Chapter 15. Blood. Leaving.

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I woke up to the sound of people yelling. "YOU DID WHAT?!" It sounded like D.O "YOU CAN'T MAKE HER CHOOSE!!" someone else yelled, It sounded like Chanyeol. I got up and walked closer to the door. I leaned my ear on it, knowing that they're talking about me. 

They yelled profanities to eachother for about 15 minutes. I heard a crashing noise and I opened the door and ran downstairs. 

As I reached downstairs, I only saw Tao and Xiumin. They both looked up at me when they heard me coming down the stairs. 

"Kail why are you crying?" Xiumin asked. "Forget that, why is your hand bleeding?!" I asked loudly while starting to panick. "Oh...It's um...I-It's not my blood...." he said while looking guilty.

"Tao..?" I asked while looking at the quiet boy. He looked up at me and shook his head. "It's not mine either..." he said, "Then who's is it?!?!" I shouted "I-It's Lay's.. " he said while looking guilty as well. 

"M-MWEO?!?!" I shouted. "What happened?! Where is he?! Why is his blood on your hands?!" I asked while panicking. What is Lay's hurt badly? Why is he bleeding? Wh- I was cut off by Xiumin's voice. 

"Stop panicking, he's fine.. I just.. Kind of.. Lost it...." I looked at him in confusion and he seemed to have noticed because he continued.

"All of us were hanging out here, talking and laughing, when we started tlaking about you.. W-we found out about what took place last night.. with you, Lay, Sehun and Baekhyun.. Everyone started yelling at them and then things got worst.. Kai punched Sehun and with that.... Um.. Things went wrong.. and I-I ended up punching Lay hyung.. because of something he said..." he ended. 

I stood there still confused but half way pissed. What does he mean by 'Things went wrong' and by 'something he said' ? 

"Lay hyungs nose was bleeding after the punch that he recieved...Xiumin hyung realised what did did and when he noticed that Lay hyung's nose was bleeding, he tried helping him. He apoligized and Lay hyung told him it was fine before leaving to go to his room. Everyone else were pissed and they all went upstairs to their rooms." Tao continued.

"And as for this." he motioned to the broken glass on the floor. "Luhan hyung got mad and took the glass that he was drinking from and threw it at Baekhyun hyung but he dodged it and it hit the wall, shattering and falling all over the floor." he finished.

Tears were already falling from my eyes twice as much as before. I ran upstairs without saying anything. I could hear the guys shout for me but I completely ignored it. I ran into my room and shut the door. 

I grabbed my bag and stuffed everything I own into it. It's big enough to hold everything. I'll write a note to let them know where I'm gonna stay but I just need to leave this house..

I wrote the note and placed it on the bed. I sighed and grabbed my bag. I walked downstairs and no one was there.

Lucky me.

I walked out the door and headed to the hotel not to far from here. The note I left has everything. Why I left. Where I am.  And a warning. 





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