Never have I ever

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"Alright!" Magnus says. " The way this works is Everyone gets a paper with one side saying I have and the other says I haven't. I would do shots, but there are adults present" Magnus says and we all laugh. "Anyways I shall start" Magnus says. "Never have I ever set my or someone else's hair on fire on purpose" Magnus says. Everyone's paper says I haven't except Clary's. "So biscuit, do tell us the story"
"I was 5!" She exclaims . "I was in a talent show and I was jealous of this little girl who was really mean to me by the way. So I put oil in her shampoo and wired for her mother to use the flatening iron" Clary says innocently. Magnus snickered And Jocelyn had her jaw on the ground. "Alright, my turn. Never have I ever cheated on someone" Clary says.  Alec, me, Maryse and Luke are the only ones who haven't cheated on people.
     "Jace you're lying!" Izzy says. I shake my head.
      "Any relationship I have had weren't relationships. Clary is my first girlfriend" I say.
      "Alright, your turn Jace" clary says. I smile.
       "Never have I a unicorn" Jace says. Everyone except Magnus put I haven't.
        "WHAT?!" Alec asks.
        "Yes.... do you seriously think unicorns aren't real. I actually have a unicorn.....her name is rainbow glitter sparkles" Magnus says.
        "Ok.....Simon your turn"
        "Umm.....never have I ever......had sex in hell" Simon says with a sly grin. Clary's cheeks catch on fire. I put on the I have sighs and clary hiding her face shakily puts up the I have sign.
          "Please tell me you at least used protection" Jocelyn says.
            "MOM" Clary screeches. Everyone laughs.
            "Your turn Iz" Simon says.

A/N:Sleeping Sorry for the short chapter! I am going to make another yeah.

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