Mystery dad

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      I sigh as I go to the bathroom. I lift up the toilet seat and pull my pajama pants down with my underwear, sitting down on the toilet seat. My eyes wander around the bathroom, I then catch something in the trash can. My eyes widen as I fish it out. It was a pregnancy test....a positive test. "CLARY!" I yell as I get up, quickly taking care of my hygiene after using the bathroom and then running out the bathroom Clary and I share. "CLARISSA!" I yell as I walk into the living room. A tired Clary walks out of her room yawning.
"What?!" Clary asks, her eyes small from sleep.
"What's this?!" I ask as I flash her the test. My thick and long braid had jumped over my shoulder. Clary's eyes widen.
"Why were you snooping in the trash?!" Clary asks. As she quickly crosses the room, snatching the test out of my hands.
"Clary," I whisper, my eyes softening as I look at her. "You're pregnant?" I ask. Clary looks down at the wooden floor.
"Yeah," she mumbles. It's not as if it were terrible. Clary is already 30... but she's not married, and she doesn't even have a boyfriend.
"Well, who's the father?" I ask.
"I.....I can't tell you," she says.
"What? Why? Do you not know who the father is?" I ask.
"No! I mean...yes! Yes, i do....I just.." Clary rubs her face. "I just want to tell him first...before I tell you," Clary explains. Magnus then opens the door of our apartment.
"Hello my precious Polly Pockets!" He says. We stare at Magnus in shock. "What?" He asks. He then see's the test in Clary's hand. He gasps and closes the door, locking it. "You're pregnant! And you just found out!" Magnus says in shock.
"How did you know I didn't know?" I ask.
"Because you would've told me...if you haven't noticed, you can't hold in secrets My dear it's all over your face," Magnus says with a shrug. "Who's the father?" Magnus asks.
"She's not telling us until she tells him." I say with an eye roll.
"Ugh," Magnus says as he falls onto the couch.
"I'm sorry to deprive you of your gossip, but I have to go to work," Clary says as she walks back into her room. She quickly changed and walks out the door. I sigh and lean onto the wall. I zone out, thinking about Clary. I then gasp and stand up straight as I remember that time....that time that I heard...
       "What?! What is it?!" Magnus asks. I run to the closet next to the terrace door, and open it to see the black leather jacket.
       "He left this here!" I say in excitement. "He's the last guy Clary had sex with!"
      " do you know that?"Magnus asks.
       "Walls are thin Magnus," I say with an eye roll.
      "Ok, so who is it?!" Magnus asks in a hisses whisper.
      "I don't know...I never saw him...I just saw this in the morning," I say with a sigh. I put the jacket to my nose and breath it in, I didn't even think to smell it...I just did. And it smelled like Bleu de Chanel....yup, it was unmistakable....and there's only one person who wears that perfume and a leather jacket.

      I get home at 3:30, my job is amazing, I get in late and get out early, and it has amazing pay....that's why I don't really want to tell him about this....I can do this on my own....and if I tell him it'll only hurt, he's not exactly father material....He's a free person...he hates being held down. And I don't want to hold him down. "Clary, you don't have to hide it anymore," Izzy says. She had a blue long sleeved shirt that fit her perfectly, with black skinny jeans and black high heels
      "Yeah Biscuit...we know who the father is," he mumbles. I bite my lip. How do they know?!
      "And he's waiting across the street for you, so you're going to tell him now," Izzy says as she grabs my arm and pulls me out of the apartment and down the stairs. Magnus followed us.
     "N-no! I can't! I can't tell him! You can't make me!" I yell at Izzy and Magnus. "Please don't make me!" I beg.
     "Clary! You should just get it over with!" Izzy says as she stops next to the doors of a coffee shop.

     We walk into the coffee shop and see the blonde boy sitting at the table with a coffee cup. Clary's face turns paper than usual. I dragged her near the boy and sit her down across from him. "Hey Sebastian," I say with a smile.
      "Clary needs to talk to you," Magnus explains.
       "I'm guessing this is your jacket?" I ask. Clary looks up at me with a strong frown on her face. No matter how mad she gets, this is the best decision for her and her baby, and Sebastian deserves to know!
       "Uhhhhh, no, this is my leather jacket," Sebastian says as he lifts up the black jacket next to him on the coat hanger. Magnus's jaw drops with mine.
       "Oh no," Magnus gasps, coveting his mouth.
       "Could I get anyone a coffee?" I squeak. "Or, uh, poison? No just for me! Ok!" I say as I run towards the register with Magnus.


      Alec, Magnus and i were in the living room talking. The mystery dad's jacket is on the table nest to the front door. "So, that's the Jacket of Clary' daddy?" Alec asks. Magnus puts sugar into his tea and mixes it in. "Yes, you could say that, but it's not polite Alec darling,"
      "I'm just happy I don't have to worry getting you pregnant," Alec says with a sigh. "Never have to deal with screaming babies," Alec says with a relieved sigh. Magnus dropped his China cup. The beautiful pink porcelain cup shattered onto the floor, spilling the raspberry tea every where. I groan and go get the broom and the dust pan.
       "We are having children Alexander!" Magnus growls. Alec gulped and nodded.
       "Of course we are," He said, his voice cracking. "I just meant it won't be a surprise," Alec mumbled I clean up the cup and throw it away, I grab the paper towel and wipe off the tea. Thank god for wooden floors. Then all of a sudden, Jace comes inside.
      "Hey, what's up?" Jace asks.
      "Magnus just scolded Alec....what about you?" I ask. Alec glared at me.
      "Yeah, that's a first," Jace says sarcastically. "I just came to give you this," Jace says as he gives me a bag full of make up. "I was clearing out some stuff in my apartment and I found these," Jace says.
      "Thanks," I say with a smile.
      "Yeah, well, may e you should start clearing out your make up..." Jace says. I roll my eyes at him.
       "I'll start clearing it out when you stop being such an ass," I spit out. Jace huffs our an amused breath.
        "Then start building a closet for your make up because that is never gonna happen." Jace scoffs. He turns around to leave. "Hey my jacket," jace says as he grabs the mystery dad's leather jacket. Magnus's eyes widen with mine. "I've been looking for this thing for like a month," he says as he opens the door. Jace walks out the door, closing it.
      "OH MY GOD!" Magnus and I say at the same time. Alec keeps gazing normally at the door. His eyes then widen in realization.
       "Oh my god!" Alec yells as he points towards the door. we know who the mystery dad is....

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