Chapter 61. Where? Wait.

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~Kail's P.O.V~ 

My eyes snapped open as I was literally being dragged off of my bed.

"Chen! What the hell~!" I yelled as I quickly grabbed the blanket and covered my lower body.

Chen shrugged, "Who told you to only sleep in your underwear?" he blunted.

I shot him a glare and he just smirked and picked me up.

"Chen! Oh my god Chen let me down! I'm only wearing my- LUHAN CHEN SMACKED MY ASS!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

Soon Luhan and Baekhyun were at my door. 

"Chen we told you to come get her, not kidnap her" Luhan scolded as Baekhyun casually pulled me away from Chen and handed me some shorts.

I huffed and glared at Chen, "Why are you guys here?" I asked, not really in the mood to talk to anyone.

"They live here too Kail!" Suho's voice shouted from another room in a 'duh' tone.

I rolled my eyes, "I mean why are you in my room??" I asked them.

"Actually this isn't your room. It's Chanyeol's and Baek's." Chen smirked.

"Whaa....? Why did I sleep here??" I asked ready to panic. 

"Xiumin brought you here to sleep with us!" Baekhyun said happily but I just glared at him.

"Whatever..." I mumbled as I was about to walk to my room.

I paused at the doorway. "Is Sehun there?" I asked the three guys who were following me.. pfft.. stalkers..

"Nope!" Chen answered.

I sighed in relief and entered the room, them following me inside.

"What the f-" I started but Suho's voice cut me off.

"Kail mind your language!" he scolded.

I sighed, "Why are you following me?" I asked them.

"Because we're hel-" Chen was cut off by Baekhyun kicking the back of his shin.

"Pabo! Don't tell her that!" he scolded making Chen pout and rub his foot.

"Don't tell me what?" I asked them, and to be honest.. I didn't really care. I just wanted to be alone.

"Nothing.. Hey, Kail ah.. Can you do me a favour and wear this after you shower?" Luhan asked me while handing me a purple dress. 

"No...." I answered slowly as I handed it to Baekhyun.

"come on pleasee..." Luhan begged.

"I've been living here for about a year and you guys still don't realize how much I hate dresses.." I mumbled as I pushed Chen out of the door.

"Jebaaall..." Baekhyun begged.

I ignored him and pushed Luhan out of the door and turned to Baekhyun.

"You can't push me. I'm too strong" he smirked.

I sighed as Luhan and Chen shuffled back into the room.

"Please guys.. please leave" I begged, giving up on trying to be tough. I knew I was hurting and there was no point in trying to hide it.

"Stop crying" Baekhyun said he wiped my tears and kissed my forehead, "Just go take a shower and wear this dress, make yourself look pretty" he smiled.

I sighed and nodded, not like I have anything better to do.. 

I took the dress from his hands and placed it on the bed and went to see which shoes will look better with it.

"Which shoes should I wear?" I asked them.

"Any shoes is good Kail" Chen smiled.

"Yea but I wanna find one to ma-" I turned around looking at the shoes and turned back around to see them gone.

Such an attention limit from them -_-

I quickly showered and wore the dress and picked out the perfect shoes to match it.

The dress was above my knee and it fit perfectly.

"Hey Suho!" I called loudly, knowing he'd hear me since he's like part wolf.. I'm just saying that because he literally hear EVERYTHING.. Why can't Chanyeol hear like him? Hmm...

"What?" he yelled back.

"How did you guys know my dress size?!" I yelled.

"We made Tao try it on and he's about your size so yea!" he replied loudly.

I could hear the laughter exploding from downstairs and I smiled slightly but it quickly faded as I thought about Sehun.

I quickly wore a pair of golden high heels, well not really heels because their really short. I hate heels anyways. I wore some eyeliner and a bit a concealer and a touch of lip balm, I smacked my lips and curled my hair a bit in loose yet wavy curls.

[see in multimedia]

I wore a necklace that Lay gave to me and I held my little pouch and walked out of the room.

"Luhan? Baek?" I called.

"Are you done Kail? Come downstairs!" Xiumin's voice called.

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion and slowly walked towards the stairs.

I walked down the stairs, I saw 11 boys staring at me with their lips parted.

"YAH!" I yelled making them startled.

"You look hot" Kai smirked and winked making my cheeks flare up to a deep crimson.

"Shut up.." I mumbled as I was about to sit on the couch but a hand stopped me.

"Hey hey, Don't wrinkle your dress" Baekhyun pouted as he helped me steady myself.

"Why do I have to look like this? Tell me now.." I demanded weakly making them chuckle.

"You'll find out soon Saeng" Chanyeol's voice told me.

I sighed in annoyance and plopped down on the couch.

They scolded me but I ignored them and watched TV, waiting until they told me why I had to dress up.

After about an hour they finally gave up.

"Okay Kail time to go" Kyungsoo said as he helped me up.

Kai volunteered to straighten the dress but Lay did it instead saying that Kai might 'accidentally' smack my ass -_-

"Okay let's go" Kyungsoo said as he grabbed my hand and carried me out the door.

"where are we going?" I asked him.

"Just wait.." he smirked.

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