Chapter 44. Different Plans.

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~Kail's P.O.V~   

So.. What are we doing today?" I asked.

"Baek and I are going out so I don't know about you guys." Chanyeol smiled.

"Chen and I are gonna be busy too.." Lay said. 

"Kris and I are gonna work out today.." Xiumin said.

"D.O and I are gonna hang out"

"No we're not" Kyungsoo said to Kai making him pout.

"Suho and I are going to the movies" Tao said.

"Well... I guess Kail and I are going to the park" Luhan said.

"Woah.. No." Sehun protested.

"I wanna come to.." Kai said.

I smiled at him and nodded.

"Sehun you can come too. I'll only allow it this once though." Luhan said to him, earning a smack from Sehun.

I giggled and turned to see everyone heading out and Kyungsoo playing on his phone.

"Hey" I poked his cheek.

He turned to look at me, "Hmm?" 

"We're going to the park. Wanna come?" I asked.

"Who's going?" he asked.

"Sehun, Luhan, Kai and I." I answered.

He sighed and got up, ruffling his hair and nodded.

"Well then let's go" Luhan said and we all nodded and walked out of the house, locking it behind us and started walking towards the park.

As soon as we arrived, Luhan, Kai and Sehun ran off to the swings.

"D.O come push us!" 

"No." He replied and sat down on a bench.

I smiled and sat down next to him watching the kids run around and play.

A kid about 7-8 years old walked up to Kai before he could start swinging and I could barely hear but I heard what they were talking about.

"Can I have this swing?" the kid asked.

"No.." Kai said.

"Please.. I've been waiting for it to be free for a long time.." The kid pouted. 

"Well now I have it. So you have to wait" Kai replied.

"Pleaseee..." the kid begged.


"Kai come on.. Give him a chance, you'll get it back okay?" Sehun patted his back.

Kai pouted, "No.. I had it first.." 

"Stop being so childish you idiot!" Kyungsoo yelled from the bench we're sitting on.

"Hey kid.. Here, you can have mine" Luhan said, the kid smiled and took a seat on the swing while Luhan swung him a bit.

I smiled at the sight and I leaned my head on Kyungsoo shoulder and he leaned his head on my head.

"Hey! D.O don't forget that she's mine!" Sehun yelled from on the swing. 

Luhan was pushing all three of them on the swings at once.

"Maybe I'll make her mine" Kyungsoo teased while hugging me tightly.

I laughed and he chuckled.

~Xiumin's P.O.V~  

"Yah! Hyung try this one!" Kris said while pointing to a treadmill. 

I smiled and walked over to it. 

"Hmm.. Let's make a bet. Whoever goes the fastest on this without falling. Wins." I said.

"You're on" Kris smirked while shaking my hand.

~Chen's P.O.V~  

We fell asleep in the kitchen.

~Chanyeol's P.O.V~  

Baek and I walked the streets for about 30 minutes before we decided to rest in a little cafe and buy something to drink.

We sat down and ordered our cold drinks and as we waited for it to arrive, two girls walked up to us.

"Hi cuties.." one of them said while twirling her hair, "Taken?" 

I coughed a bit and looked at Baekhyun but he just looked at me and then at the girls.

"Well...?" The other girl asked impatiently.

"Well um.. W-we're actually um.." Baekhyun tailed off.

"What?" the girl scoffed.

"We're um.. w-we-"

I cut Baekhyun off by leaning over and pressing my lips to his.

I pulled away and turned to the ladies. I smirked at them, "We're taken." 

They scoffed and walked away.

"Ch-" I cut him off again.

"Yes Baek.. I don't mind being like this in public." I smiled making him smile at me.

He smiled and took my hand in his, I smiled and just stared at him.

He looked forward and shifted in his spot.

I just smirked and continued staring at him.

He squirmed in his spot and then finally turned back to me, "Wha-"

I cut him off again by pressing my lips to his and feeling him kiss me back was the best feeling I've ever felt.

We got our drinks and we talked about random stuff, laughing and having fun. 

I thought things would have been awkward with us. But truth is.. I like him and I need to accept that I' for him.. 

~Tao's P.O.V~  

I sighed as Suho continued jumping and screaming in his seat for the past hour. 

The movie is almost done and I'm glad because I can't take this anymore.

"Suho.. Stop it, you're embarrassing me" I whispered to the crying boy next to me.

"S-sorry Tao.." he sniffled.

I sighed and leaned my head back on the seat waiting for the movie to end.


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