Chapter 34. Poor Chanyeol....

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We all finished packing and we were just lazing around in the living room. 

Chen broke the TV control so we can't watch TV now and I'm SO bored. 

 "Guys when are we leaving again?" Chen asked.

"Friday"  Kris answered.

"That's tomorrow right?" he asked.

"No, it's Friday" Kris muttered.

 "Anyways.. I'm bored.." Kai groaned.

"Yah of course you are.." Kyungsoo muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kai asked.

"Nothing" Kyungsoo smirked.

"Psh whatever" Kai said and closed his eyes, leaning his head back on the couch.

"Kail you packed everything you need right?" Sehun whispered in my ear. I was currently sitting on top of him.

"Yea" I replied shortly.

"Something wrong?" he whispered.

"Nope, waeyo?" I replied.

"Nothing.. You're just quiet.." he trailed off.

I bent my head back and looked at him, "Hey I'm fine, arra?" 

He smiled and kissed my lips, I smiled and pulled away, he sighed and closed his eyes.

"Ahm you okay?" I asked.

"Yea.." he replied shortly.

 I looked to see the other boys having their own conversations other than Chanyeol and Xiumin, who were sleeping. 

I sighed and turned on his lap so that I was facing him now.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He opened his eyes and looked at me, "Nothing" he answered.

"Come on Sehun ah.. Tell me." I said.

He sighed and looked at me, "It's just that.. We never get alone time.. Like.. Private time together.." he said.

I sighed and nodded, what he said was true. We're never alone. Whenever we try to be alone, someone always disturbs us.

"You're right.. Maybe we'll have some alone time on this trip.. We can go somewhere together.. Just the two of us.." I suggested. 

He sighed and shook his head, "One of those guys might want to tag along.." 

"We can just ask them for some alone time.. It can't be that hard can it?" I asked.

Sehun looked at me, "Do you even know Chen? He'll cry. He cried when I asked him to stop playing with my hair.. And I asked him nicely!" he exclaimed softly.

I smiled and kissed his lips, "We'll think of something okay? Now don't sulk" I said to him.

He smiled slightly and kissed my lips. 

I felt myself being lifted up in the air and thrown over someone's shoulder.

"STOP KISSING" a voice boomed.


"NO!" he yelled.

He ran around the room with me on his shoulder and I screamed and grabbed onto something soft.

"LET GO OF MY ASS!" he yelled like a teenager.

I screamed when I realized that I was holding his butt and he stopped running. Me still hanging from his shoulder.

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