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~7 years later~   

"Mommy! Mommy! Where's daddy?!" My son the age of 4 asked me. 

"He'll be home soon Sehun.. Just go play with Jessica meanwhile okay?" I smiled at him.

He pouted but nodded anyways and ran out of the kitchen.

After Sehun died, 7 years ago because of a servere car accident, Kyungsoo helped me move on. I went back to being suicidal for a few months but he kept close to me 24/7. He never left my side ever since. 

He promise to help me move on. He promised to take care of me and do everything for me. He made sure I never got a job. He got a job that pays a lot and by a lot I mean A LOT. 

1 years after Sehun's death, Kyungsoo and I started getting closer than before. I even started falling for him.

Believe it or not, I've been seeing Sehun in my dreams up until now. He always visited me and told me that everything would be okay. He told me that I should move on and that I should have my own little family. I should sulk about his death.

After a few months of seeing Sehun every night in my dreams. He convinced me to move on. He convinced me create my own family but he made me promise one thing. And I glady did.

He asked me to name my first son after him, Sehun. 

Turns out that Kyungsoo had the same idea.

Chorong and Jinyoung had a baby girl and she's currently carrying another child. 

Luhan and Yuri had a baby boy. He's only 2 years old now and his name is Jimin. He's really cute and caring. He already walks and talks. Fast learner. 

Gongchan and Sala had 4 kids already and one on the way. They've been busy... if you know what I mean. >_> | <_<

Sandeul and Eimi has 2 kids, one boy and one girl, their twins. Suga and Dara. They're both 3 years old now.

Lay's working Korea's top hospital and he has a wife now, she's pregnant with their first child and he's freaking out about everything. Oh the joy.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun adopted two boys from the orphanage. The two boys were best friends and Chanyeol only wanted one of them but Baekhyun insisted that they take the two because he wouldn't like it if they separated. 

Their names are Kwang-Ho and Kwang-Sun. They're both 4 years old and they surprisingly accept two dads. They asked about having moms before and Chanyeol and Baekhyun told them and I'd be their mom. They accepted me and they even call Kyungsoo their dad sometimes. So in their minds, they have three dads and one mom. Funny right? Or am I the only one laughing?

Chen, Kai, Tao, Kris amd Suho all put up their money and bought a HUGE home for all of us to live. I'm counting the children also. It's amazing that we don't have to leave eachother and move out. We're all living together. Even Baro's boyfriend moved in with us. The house is 5 stories high so everyone can fit and it has more space than ever. 

Xiumin met a girl named Jin Kyonge 2 years after Sehun's death and had one kid with her, after she gave birth, she left everything, him and her child mainly. But after 2 years a struggling, he found his true love. Jae Hwa. She accepted Xiumin's 2 year old daughter, Mi Cha. They had 2 other children together and they're better than ever. 

"Babe?" Kyungsoo called over the noise that Chen was making outside.

Chen decided to build a dog house for Baekhyun's dog. Yeah he still has that dog that was named after Chanyeol. He's really old though. Same goes for monggu. Kai's dog. Kai decided to keep monggu in his room.

"Hey how was work?" I asked him as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

He chuckled, "It was boring" he said before kissing my neck softly causing shivers to run down my spine.

"Not in the kitchen please" Sandeul said as he walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before heading back out.

"Daddy!!!" Sehun screamed from behind us and Kyungsoo unwrapped him arms before turning around and picking up the hyper Sehun.

He tickled his stomach causing him to giggle uncontrollably.

"Daddy when am I getting my barbie back?" Sehun asked Kyungsoo.

"Never." Kyungsoo replied as he placed Sehun back on his feet while he pouted.

I smacked the back of his head and he chuckled.

"Sehunnie it's in our room. Go go before daddy hides it again" I whispered in Sehun's ear and he screamed something before running off to our room.

Kyungsoo shook his head and picked me up in his arms, walking out of the kitchen and down the stairs till we reached the first floor.

He held me like a baby and we walked into the living room to see Luhan making out on the couch with Yuri on top of him, straddling him.

"YOUR ROOM!" Suho shouted behind them as he walked downstairs and saw them.

They both quickly stood up and Luhan held her bridal style before running up the stairs and not long after a door slammed shut.

"They're at it again" Baekhyun chuckled as he walked out of the kitchen with Kwang-Sun in his arms.

"Daddy!" Kwang-Sun screamed as he saw Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun chuckled and motioned for Kyungsoo to hold Kwang-Sun.

"Hey rascal" Kyungsoo smirked as he ruffled Kwang-Sun's hair, he just hugged Kyungsoo's neck tightly.

"Where's Chanyeol?" I asked Baekhyun as I turned on the huge LDC TV. Suho got pretty rich along with Kai and Kyungsoo. Well everyone got rich..

"Feeding Kwang-Ho" Chanyeol replied as he walked out of the kitchen with Kwang-Ho in his arms.

"I'm gonna go shower" I told Kyungsoo as I pecked his lips and ran up the stairs.

"Love you!" he called behind me.

"It's just a shower!" I laughed as I continued up the stairs until I reached the fifth floor. We had an elevator but Chen broke it so it's currently under construction.

I walked into mine and Kyungsoo's room and into the bathroom.

I stripped and started showering instantly feeling the cool water run down my back, relaxing my muscles. 

"Hey" Sehun's voice spoke and I turned around to see him standing there smirking.

"Sehun ah... I'm naked.." I blushed as I tried to cover myself.

"Babe.. I see your body every time you shower." he chuckled and I blushed even more.

"I miss you.." I told him honestly.

He sighed, "I miss you too. I love you okay? And Thank you." he smiled at me.

"I love you too.. And why?" I asked.

"For naming your son after me. And for accepting D.O's love for you." he smiled, "I have to go.." he frowned.

"No... don't go.." I pleaded, my eyes already filling with tears.

"You always do this.. Kail. I'll visit you every day okay? I promise you that. We'll be together soon enough. Don't do anything that can take your life away. Your still young. Live you life for me okay? I love you." he said before disappearing.

I sighed and let my tears fall.

I miss you..

I love Kyungsoo but I'll never love him as much as I love you.

I love you too... Oh Sehun.. 

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