Truth or Dare with Parents???? Part one

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We where all sitting in a circle sitting down. Me, Clary, Alec,Magnus,Simon,Izzy,Maryse,Robert, Luke and Jocelyn. We where locked in the library because all shadowhunters where on lockdown. For some reason. We couldn't even leave the freaking library. The Lockdown lasts a month. All of us sleeping and eating in the same room. Luckily we had Magnus so he made it more comfortable. And also made it really uncomfortable. As i said Magnus was with us, so now we are playing truth or dare, with adults. I swear Jocelyn is going to kill me. She already hates me. And with this little game she's going to hate me even more. I sigh. "Fine I'll go first" Magnus says. "Biscuits, truth or dare?" Magnus asks. Clary blushes.
"Umm," She says "truth?" She asked.
"How was your first time?" Magnus asks. Clary blushes even redder. And so do I, just a little, barely noticeable. Luke and Jocelyn choke.
"I would rather dare" she says.
"Alright...." Magnus says.
"I dare you to tell your parents the naughtiest thing you have done" Magnus grins.
"Umm" Clary says blushing. "I....stole candy from a store once?" She offers.Magnus sighs
"That's not what I meant, but please carry on" he says.
"Alec, truth or dare?" Clary asks.
"Truth" he says.
"How far have you gone with a girl and with who?" Clary asks.
" hugging and Izzy" he says. I laugh quietly at how gay Alec is. Robert and Maryse look at Alec with humor. "Alright, my turn, Simon?" Alec asks.
"Dare" he says.
"I dare you to call your Ex and tell her you found someone better" Alec says.
"Alright" Simon says. He stands up. "Clary!" He yells. "I found someone better" Simon yells.
"Me too!!!" Clary yells. We all laugh.
"Alright, Simon, I,m going to take your turn because I really want the adults to be a part of this, Jocelyn truth or dare?"Magnus asks.
"Magnus, I really don't want to play this silly game" she says. Magnus glares at her. Jocelyn sighs. "Dare" She says.
"I dare you to put on..." Magnus snaps his fingers and pops in a naughty maid outfit. Magnus grins. "This" he says. Jocelyn shakes her head.
"No" she says. Magnus glares at her. She sighs. "Fine" She says.
"Good." Magnus says. Then Jocelyn grabs the costume and goes into the bathroom.
"Seriously?!" Clary says. "I swear I'm gonna go blind after this. Clary says.
"That's the point" Magnus says.

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