Chapter 2.

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It's been 2 days so far and Kail hasn't woken up yet. I'm getting more worried by the minute. I'm on my way to the hospital right now. Dr.Books called and said that she's getting better. I felt like there were bricks on my shoulders and they turned into feathers.

As I arrived at the hospital I walked up to the nurse by the computer and asked for Kail Yoon Sung. She told me they moved her to a different room. I nodded and headed towards the room that she's supposed to be staying in. As I reach the door it opened and Dr. Books walked out. He saw me and motioned me to come over.

"She's awake and she remembered everything. She's even asking for you." He told me. I couldn't help but smile. We barely know eachother yet she's asking for me. Wait, why me?

"How is her health? What happened to her? Why did she faint? Is she okay?" I asked so many questions I could swear he was getting annoyed.

"Woah there son. Slow down. Now to answer your questions. Her health is fine. She is very healthy. What happened to her is something i cannot answer, hence she won't tell me. She fainted because she lost a lot of blood. She's fine. Stable. I have to go. If you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to call me and ask. I'll take my leave." With that, he turned around and left.

I walked into the room and she instantly smiled up at me. "Hi.." she said.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked probably already knowing the answer.

"Great now that your here." I was shocked with what she just said. I didn't expect her to say that. She barely knows me.

"Oh. How come?" I asked not know what to say.

"I've dreamt about you. You were sweet, loving, caring. I've come to trust you. Hopefully your like that in general" My eyes widened. she dreamt about me? Okay that's a bit creepy but sweet.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" I asked cautiously not wanting to upset her.

She shook her head, "I can't tell you. I'm sorry."  Her eyes already filling with tears. I couldn't stand seeing her like that. But in order to make her happy i need to fix her problems. I can't fix her problems if I don't know about it.

" Tell me." I ordered, taking her hand in mine. Her eyes widened and she looked down staring at my hand, fingers tangled with hers. 

"I can't tell you Sehun." She said, tears started falling from her eyes making my teeth clench.

"I want to help you. Tell me." I said. She shook her head. Why won't she tell me? "Kail tell me." I said with more force. Her tears started falling faster and she started crying.

"I can't!" She shouted between the sobs that were escaping her mouth.

"Why can't you? I just want to fucking help you!"  I shouted instantly regretting it as her eyes widened and she shook her head cautiously. "Tell me Kail." She paused and looked to be a bit deep in thought before cautiously nodding.

"He does this everyday a-after school, I can't stop him, I tried but he would just cut me, o-or stab me, kick me even..He hurts me and I can't stop him. Its his joy.. Harming me, I-I thought he loved me." She was full on sobbing and my face probably turned red with anger.

My fists balled up,

"Who" I said through clenched teeth. It didn't even sound like a question.

"D-Derek, My boyfriend." She whimpered, her hair covering her face as she kept her head down and her tears just kept dripping. 

I got up. "I'll be right back." I said, my voice filled with anger.

She grabbed my hand, "Please don't do anything to him."

"Why?" I said in confusion. "I-I love him" She said. I lost my temper right then and there. How could this girl be so stupid?

"How? How the hell could you love a creature like that? He hurts females for gods sake Kail! He hurts you! You think you love him. He doesn't love you." I hissed. I dropped her hands and walked straight out of the hospital. I'm going to put an end to this. I can't stand knowing that a guy can abuse a girl. It sickens me. And she has the nerve to say she loves him? I may have over reacted. Maybe. Maybe not. But if you love someone then you wouldnt hurt them. Especially physically. That's not love that's sadistic. Its just wrong. Kail doesn't know what love is. She doesnt know what it feels like and she's so desperate to feel it that she thinks what's happening to her is love? What-


I started to cry even more. Why did I tell him? I know for a fact that he's gonna go find Derek. I know what Derek is capable of, he can hurt Sehun. I need to stop him.

I got up off the hospital bed and changed into some clothes Sehun bought for me. Stop sehun.. Please. That was the only thing on my mind. I'm not supposed to leave but I have to. I grabbed my bag and ran out. Not stopping for anything. The yells for me to come back by the doctors and nurses. I ignored it and ran out of the hospital, i ran the fastest my petite legs could take me knowing where I was headed. Derek's house.  I know Sehun will be there. He knows where Derek lives. Everyone knows where he lives. I had to stop him before he did anything stupid. Derek is no a person with patience. He gets pissed for the tinest of things. He lashes out on anyone or anything in his way. He's going through tough times.

I kept running and I finally reached the street Derek lived on.


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