Chapter 26. Lee Jung Kwang? Gone?

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~Sehun's P.O.V~  

    Kail passed out in my arms and the tears from my eyes wouldn't stop falling. I laid her in her bed and Kris and Suho put Chen on her side. The poor boy didn't even say a word. 

"What happened to him?" I asked the two panting boys.

"No time to explain now, come on!" Kris said.

Suho volunteered to stay with Kail and Chen upstairs so Kris and I ran down the stairs as fast as we could. 

I could hear sirens and yelling outside of the house, as we reached downstairs the body from the ground was gone. 

Kris looked at me and I looked at him and we ran outside, there we saw countless police cars and ambulances. Chanyeol and Baekhyun ran up to us when they saw us.

"Where's Kail?! Is she okay?" Baekhyun asked worriedly. 

"Kail's fine, now what's going on?!" Kris replied.

"Someone threw a grenade at our house. Turns out that, that someone was Derek. A guy was coming to warn us because he over heard Derek talking on the phone about it. The guy was knocking on our door but no one answered. Derek on the other hand, had a gun. He shot the guy and after a few seconds, threw the grenade. That was the loud noises that we heard. The guy's name was Lee Jung Kwang. Derek got away but he's close by here. Lee Jung Kwang didn't make it. He died instantly after he got shot." Chanyeol explained. 

"Where did he get shot?" I asked.

"His head.." Chanyeol replied.

I looked around and I saw Luhan, Kyungsoo and Xiumin by a police car talking to a police. I walked to them leaving the other three boys behind to talk. 

"Sehun" Luhan said when he saw me, "How's Chen and where's Kail?" he asked.

"Kail passed out after seeing the body and Chen's shaken up. Suho's upstairs with them." I answered him. 

"Do you know who the guy was?" Xiumin asked me. I shook my head, "I only know his name, Lee Jung Kwang" I replied to him. He nodded and walked off to another police officer who was talking to Lay.

"I don't know a Lee Jung Kwang. Doesn't ring a bell.." Luhan said. D.O nodded in agreement, "The police said that Derek could be watching us right now so keep your eyes open." D.O said.

I nodded, "Arasseo. Luhan can you go check up on Suho, Kail and Chen?" I asked the older boy. He nodded and ran off. 

A police walked up to us and asked a couple questions then left. A few of the police cars left leaving one more car with two officers.

All of us gathered and the police officers started telling us about the case. We just nodded and listened carefully to what he had to say. It wasn't long after when Luhan hyung came bursting outside. 

"Kail's Gone!




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