that?" Xiumin asked Baro as he was poking his meat.

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