Chapter 11.

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~Kail's P.O.V~  


I groaned as I flop down on the bed. My face hit the pillow and I groaned again,


I'm so tired. These boys are annoying the crap outta me. Heck, I can't even go to the bathroom without one of them following me. Why can't they just give me space? I'm a girl for gods sake. I need space.

I'm surprised they let me go in my bedroom alone. I got up and headed towards the bathroom then quickly stripped from my clothes and hopped into the shower.

What is with these boys and being so clingy? I sighed and reached for the shower knob before turning it and instantly feeling my tense muscles relaxing under the warm water.

"Ah.." I sighed in relaxation. I quickly finished up and got out.

I could feel the cuts on my wrist slightly stinging but I ignored it and threw on some sweats and an over sized shirt that I stole from Kyungsoo. 

I threw my hair up in a messy bun and walked downstairs. I saw 11 guys in the living room.

"Where's Kyungsoo?" I asked, walking to sit next to Sehun and Suho.

"Kitchen" Xiumin said with a mouth filled with god knows what.

Chanyeol threw a pillow at him and it hit him straight in the face,

"Don't talk with your mouth full" Chanyeol scolded.

I giggled and got up,

"Where ya goin?" Chen asked standing up as well.

He was right next to me so I placed my hands on his chest and leaned towards him, the other guys stared at us dumb founded. I got on my toes before looking at his eyes mischeiviously watching as his eyes widened. I giggled and pushed him to the couch leaving him looking shocked.

"Stop following me ChenChen." I said and walked towards the kitchen, the boys burst out laughing and when I entered the kitchen the noise faded a bit but I could still hear them teasing Chen. I smiled and picked up and strawberry from the table and plopping it into my mouth.

"What are they laughing at?" D.O asked while handing me a glass of water, I gladly accepted it and thanked him. I told him what happened and he chuckled,

We walked out of the kitchen to living room and we saw the guys all laughing at Tao and Luhan wrestling on the floor.

"Suho! Control your kid!" D.O said while sitting down next to Kai and Kris.

I burst out laughing, "His kid?" I said while trying to catch my breath, Baekhyun chuckled and said,

"Yep! Tao's like his son and he's like his mom!" that made me laugh more if possible. I settled down after a while and wiped the tears from my eyes.

I walked over to Xiumin and sat on his legs since he was laying on the couch. He didn't even flinch or look, I pinched his leg and he jolted up and his eyes widened, he looked at me for a minute and then pouted.

He looked like he was about to cry. My eyes widened,

"N-no Umin I didn't mean to make you cry." I stuttered, The guys turned to us and looked at us as if they were watching a movie. Xiumin sniffed and looked away from me, "Umin.." I said.

He didn't look at me, "Umin Oppa?" I said while doing aegyo, his eyes widened, and the other guys' too.

"Yeah .."  he stammered, I smiled and said,

"I didn't mean to make you cry, sorry oppa." I said still using aegyo.

"It's f-fine" he said. 

I smiled in triumphant and then looked around, all of the guys' jaws are dropped. I blushed and cleared my throat and they snapped back to reality.

I nudged Sehun and he looked at me,

"I'm bored." I said,

"W-" he was cut off,

"POOL PARTY!" Chen and Baekhyun yelled at the same time,

"Well, Pool party it is.." Sehun muttered, I looked at him with a confused expression and he shook his head. 

I sighed, but nodded and got up to go upstairs, "I'll go change. I'll meet you guys at the pool?" I asked, they all nodded and I walked upstairs to change. They have a pool in their back yard.. How much money do they have? I don't see any of them working..

 I walked into my room and looked around for my two piece swim suit. I finally found it and I stripped from my sweats and D.O's shirt. I threw on the swim suit and got a towel. 

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. I had scars all over my body. My stomach has a long scar going from my chest to my belly button, that was not self-inflicted. It was from Derek. The rest of the scars were from self harm and I never thought I would regret it so much.

I sighed and got a long black baggy jeans and a long sleeved button up shirt. I can't let them see the scars. Especially Sehun, Xiumin and Baekhyun. I don't know why but they're just more protective over me. 

I didn't notice tears were falling from my eyes until I felt something wet drip onto my hand that was placed on my stomach. I quickly wiped the tears and went into the bathroom once more to wash my face. I turned on the pipe and splashes some water into my face before drying it with a towel. I finished and grabbed my towel then walked downstairs and out the back door to see all of the guys shirtless and in the pool. I'd blush but I don't know why I didn't. I'm not in the mood i guess. I sighed once more but silently and walked over to the chairs. I sat on one and just watched the guys in the pool. I don't think they even noticed me yet.

"Hey! Kail why are you wearing jeans? " Chen asked and that got the other guys' attention. They all looked at me with puzzled faces. I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm not gonna be swimming today guys" I said. 

Sehun got out of the water and walked over to me. He took the towel from my hands and gave me a confused look,

"Why bring the towel if you're not gonna be joining us in the pool?" he asked.

"I just-  I don't know Sehun. I just don't want to join." I said not looking at him.

He held my chin and lifted my face to look at him. Even though the boys are staring, I couldn't blush or crack a smile.

I didn't even know I was crying until he wiped a tear away from my cheek.

I sniffed, "Sehun, don't worry about me. I'm just tired is all. " I said while trying smile.

"Don't lie Kail" he whispered, "Don't lie to me.. " I sniffed again and nodded, "Truth" he said once more. 

"I have scars" I whispered, more tears started falling from my eyes and I couldn't control myself. I started crying hard and Sehun hugged me,

"Shh.. Don't cry Kail. It breaks my heart seeing you cry.." he whispered. 

I felt a tear hit my shoulder and that's when I pulled away from the hug, I wiped the stray tear from his cheek and he smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered,

"Don't be." He said and got up. 

"Hey Sehunnie what's wrong with Kail?" the guys got out of the pool and walked over to us and I didn't even notice them until one spoke, Luhan. Sehun looked at me and I knew what he meant, I stood up and shook my head quickly. 

Sehun sighed and walked over to me. "Tell them or I will. Remember what Baek said." He whispered in my ear. I sighed and nodded.

I looked at Baekhyun and he looked at me with a confused face. I sighed once more and began unbuttoning my shirt.



Please feel free to comment and/or message me if you need to ask any questions or if you do not understand the story. Thank you. :)

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