Chapter 6.

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Every night, one of us guys have to sleep in Kail's room. She agreed to stay with us. She's always getting those nightmares. I'm getting more worried by the minute. We need to stop this.But how? I have to help her.


"STOP! STOP IT!" I heard Kail's screams, I got up ran to her room. I saw Sehun and Chanyeol already there.

"She won't wake up!" Sehun yelled, I ran over to her and started shaking her.

"Kail wake up!" Chanyeol yelled, she just continued screaming and crying.

I looked at the two guys yelling for her to wake up, Sehun's eyes were filling with tears and Chanyeol had a worried look plastered to his face. "S-sehun please don't do it.." She started whispering, the tears that were in Sehun's eyes started falling.

"SEHUN PLEASE!" She screamed, she started coughing and gagging, my eyes widened and I picked her up from laying position and I put her to sit, her head leaning on the wall, I pat her back and she slowly stopped coughing.

"WHY IS SHE STILL ASLEEP?!" Chanyeol shouted, Baekhyun and Luhan ran into the room and their eyes widened at the scene.


I saw Sehun, Luhan and Lay. They're not who I thought they were. They hurt me.


I flew up panting and gasping for air, I looked around the room and saw five different pairs of eyes staring at me filled with concern, Fake. Lies. I screamed and jumped up off the bed and ran to the door, it was closed so I ran to the corner without thinking twice.

They all stared at me as if I'm going insane.

"Kail?" Sehun whispered, he walked up to me and I flinched.

"Kail what's wrong?" Luhan asked walking forward with Lay, Chanyeol and Baekhyun trailing behind.

"Stay away from me." I begged, their eyes widened and Lay stepped up.

"Why? Kail why are you scared of us?" he asked looking me straight in my eyes.

"Y-you're all k-" he cut me off.

"Whatever you dreamt about isn't true Kail. We would never hurt you." he exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air, I flinched thinking he'd hit me.

"Please" I begged, I shut my eyes not wanting to see what was going to take place.

Instead of feeling the burning sensation on my cheek I felt someone hug me, tight. It was warm. I opened my eyes to see that it was Lay hugging me. I tried moving my hands to push him off but I couldn't find the strength, I let him hug me and after a while I relaxed. Baekhyun and Luhan left the room already so I remained with Chanyeol, Lay and Sehun.

"Are you okay now?" Lay whispered in my ear, I felt shivers through my body as he said that, I nodded and he helped me up.

"I'm sorry." I whispered softly but loud enough for the three guys to hear me.

"Why?" Chanyeol asked.

"For being like this. I shouldn't have stayed here." I whispered.

"No. Kail we're glad you're here, We've actually never been happier." Sehun told me, the corners of his mouth tugging up.

Chanyeol nodded in agreement, "I agree, You can never be a bother, Youre like a sister to us all. " he said while smiling slightly.

I smiled back at the two boys slightly, "Derek's going to kill me.." I muttered under my breathe.

"What was that?" Chanyeol asked, I shook my head instantly indicating that it was nothing but Sehun and Lay saw through it.

"Kail. What did you just say?" Lay said cautiously, I shook my head again.

"Nothing." I whispered slightly wincing as if someone was about to hit me.

"Kail we're not going to hit you, tell us, what was it?" Sehun said while walking up to me.

I sighed, "I said that.. Derekisgoingtokillme..." I replied saying the last few words fast.

The three boys looked at me in confusion, "Kail...." Lay said, "Talk slower for us please.."

I nodded, "I said Derek. Is. Goingtokillme..." I said.

"Kail stop that, tell us." Chanyeol said while looking at me intently.


"Kail why w-" Sehun got cut off by Lay crashing his lips onto mine, my eyes widened and so did chanyeol's, Sehun's eyes were burning with fury, Lay pulled back and whispered a small "I'm so sorry" before running out of the room.

I heard Lay's room door slam shut so I know he ran into his room, "I'm going to go check up on him.." Chanyeol muttered and walked out of the room.

I looked at Sehun and thought for a while, I hesitated for a while but soon enough I walked up to him, "Sehun?" I asked, no answer, "Sehun?" I said putting my hand on his hand, he looked up at me and then looked at my hand on his.

"I'm going to kill him" he muttered, he started walking out of the room but I grabbed his hands, he turned around and looked at me.

"Please.." I said, looking him in the eyes, pure fury. He looked at me for a while, straight into my eyes, "Please..." I said once more, his eyes softened and he walked up to me, he put his hand up to my face and wiped away the tears that I didn't even know were falling.

"Stop crying.." he whispered in my ear, he kissed my ear and then my cheek, I felt the heat rising.

"Sorry.." I said.

"Don't be.." he whispered once more before placing his lips on mine, I felt sparks go off as his lips moved on mine and soon enough I caught myself kissing him back.

But there's just one thing. I felt this exact feeling with Lay.


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