Chapter 46. Police Station.

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~Kyungsoo's P.O.V~  

"Hey.. Umin hyung, come with me to the police station" I whispered to Xiumin.

"What? Why?" He whispered back.

"Gotta pick up Sehun" I replied.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Kail asked.

"Nothing.." Xiumin said.

She huffed and continued eating her breakfast.

"Hurry up and eat before your food gets cold" She said, we nodded and ate our food.

When we finished before everyone else, we got up and excused ourselves.

"Where are you going?" Kris asked.

"Shopping" I answered and we walked outside and into Xiumin's car.

"What did he do?" Xiumin asked.

"I have no idea.. I just got a call asking if I know an Oh Sehun and when I said yes, they told me that he's in the police station. They wouldn't tell me why until I get there." I replied.

He nodded and pulled up at the station after a while of driving.

We got out of the car and walking inside.

We walked up to the desk and a man probably in his 30's was there.

"We're here for Oh Sehun." Xiumin said.

The man nodded and called over another officer.

"Go get Oh Sehun.. He's in cell 183" he said to the officer, he nodded and walked off.

As we were waiting, in the corner of my eye, I saw some people talking.

I turned around to see Kail's friends, Baro and Sandeul.

I nudged Xiumin and I motioned for him to look there, when he looked he gave me a confused look and we walking up to them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked Baro, he turned around and was surprised to see me here.

"Oh ah. Jinyoung got into some trouble with Kail's boyfriend." Sandeul replied.

"What about you guys?" Baro asked us.

"We're here to pick up Sehun." I replied.

He nodded and an officer brought out Jinyoung right after.

He saw us and walked up the us while rubbing his wrists where the handcuffs were.

"Sehun's a life saver" he said to us.

"What did he do?" Xiumin asked.

"I was almost home when I heard my name call from across the street. I turned and saw him, he said he wanted to talk so I agreed, knowing that we had to talk sooner or later. When I went across the street, we started talking about what happened. He wasn't pissed or anything, in fact. He was calm. But then these other guys started crowding around us, ready to jump us. He lost his temper then and there and said some things that caused a fight. It was about 5 or 6 of them and only the 2 of us. But we managed to stay alive until the police showed up. The guys all scattered but Sehun and I was brought here. If it wasn't for him and his strenght, we would have lost that fight." he finished.

It took me a minute to process what he said and when I did, I nodded and smiled slightly at them and turned around. 

I still don't like him though. 

His face annoys me.

Don't judge.

I saw Sehun walking out with an officer behind him, he rubbed his wrists and when he saw us, he smiled slightly.

He walked up to us and the officer left.

We walked out of the station and into the car.

"Sehun are you crazy??" Xiumin asked the younger boy, "Losing your temper to 5 or 6 guys! If you didn't win that fight, or the police didn't show up, what do you think would have happened??" 

"Sorry hyung.." he mumbled.

"Sehun you're an ass.. You know that right?" I asked him.

"Yea.. I know." He chuckled.

I chuckled and punched his shoulder and he flinched.

"Yah... Why'd you flinch? Lemme see" I said while lifting his shirt.

"D.O what are you doing?" He asked and pulled his shirt back down.

"Tch.." I sighed and pulled his shirt up and bit and then I smacked him.

"You got beaten badly you idiot!" 

"Well the pain would go away if you would just stop slapping me!" He mumbled.

Xiumin sighed and pulled up at the house.

We got out of the car and walked up to the door.

I could see that Sehun was struggling to walk. 

He's always been one of those guys that never liked to be seen weak.

I sighed and I was about to help him, but he fell straight down and Xiumin caught him before he could hit the ground hard.

"He's out. Open the door" Xiumin said to me.

I nodded and opened the door and walked in.

"Thank god! Where have you guys be- Sehun!" Kail's voice yelled.

She ran up to us, tears already forming in her eyes.

"Don't cry Saeng. He's fine. He just needs rest." I told her.

"Lay" Xiumin called.

Lay got up and helped us carry him upstairs. 

We put him and bed and Lay started aiding his cuts and bruises.

"Kail stop crying.. He just fainted. Lay's gonna fix him right up" Baekhyun said to Kail.

I turned to see her crying and staring at Sehun's body on the bed.

I walked up to them and sat down next to her, I pulled her into a warm hug and she just kept staring at him.

She cares so much.

"Hey.. Hey Kail" I whispered.

She slowly turned to me.

"You look ugly when you cry.. You know that right?" I said softly.

She smiled slightly and pushed me softly. Tears still falling from her eyes.

"Stop crying. He's gonna be fine." I said to her.

She nodded and as Lay finished bandaging him, she laid down next to him and rested her head on his chest.

She fell asleep after a while and we walked out of the room and walked downstairs.

We talked about what happened mostly and then fell asleep one by one. On the floor and on the couches.

Even though it's noon. Everyone's tired.


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