Chapter 70. NoNoNo

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~Luhan's P.O.V~  

I sighed and sat down with D.O in his room waiting for Kail to finish showering so she can eat.

After seeing the video on Chen's camera I couldn't believe that it was Sehun.

Sehun would never do that kind of thing, Drunk or not.. He's not that kind of person. But I couldn't control my anger when I saw him. He's my best friend. I know how much he must be hurting right now because out of all people, I'm closest to him and I didn't even give him a full chance to explain himself.

What kind of friend am I? If I didn't leave that room I might've punched him. I'm glad I didn't. He's hurt. I can tell. He regrets it. But what he did was wrong. He needs to be punished for it..

"Hyung" D.O spoke.

"Huh?" I answer, snapping out of my thoughts.

"He's your best friend" he said.

I sighed, "I know.. But you have to admit, I'm not the only one that's mad at him.." 

He nodded and sighed, "Yeah.. I'm pretty sure that everyone's mad at him right now" 

After a moment of silence, D.O spoke up once more.

"We should do something to make her happy.. " he said and I looked at him.

"Yeah, I remember her saying that she loves just spending time with the 12 of us, but.. 11 now I guess." I agreed.

He nodded, "Yeah... I'll go talk to the others." he said and I just nodded and smiled slightly.

He nodded and walked out of the room.

"Kail are you done yet??" I called.

"Um yeah just one second" she replied.

I pursed my lips and didn't bother replying and I just waiting until finally the bathroom door swung open and Kail came out wearing a ripped jeans and a loose shirt while drying her hair.

"O-oh where's Kyungsoo oppa?" she asked.

 "He just went to talk to the other guys. He'll be back in a bit. Come on lemme help you dry your hair" I smiled at her.

"I-it's okay Luhan.. I can do it myself" she smiled softly.

"Come on" I pouted and she nodded slowly walking over to me.

"Kail why are you acting as if I'm gonna bite you?" I asked her as I stood up and took the towel from her hands.

She didn't reply and I just sighed and threw the towel over her entire head and started ruffling it.


I cut her off, "Almost done" 

After I finished, I removed the towel and gasped, "K-Kail ah.." I mumbled.

She quickly picked up her hand mirror and gasped, "Look what you did!" she exclaimed annoyingly.

"Sorry.." I said as I handed her a brush and she took it from me and sighed.

"It's fine.." she mumbled and I just pouted and sat on the bed watching her brush her hair that went  wild. 

After about 20 minutes of her brushing her hair she finally finished and I admit, it looked beautifulllll~ <3 .... wait what? 

"Good, you're done.. Eat your food now so we can go downstairs" I told her and she nodded and started eating her food that was placed on D.O's bedside.

~2 hours later~  Kail's P.O.V~ 

"Kail" Chen called seriously.

It's weird seeing Chen this serious. He's been this way since.. That.

"Hm?" I replied as I looked up at him.

Only to see him wearing a pink fluffy skirt along with Kai, Tao and Baekhyun. 


He cut me off, "Music!" he exclaimed as he clapped twice and 'No No No by aPink' started playing.

The four of them started dancing to the song and they knew the whole thing by heart.

I couldn't help but smile at them, seeing them with pink fluffy skirts on and dancing to a fuzzy, cute and bubbly song is just so damn funny.

Soon enough I burst out laughing as they ended the song with girly yet sexy poses. 

"Yaaayyy she's laughing!" Suho cooed as the others smiled in triumph. 

Chen smiled and sat down next to me, panting and I could tell he was worn out.

"Thirsty?" I asked him along with Tao, Kai and Baekhyun.

"Yessss" he breathe out and the three others just nodded.

 I stood up and walked into the kitchen and I heard someone enter right after me but I didn't bother looking to see who it is.

I got some cups and filled them with water, I put some ice blocks in it to keep it cool and I was about to put them on a tray to carry but as I turned around I saw huge eyes staring right back at me.

Him: O__O

Me: o__o

Yeah.. His eyes are HUGE.

"Kyungsoo you scared me" I breathe out and he just chuckled and hugged my waist.

"I need to carry this to the others.." I said as I upwrapped his hands from around my waist.

"Kail ah.. wait" he said softly.

 "Hm?" I hummed as I looked at him curiously, "What is it?" I asked as he just sighed.

"Nothing.. I'll tell you tonight.. By the way.. Are you comfortable sleeping with me tonight?" he asked me.

 I nodded, "Yeah.. I'm okay with it.. I trust you oppa" I smiled at him and he smiled back with a little glint of happiness in his eyes.

"KAAAIIILLL HURRY UPPPP!!!" Kai whined from outside. 

Kyungsoo offered to help me with the cups of water and I gladly accepted.

 I wonder what he wanted to tell me..

 Hmn.. He said he'll tell me tonight so I'll just have to wait and see..

I shrugged as we both walked out of the kitchen and gave the water to Chen, Kai, Tao and Baek. 






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