Chapter 74. Paintball~

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"Everyone! Set up your tents! Palli" I demanded, joy filling me to the very top.

I pulled out a tent with Chorong helping me. Her eyes sparkling.

"You look happy. Did you get a boyfriend?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes, "Still with Jin, Yoon." she chuckled as we put up the tent. 

After we finished putting up the tent, I looked around to see everyone else still struggling.

Chorong groaned as she stared at the others with an annoyed expression making me chuckle. We quickly helped everyone put up their tents and we finally finished. 

"Are we all done?" Chorong asked with excitement in her voice.

Everyone nodded and I smiled, relieved.

"Follow me everyone!" Chorong said as she lead the way.

She's been here before so she knows everywhere better than we all do.

While we were walking, Luhan, Chen and Kai were giving 25 reasons why Suho is appa. And 25 reasons why Kris is the second appa.

"Guys we're here!" Chorong said.

"PAINTBALL!!" Kris exclaimed for the first time in a happy voice which really creeped me out.

"everyone please change into your gear and let's get this party starteddd!!" Chorong said as she pulled me into a room to get changed.


We headed back to the field and made the 12 boys line up so we could separate them into 2 teams.

We were all holding out empty paintball guns.

"Let's make this a little interesting." Chorong said, planning a scheme.

I just went with it, too lazy to ask anything.

"I don't want to play.." Lay groaned.

"I agree.." Kyungsoo nodded.

"Can't we just tell stories around a campfire like normal people?" Suho asked.

"It's not even evening yet.." Xiumin mumbled.

"Okay so! Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Kai and Sehun are in team 1 and Kris, Xiumin, Luhan, chen and Tao are in team 2. I'll be with team 2 and Yoon is with team 1. First, everyone has to pick a piece of paper from this box" Chorong said as she held a box with paper in it.

"To make this game fun, you will fill you paintball gun with the written object" she smiled.

Everyone dipped their hands into the box and pulled out a piece of paper each.

Team 1.

Kail: Spoon (relieved) 

Suho: Fork (the hell?!)

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