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This is VERY different from anything I have ever because I'm writing in my own POV...just read it ok!
Also, this is mixed with some truth, so...idk, it's nothing really serious, just stupid little things from my life that you don't know about.
But, just skip this chapter if you just want Clace, no Clace here,
*not everything mentioned about my life is real....can't tell you all of my life details 😂🙃
I was writing on my bunk bed in the middle of the day, not really wanting to do my history teachers home work. I kept writing the torturous part where...wait! You haven't gotten there yet...Sorry, i can't tell you. The doorbell rings, i roll my eyes in annoyance, thinking it's probably just one of my sisters friends. They're a lot younger than her and are extremely...annoying and rude. I say rude because they once opened the door to my house and walked in looking for my sister as if they owned the place! Mind you, this is when we first got here. I go open the door. My black hair falling in Isabelle Lightwood type curls. Except my curls were more messy than hers. I had a huge Gap sweater and shorts that I would never wear outside of my house. I open the door. My jaw drops to the ground and my eyes widen. The door slams closed with a shut. My front door is one of those heavy doors that immediately shut when you let go. I turn around and put my back to the white door. I look at the beardes dragon named Mushu after Disney's Mulan mushu. He was up in his small little log, looking at me with his boring resting face. Rosie was on the couch. She looked up at me as if asking what was happening. Meanwhile, here I was staring at the lizard and the dog, shocked that Dominic Sherwood was RIGHT OUTSIDE MY FREAKING DOOR! Here's the thing, me and my best friend, who I call bamboo, always joke about Dom somehow bumping into each other, either him somehow finding out that we are crazy fangirls, or him just thinking that we're weird shy creeps that would take pictures from a far and then faint out of nowhere. But I never thought he would actually knock on MY DOOR! I look into the peephole to see Dom still there. Just standing there waiting for me to open the door. He rings the doorbell again. I grab my phone and unlock it. I go to text messages and find the only person who could probably help me with this.


Bamboo: Omg! Omg! Smell him! Talk to him! Ask him why he messed up his first date with Clary! And if Katnick is possibly

Me:CRISTINA! I'm serious!

Bamboo: so am I Meredith!

Me: well, I closed the door.

Bamboo: Well open the door!

I sigh and open the door, following Bamboo's instructions. I just see him there standing in all his stupid Jace glory. I could've sworn he had his hair back to brown after Shadowhunters was canceled. But he looked like Jace. But, he had a black hoodie with the hood down.
"Hi, Um...I know you won't believe me, but I'm Jace, and....I'm from an AU universe where you're in this absolutely amazing book and you're my favorite character and i absolutely love you but i hate how your book ends so I'm here to try and shift it........" i stare at the star in front of me. Great....first time I meet him and he's high as hell.
"Um....are you high? Do you want me to call someone?" I ask Dom. He rolls his eyes and puts down a backpack that I just noticed. He gets out a book and hands it to me.
"I'm not high....I'm Jace, and this is the first book in your ten book series...." I grab the thick book Dom gave me. It had three girls in a row, one was small, she looked about seven and had the same hair cut I had when I was seven, the next one was taller and had a ponytail with what looked like the uniform from my old school in Mexico. And then, the last girl looked like me. The title read Learning how to love. By: Ingrid Inza. Wow....that's a depressing title, but I would get why Jace would read this. I open the book and skimmed a few pages. Suddenly I felt naked. It had everything in here. From when my mother first knew I was a girl and had "be my baby" by The Ronnettes playing in the background, to the time where I started that childish fight with Diego about how his mom selled pee in the streets (he started that fight! I only ended it! Plus it was second grade! Give me a break!) Everything was here, the time my sister threw a pineapple at me, the time my so called "friends" ditched me in my own party. Even when I first joined Wattpad. I look up at Jace and give him back my book.
     " know all of that?" I ask.
      "Up to the part where you meet the love of your life and then sneeze on him instead of kissing him." Jace says with an eye roll. "And make up your damm mind will you! WHO DO YOU WANT?! Mason, Oliver, Diego, James or Alex?!" Jace asks. I blink as I look up at him.
      "I don't even know any of those people...." I tell jace. Jace scoffs in disbelief.
        "Page 423! Page 589! Of the first book!" Jace says he then grabs two more books from his backpack. I go to the pages he said and read them as fast as I can. He was talking about The Oliver from my old school. He used to chase girls, his Excuse was that he did it because the office was killing them and leaving their tennis shoes on the office floor, and Naive Bella believed him. Diego was the one who had told me to basically go die.
      "Page 765," Jace says as he takes the first book. I reach the page and see the text message about me texting Bamboo about how I may or may not be crushing on him because of his height, which is stupid.
        "Page 156," jace says as he gives me the next book. I go to read it and see that "James" was that guy i just saw with Bonnie and Daniela, girls in my English class, at Starbucks. He was with them and had his earphones in. "And....Page 234," jace says. I go to the page and see that Alex is someone I actually haven't met yet. He was a boy who was new to my math teachers class, (who reminded me so much of Magnus Bane) apparently he was like Alec Lightwood, except he wasn't gay. I look back up at Jace.
      "You're telling me....i have not one....but five love interests?" I ask.
       "Yup, a whole hexagon.....or sexagon if you will." I blush profusely at Jace and throw the book at him.
        "Well you're crazy! There's no way that many people will like me..." I say.
        "Isabella!" Jace says angrily.
        "What?" I ask annoyed. Jace then smacks me (not too hard) with my own book.
       "Shut up and Listen to me!" Jace says. I glare at him.
         "We're playing that game?!" I ask. "Ok!" I say angrily. I close the door and go into my room. I grab my city of bones book. I go back outside and smack Jace with his book.
         "WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE A DNA TEST?!" I ask.
         "What?!" Jace asks. I explain to Jace that he's also my favorite character and all about his book. Jace was a little wide eyed. But like a stupid nephilim he focused back on his mission. "Listen! I'M going to go to school with you tomorrow, with a glamour and we are going to cut ties with the boys you DO NOT need In your life!" Jace says. He then barges in and goes into my room. "Nice shorts by the way," Jace says. I frown at Jace and pull my shorts down to half my thigh.
     "Whatever..." i mumble.

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