Chapter 78. Forest.

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~Kail's P.O.V~    

"Ugh! What is this?!" Sehun groaned.

I looked in his direction to see him stepping on something.

"Eww!" I scrunched up my face in disgust as I saw it was a dead animal.

I love animals but this just looks disgusting.

Sehun stepped back and Kai started poking it with a stick.

"Kai what are you doing?" Chanyeol chuckled as he stared at the dead animal.

"Kai stop that it's disgusting!" I yelled as I turned around, "Let's just keep walking please" 

"Kail's right, I hear water falling somewhere" Luhan said as he looked around.



"I'm tired..." Chen groaned as we started walking once more.

"There!" Luhan pointed at a beautiful river pool with water falling from the top of the mountain.

"Yeppuda~!" I cheered as I ran closer to the water.

"It looks clean to me." Baekhyun said.

"I miss technology.." Kai mumbled. 

Sehun walked closer to the water and washed his feet and hands.

"I feel like swimming" Chanyeol smiled as I felt myself floating.

"Chanyeol put me down!" I exclaimed as I squirmed in his grasp.

"Nope" he chuckled.

"Sehunnn.. Luhaaann..." I whined as I continued squirming.

"Put her down man." a familiar voice spoke.

Chanyeol dropped me but luckily I landed on my feet.

"God?" Chanyeol asked.


"YAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!" Chanyeol shouted at the top of his lungs as he gasped for air.

"HOLY SHIT YOU SCARED ME!!" Kai yelled while grasping his chest.

"Yeah what the hell?!" Chen and Luhan did the same.

Meanwhile Baekhyun and Sehun were helping Chanyeol out of the water.

Kyungsoo smirked and walked closer to us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"YAH D.O I HATE YOU!" Chanyeol shouted.

Chanyeol took off his shirt and Baekhyun took off his shirt also and offered it to Chanyeol, he gladly accepted it and glared at Kyungsoo before walking away with Baekhyun.

"We're going back to camp!" Chanyeol mumbled.

"Don't get lost!" Sehun yelled behind them as they slowly disappeared. 

"I wanted to go for a walk and I heard you guys so I here I am" Kyungsoo said.

 I nodded and continued admiring the waterfall in front of me.

"We should head back to camp. I miss my laptop.." Chen mumbled.

"Chen your laptop is at home.. Not at camp." Kai pointed out.

"We should also head back home.." Chen added.

"Kail" Kyungsoo called me.

"Mmn.." I answered, still staring at the water.

"Your boyfriend is turning gay" he said making me turn around.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him and he shrugged and pointed somewhere.

I looked to see Luhan sitting on Sehun's lap and Sehun playing with Luhan's hair while resting his chin on the older boy's shoulder.


"HunHannnn~ Let's show em' Kaisoo" Kai cooed as he hugged Kyungsoo from the back, instantly getting thrown to the ground.

 "I'm not gay Kai. And I never will be" Kyungsoo muttered as Kai pouted.


"Kai are you gay?" I asked him.

He looked at me and shook his head.

"Nope." he answered.

"Then why do you want Kaisoo?" I asked with a confused expression.

"WHAT'S WITH ALL THE QUESTIONS HERE?! I'M NOT IN COURT WOMAN!!!" he screamed as he ran and jumped on Chen's back causing them both to fall.

"Owww.... Kai ah.." Chen groaned as he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck.

"HunHan let's go!" I called Sehun and Luhan as I checked my watch.

"Our bus is gonna be here soon to carry us back home." I groaned as I saw we only have 30 minutes to get ready.

"Well let's go" Luhan said as both him and Sehun stood up.

"Sehun can you carry me?" Kai asked Sehun.

"Noo.. Ask Luhan hyung" Sehun said as he quickly walked towards me and Kyungsoo.

"Welcome to the normal group" Kyungsoo greeted him as we began walking.

"Look" Sehun chuckled as he pointed at Luhan running in front of us with Kai on his back.

"YEEEEEHHEEEETTTTT!!!!" Kai shouted as they disappeared.

"Chen tell the others to start packing okay?!" I yelled as he ran behind the other two idiots.

"OKAY!!!" He yelled as he disappeared.

~Xiumin's P.O.V~

"Guuuuuuuyyyyyysssss!!!!! I can'tttt stopppp!!!!!!" Luhan's voice screamed.

I turned around to see Luhan running towards me with Kai on his back.

"Luhan what the h- OOF!" I groaned as Luhan and Kai's body collided with mine.

I quickly pushed them both off of me and got up.

"What the hell?!" I yelled at them.

"KAI DID IT!!"   Luhan shouted in my face and ran away.

I glared at Kai, even thought I know it wasn't his fault.

He's fricken annoying!

"H-hyung.." Kai cooed shakily as he stood up and backed away from me.

"KAAAAIII AAAAHHHH~~~!!!" I heard Chen's voice before I ended up on the ground, well, on top of Kai.

"Hello~" Kai smiled as my face was inches away from his.

"Ew what the fuck" I groaned as I quickly got up and walked away.

"Hyung! Kailey said to pack your stuff because the bus is coming for us in a few minutes!" Chen called behind me.

"Okay.." I mumbled knowing he won't hear me.

"Guys go pack your stuff, the bus will be here soon." I told the others as I passed them to go to my tent.

"YES TECHNOLOGY!!!" the cheered and ran to their tents.

"Aish.." I mumbled, "Atleast there's steamed buns at home" I smirked. 

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