Sad three word stories part two

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A/N:So the first one is for Anesthesia Awarness. It is very common and has nothing to do with Clace....but Anethesia awarness actually happens to 1 in 3 it's very common. Also this is not from personal experience. Anyways thats it.

Just Kill me

I could feel every cut in my chest. I was screaming in my head. Just kill me....kill me now. It just went on and on and i was screaming in pain....but they couldn't hear me. I was having a tumor removed. But i wanted to die. I was screaming over and over. And it wouldn't stop

I was there

I was at Jamba Juice, drinking a strawberry milkshake. Then i see Jace. My heart stops. He looks at me. then he comes up to me and i look down at the tabel. "Hey, i haven't seen you in...a long time" He says. I smile at him. "So how are you?" He asks. I smile.
"I'm fine.....still.....healing"i confess. Jace and I had a terrible break up. we crashed and burned. I look at his hand, and see the ring. I sigh.
"I......I Uh, I got married" he says. I nod.
"I know....i was there......Izzy invited me." He looked surprised. "She also told me....that Ashley is pregnant" I tell him.
"Yeah...uh it's ok.... ummm...we're cool right?" I ask him. He nods.
"Yeah, we're cool." He says. I smile and stand up.
"Great" I tell him. I walk away and stop at the door. I look at him before i leave. Even though i still Love you after all this time....I have to love you enough to let you go.

He Left me

"Do you, Clary Fray take Jace Herondale to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The preist asks. I nod my hand.
"Yes!" i say.
"And do you, Jace Herondale take Clary Fray to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asks. Jace freezes. I bite my lip looking at him. Is he having cold feet?
"I......I can't.....I don't" He says. my heart drops as everyone gasps. "I'm sorry" He says and walks out of the temple. I felt as if someone just crushed my heart into dust. and threw the shes in front of me. I ran down the altar and opened the temple. I needed to get to Jace. I looked around and then if it was even possible, my heart broke even more. Jace was kissing Kaelie. I covered my face and ran. He left me for some random girl.

I miss you
     I miss her. She was my sunshine, my everything. And I let her go. She was beautiful, smart, and over all absolutely amazing. I should have stayed. I should have stayed with her. Leaving her was the worst decision I have ever made. And now, I'm here. Outside her house. I knock on the door. The door opens and i see Jocelyn. "Jace! hi! I thought you were going to be in Romania for a few more months" Jocelyn says.
      "Yeah well, I came back early..." I tell her. "Is clary home?" I ask.
       "No,she went on a date" Jocelyn says "Oh, you, oh wow, you want to get back together with her?" Jocelyn says as she drops the plate she was drying. I nod.  "Well then, you're staying here. C'mon there is cookies in the oven" she says. I laugh and go inside.

     It's been hours. Jocelyn already went to sleep, clary hasn't come back. It started raining a couple hours ago. The front door opens and slams. Wet footsteps walk into the living room. "Mom, he broke up with me......why do people keep doing I not good enough? Jace broke up with me for Romania.....Duke broke up with me  because I have a small chest......and now Caleb broke up with me because I'm not hot enough" It was Clary, my heart broke, this is all my fault. 
     "Clary?" I ask as I see her in the hall way leaning on the wall, sitting down, she was soaking wet, her mascara smudged. She looks up at me.
     "Jace?" She gasps standing up.
      "Yeah....I'm sorry Clary.....I was... an idiot for leaving you, Romania made me miss you even more, I should have stayed here with you...."
      "Are you going to run away again?" She asks.
      "I missed you so much" she says as she hugs me. I kiss her lightly.
        "I missed you too."

We broke up
    I slam the door shut. Jonathan and Izzy look up at me. "Oh my god....What happened?" Izzy asks.
"We broke up" I cry. Izzy hugs me tightly.
"It's ok, It's ok" she says as I cry my heart out. I love him so much.

I walk inside and slam the door shut. Simon and Jordan snap up. "We broke up" I tell them. I feel tears roll down my cheek and I wipe them away as if they were acid.
"Oh...dude" Jordan tells me as he hugs me and I hold in more tears. I love her so much.

The Baby died
It was midnight. I ran to the bathroom and puked. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. Stupid morning sickness. I sighed and walked back to bed. Jace was shirtless his back towards me. We are bkth so excited for our child to be born. I sigh and lift the covers. My heart drops. Blood was all over the covers. Panic surges through my body. I run out of the bedroom, covering the blood. I run to magnuses loft and bang on the door. "MAGNUS....OPEN THE DOOR..." I yell in desperation. "I need you" I whisper. The door opens to a tiered and anoyed Alec. He yawns.
"What do you want?" He asks. I break down crying and hug him. In any other situation he would have pulled me off him. But not this time.
"I-I-I thin-Think i l-l-lost the baby" I sob. Alec goes stiff.
"Does Jace know?" He asks. I sheke my head.
"I panicked...i just ran over here." I tell him. He lets me in. He turns on the lights and i see my shorts soaked with blood.
"You weren't kidding when you said you ran over here?" Alec says. I shake my head. He goes and wakes up Magnus. Magnus rushes in with his glittery Pj's.
"Ok Biscuit....take a seat" He says as he makes a doctors chair apear. I lie down and he hovers his hands on my stomach. He closes his eyes and keeps hovering them. "Oh no..." Magnus says. I bite my lip and look up. He sighs. "Biscuit....the baby's choaked on it's ambilical cord....your body just.....took it apart and....let it out...." I gasp and start crying. "Oh biscuit..." Magnus hugs me.
"I need to tell Jace...." i tell him.
"Here...uh...The clean...he won't see anything" Magnus says. I nod, he makes a portal and i walk in. I apear back in the room i share with Jace. I sit down on the chair and look at him as he stirs. He wakes up and sees me.
"What are you doing up?" Jace asks me. I bite my lip and cry. He sits up and hugs me lightly, probably trying not to crush the dead baby. "What happened Clary?" He asks.
"I-I-I M-m-m-miscarried." I tell him. he pulls away. "The baby died Jace" I tell him. he hugs me tighter as i cry into his shoulder. My unborn child us dead.

He hates me
I felt guilty. I was a bitch. I hid the letter of acceptance into military school from Jace. I didn't want him to go. But he found out. He broke up with me. Now he hates me. It's as easy as that. The love of my life hates me.

She said no
"Will you marry me?" I ask her. Her hands fly up to her mouth.
"Oh....Jace" she says. "I'm sorry...." she says. "I was actually going to break up with you......I' in love with someone else" she says. My heart shatters.
"What?......WHO?" I asked mad.
"Simon.....I'm sorry Jace.....I really am" she tells me. Then she runs off.

Go and die
     "Just go and die!" Clary had had enough, she was sick and tiered of this...She went to the bridge. She climbed on the rail.
       "NO!" She heard. Someone tried to grab her, but it was too late, she had already jumped.
And she died
     I'm in love with Clary Fray....I'm in love with Clary fray. I see her get up on the railing of the bridge. She can't die, I love her. I run towards her "NO!" I yell. I try to grab her but she already jumped. If you jump, I jump. And I did. I fell to my death with the girl I loved.

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