Chapter 18. Hanging out.

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~Kail's P.O.V~ 

"JIN! STOP!" I laughed out. 

"Neverrrr!" he shouted while tickling me.

It's been 2 weeks since I moved here and I met Jinyoung's friends. 

Gongchan, Sandeul, Baro and CNU. 

They're super cool :P

I got up and ran behind Baro. Jinyoung right on my tail.

"HEY don't use me as your human shield!" Baro said and ran in the kitchen. 

We're all hanging out in my room today.

"JUNG JIN YOUNG! STOP CHASING KAIL!" I heard Gongchan yell. 

Jinyoung pouted but stopped and he fell back on my bean bag. 

"THANK YOU CHANNY!!!!!!" I yelled not knowing he was right behind me.

"JESUS WOMAN! I'M RIGHT HERE!" he yelled back.

"OH!!! SORRY!!!!!!" I screamed in his ears.

He groaned and went into the kitchen.

"Where's Sandeul?" I asked Jinyoung who's currently trying to sleep.

He groaned and pointed somewhere.

"Where?" I asked, not getting where he's pointing to.

"The toilet woman!" he groaned out.

"Alright Alright. Sheesh." I said while walking to the toilet.

"Sandeul wake up!" I shouted while banging on the door. 

I heard a bang and then a groan. "Ooww...."

He came out while rubbing his head. "Stop falling asleep in the toilet." I said.

He mumbled something about having peace and we both walked to the kitchen.

Jinyoung was asleep. Half of his body on the floor and half on the bean bag.

When we walked into the kitchen. I sighed.

There was Gongchan laying down on the counter. Asleep.

While Baro is pasting his face with whip cream.

"Baro.. Can you please be atleast a little mature?" I asked. Baro's mature. They are all mature. Sometimes they're just... Stupid.

Baro sighed, "Lemme just finish this." he said.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

I walked to the fridge and took a slice of frozen pizza. I heated it up and I walked to the living room where Jinyoung was asleep. 

"Hey Kail can I take a nap in your room?" CNU asked.

"No You cannot slee-" he cut me off.

"Okay thanks! Saranghae :D" he then rushed off the my room. 

"I don't love you!!" I yelled at him.

"Yes you do!" he shouted back.

I sighed and Sandeul walked in the room. 

"Don't talk." he stated.

I just looked at him like what the f-

"Stop staring." he said. He dropped himself on my couch and layed a pillow on his head. 

I shook my head and then Baro walked into the room. He walked next to Jinyoung and 'accidentally' kicked his head.

Jinyoung groaned and covered his face with a pillow just like Sandeul.

There was a knock on the door and I sighed. 

"Baro can you get that?" I asked.

He got up and went to answer the door.

I heard some guys talking and then in came Kyungsoo, Chen, Sehun and Tao.

"Whaddup" Sehun said while walking in. He walked behind the couch and jumped over it and then sat down.

Tao tripped on Jinyoung's head and fell face first one the ground.

"What the fu- Hi angel :)" Jinyoung said as he opened his eyes.

Sehun cleared his throat and Jinyoung just rolled his eyes. 

"I'm going back to sleep. Tao try not to trip on my head please." Jinyoung said. 

Tao got up and sat on the couch. 

"HEY Kailey bird!" Chen exclaimed.

I heard a scream come from the kitchen followed by a 'shut the hell up' from no other than Gongchan.

"Why is there a guy sleeping in your kitchen?!" Kyungsoo yelled while walking out of the kitchen holding his chest.

I shrugged and he shook his head.

"Kail you have to many guy friends. You don't even have ONE girl friend." Sehun said.

"Well firstly, I'm not a lesbian and second I just don't want to have ' girl friends' ." I stated.

"I didn't mean it like that T_T" Sehun mumbled.

"I'm hungry." Chen whined.

 "Sandeul has a slice of pizza in the fridge. You can go eat it." I said.

As soon as I said that,Chen ran into the kitchen and Sandeul flew up and ran into the kitchen yelling, "If you dare touch my Pizza so help me I will chop your balls off!"

I heard someone scream and Sandeul came out eating the cold pizza.

Chen came out with his hand over one eye.

"What happened?" Tao asked.

"He poked me in my eye!" Chen cried to Tao. Tao hugged him and then 'yelled' at Sandeul.

All Sandeul did was eat the pizza while watching Chen pout.



An hour passed and Sehun, Tao, Chen and D.O had to leave. CNU had a date and Baro went to buy more food since they ate everything I had. Well.. Sandeul did. 

Gongchan and Sandeul were currently singing and doing the Gwiyomi.

While Jinyoung and I were sitting and watching them as if they're our kids.

"So Kail I was wondering. You wanna go to the park tomorrow?" Jinyoung asked me while rubbing his neck. 

I smiled and nodded, "Yea sure. :)" I replied.



"KAAAIL!! GONGCHAN HIT ME!!!!!!" Sandeul 'cried'. 

"WHAT?! NO I DIDN'T! HE'S LYING!" Gongchan exclaimed.

"Guys shut up!" Jinyoung groaned.

Gongchan muttered a curse under his breath and walked off while stamping his feet like a 2 year old.

Sandeul laughed at him and then ran to the kitchen, tripping on his own foot and falling face first to the floor. 

"KAAAAIIILLLL!!!!!" Sandeul cried out. 

I sighed. This will never end will it...?




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