Chapter 27. Chen?

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I woke up and looked around the strange room that I'm in. All of the memories of what happened yesterday came flooding into my mind.

Derek.. He came.. Suho.. Suho and Chen.. Are they okay? 

My head hurt from thinking so much. The last thing I remembered was being drugged and thrown in the back of a black van. 

Please.. Please, please someone please help me.. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a door opening and someone walking in. 

As the figure walked closer to me, I could make out the face. 







He walked up to me while staring at me with a look of disgust on his face.

"I should've killed you when I got the chance" he spat.

"What did I ever do to you Derek?!" I asked, feeling a boost of confidence. I know that won't last for long.

"Oh? She's talking back now? I think I'll have to take care of that, right?" he said while chuckling.

He raised his hand and I was about to put my hands up to my face when I realised they were tied. 

I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek and then another on my other cheek right after. Tears pricked my eyes and I couldn't help but let them fall.

He chuckled and pulled out his phone. He tied and cloth around my mouth held the phone up to my face. I heard a clicking noise and then he walked out of the room. My cheeks were still burning and tears were stilling falling from my eyes. 

I just want to get out of here.. Please.. Please someone help me...

~Sehun's P.O.V~ 

I couldn't sleep at all last night. The police are no help.. They just say, 'Son, we're doing the best we can' or 'We'll send out a search team' But they never do the best they can and they never send out a search team. >\\\<

Right now all of us are sitting outside, trying to get Chen to talk to us. 

"ChenChen please... Say something.." Tao cried. 

Chen just sat there. Tears were falling from Tao's and Luhan's eyes. 

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun aren't talking either. They talk sometimes but only replies, like, 'yes' or 'no'

I need to stay strong. For Kail. I have to find her.

"Chen come on.. Please talk to us." Luhan whispered. Too weak to talk. I just sat there. Watching. With tears in my eyes. Chen looks so... Dead..  

While Tao and Luhan were trying to get Chen to talk, Chanyeol was trying to get Baekhyun to talk to him and Xiumin tried getting Kyungsoo to talk to him. 

Luhan's my best friend but I just can't... do anything right now.. 

"Baek, hey, Kail's gonna be fine.. Don't shut us out now.." Chanyeol said while holding Baekhyun cheek. Baekhyun just shook his head and tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Baek please.." Chanyeol begged.

"Kyungsoo" Xiumin whispered.

D.O sat there, staring at.... Me..? I looked at him and he just stared at me. I couldn't tell what expression he held. 

Xiumin sighed and shook Kyungsoo's shoulders. Right about now, everyone were crying. 

"Chen" I called. 

He didn't say anything. I got up and walked up to where he was sitting. Tao got up and I sat down where he was sitting and I faced Chen. "Chen" I called him, again, nothing. 

I shook his shoulders and he still didn't reply. I sighed and the tears from my eyes started falling. My friends are all broken now.. I don't know what to do.. 

My phone vibrated and I sighed. It must be one of the police officers, I took out the phone and I saw it was a text from an unknown number.

I opened the text and I know that the tears were falling from my eyes even more. 

It was a picture of Kail. Tears falling from her eyes like a waterfall. Red marks on her cheeks and blood on her lip. I couldn't bear it. 

I let out a loud sob and I couldn't stop from there. I cried really hard. Luhan came to me, "Sehun son't cry.." Luhan said, tears falling from his eyes. 

"L-Luhan.." I cried. I know I'm sounding weak and that's probably because I am. I can't help it. I've lost all energy in my body. I need my best friend right now. I need my girlfriend right now. 

"Sehun ah please d-don't cry" Luhan cried softly. I could tell he was trying to stop crying. I gave him my phone and he took it. 

"K-kail.." he whispered. That got the guys' attentions and they got up and walked towards us. They all looked at the phone.

Tao cried even more and Kai tried to calm him down but he just cried more, "Calm down tao, we'll find her" Kris told the sad boy.

"N-no Kris. Stop lying. We're here right now doing nothing. When we could have been out there doing something!" Tao cried out while pointing to the door.

"Tao the polic-" Lay started but tao cut him off, "I don't care what they say Lay!" he yelled.

Suho got up and hugged Tao. He just cried his eyes out, burying his face in Suho's chest. Suho soothed him and  hugged him while he was crying.

I heard a thumping noise and it seems like the other guys heard it too because their attentions turned to the noise. 

"Chen!" Chanyeol exclaimed, we crowded around the boy's stiff body.  

 "Kai call the abulance! He's not breathing!" Lay screamed.


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