NeRds Memory

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This is another thing that I think I should write from the NeRds universe.(this takes place when all of the kids are in third grade)
Jace kept pacing around the kitchen. "I want them dead...I want their parents dead and if they don't have parents then I want their primary care givers dead." Jace mumbles as he keeps pacing. Oly came home crying telling us that a fourth grader was bullying him.
"Jace, I'm pissed too!" I say angrily. "This has been going on for so long.." I say angrily.
" knew about this?!" Jace asks. "Why didn't you tell me?!" He asks.
"I was handling it Jace! But Talking it out in a civilized manner obviously didn't work!" I say. I hadn't exactly talked to their parents, but now I will.
"No, right now it's the fourth graders....then what? Will it be high schoolers? College students? Colleagues?! Oly can't keep living like this! My dad may not have done this for me but I will for oly!" Jace says.
"Are you talking about violence?!"
"Check your history books," I glare at him.
"Jace there are better ways..."
"Name one other than dialogue..."
"Name one?"
"Name one!"
"What do you mean Name one?!"
"You said you could name one so Name one!" Jace says. "What are you going to do?!"
"I don't know!"
"Well you said you knew!"
"Ok fine! Dancing!" I yell.
"D....did you just say dancing?" He asks.
"Yes! I did! Cheryl and Veronica had a dance off, and it went rather well!"
"This isn't Tv Clary!"
"So?! You can still solve it like that!" I say.
"Yeah, no...that's not going to happen," Jace says. I roll my eyes.
"Fine," I growl. "But you're doing this one on your own, I refuse to help my son learn how to fight!" I say and stomp upstairs.

I sigh as I look around. We were at the end of the year party the school had. Everyone was wearing formal wear. I finally see Jace run into the room. I March up to him. "Where have you been?" I ask.
"Work...listen I'm sorry i just-."
"Daddy! You're here! The fourth graders are here! They're picking on Oly again!" Clara says.
"That's it, those assholes are dead," Jace mumbles.
"Where are they?" I ask. Clara points somewhere and we look. We see three tall girls taunting Oly. "Those are the fourth graders?!" I ask.
"They're girls?!" Jace asks.
"Aha, They're so mean" Clara says. We see Oly push the middle one harshly.We run towards Oly. The girl pushes Oly back. Before we can get to them Oly punches the girl in the face. She falls to the ground.
"Oly what are you doing?!"Jace asks.
"Did you see? I punched her just like you said" Oly says.
"What?" Jace asks. Oly starts to wind up for a kick, but Jace carries him away from the girl. The dad then runs towards the girl.
"Sweetheart what happened?" The dad asks. "What's going on here?" He asks as he looks at us.
"H-he punched me in the face...and he was about to kick me in the swimsuit area" the girl says, whimpering slightly.
"Who did? Him?" He asks as he points to Oly.
"He did! I saw him!" Another dad says. I glare at the tattletale dad secretly. "They taught him to hit girls!" He says.
"No, no, no" Jace says. "We thought your daughter was a boy," Jace explains.
"What?!" The Dad of the punched girl asks.
"No no no, what he means is that Oly told us that a fourth grader was picking on him, but he never told us it was a girl" I explain.
"Yeah and if you had we would've told you that it's never ok to hit a girl and that she's probably only bugging you because she likes you, Sushi" Jace explains.
        "I do...I do not like him..." The girl stutters.
        "Oh, I think she likes him," Jace say.
        "Oh......Gross....whatever," she says. 
       "She totally does" Vic says.
       "Are you calling my daughter a whore?!" The dad asks.
        "What?!" Jace asks.
        "They were implying it Jerry!" The tattletale dad says.
         "Wait, that's quite a stretch," I say. Jerry then shoves Jace. One of Oly's friends dad quickly pushes Jerry away.
        "Wow Wow Wow, you do not want to embarrass yourself buddy," Jace says. He's right, Jace could probably punch Jerry so hard he'd forget who he even is.
        "He's threatening you Jerry!" The tattletale dad says.
       "No one's threatening anybody, but you're gonna want to back that up...Jerry,"
        "Ok, everyone just calm down, ok, we're at the end of the year party," I say trying to remind them. Jerry pushes me lightly.
        "Hey! You stay out of it, you don't count, I want to talk to the real parent. Everyone's jaw in my Family drops. And low 'ohhhhhh's' fill the auditorium. Jace raises his hands up in surrender.
         "Now that...was the biggest mistake of your life" Jace says backing away with the kids.
         "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TELLING ME I DON'T COUNT?! YOU DON'T COUNT YOU BALD HEADED WEIRDO....honestly I should slap you right now! What time are you living in?! Huh?! Because news flash It is not the 1920's so get your behind into your time travel box and go back living in your small brain world! Do you treat your daughter like that?! No wonder she picks on everyone! What with a dad like you?! Of course she's a bully you sexist idiot!" I yell.
      "That's not what I meant..." He says.
       "I meant that your husband wanted to pick a fight, and a woman can't be inbetween this..and you can't fight so I just-,"
       "I CAN'T FIGHT?! You want to test me?! Because I damm well can and will beat your sexist....behind!" I say instead of saying the 'potty' word. I kick him where it hurts roughly. He groans in pain and falls to the floor. "I would continue this, but it's a kids party...and I think that taking away the ability for you to have children is enough damage for one night" I say. I then start to walk away. "Let's go," I say. Jace nods and we start to walk towards the car.

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