Jocelyn's Bomb

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I was lighting the candles on the cake. The cake was big and covered with white frosting. The cake had blue and red letters that spelled out 'Happy Birthday Max!' Max was turning four today, he already had a party at his dad's house, he got to play at Chuck E. Cheese's with his friends. That was originally Maryse's idea, so now she's making him a small get together party with family and close family friends. Which is why me and my mother were invited. The party was a house party with cake and a big dinner. Maryse and Robert got a divorce a few years ago. She filed it because Robert cheated on her, it's so heartbreaking the way he caught Robert. She was coming home from work early to take care of Robert because he called in sick for work. But when she did she found him with the other woman. But Maryse is strong, so she got through it. As I reach for the last candle at the back. My......chest....grazes the frosting. I gasp at the sugary cream. I grab a napkin and try to wipe it away, but, as fate would have it, it smeared, making a dark stain on my red shirt. I try to rub the stain away but I can't. Just get the cake outside! They're waiting for you! I take a deep breath and quickly even out the frosting that I accidentally smeared. I walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room. Max was sitting at the end of the oak table with his mom to his left and Alec to his right. Magnus was next to Alec, Simon was next to Magnus, Izzy was next to Simon, my mother was next to Maryse, my brother was next to my mother, Jace was next to my brother and the empty seat next to me was where I was going to sit. I smile brightly at the little boy I've watched grow. "Happy Birthday Max," I say as I put the cake in front of him. 
      "Thank you Clary," Max says with a smile as he reaches up to kiss my cheek.
      "Awww Max, that's so sweet," Maryse says with a smile. That's what got her through everything, the divorce I mean. Max's natural sweetness and politeness. Alec also helped her, he sends her money every week to pay for expenses. Magnus also helps with those expenses. Makes sense since they're married. Everyone i know is married, and some even have kids. But not me, I'm still Jace's Girlfriend, nothing more......I just don't understand why he won't ask me. I mean, sure, I would ask him to marry me.....but what if there's a reason he hasn't asked me to marry him? What if he just never wants to take that step with me? I've been with him since I was sixteen! It's been fourteen years since I started dating him. I know it's not too long and that I'm just being a whiny brat. I just don't know if he will ever ask me.....and I'm too much of a stupid coward to ask him myself. I smile at max as I finish telling him how much of a cutie he is.
"And even though, it looks like she's lactating, I just found out, Clary is not pregnant!" My mother suddenly says. I blush profusely at my mother and look down in embarrassment. Another reason why i want Jace to marry me is because of the positive pregnancy i got. The only reason my mother knows about that is because she caught me taking it....but that's another embarrassing story. The point is that no one in this party knows.....and now they all know! Or maybe they think that it's a stupid joke.
       "You were pregnant?" Izzy finally asks. I look up to see everyone four eyed. I have no idea what to say. It wouldn't be fair to drop a bomb at Jace in front of everyone. But I can't lie to all of these people. I stay quiet. Trying not to make my silence a yes or a no. I felt someone grab my arm and lead me out of the room. I look up and see that he leaded me into the Lightwoods guest room. It was Jace. He sat down on the bed, his head in his hands.
      "You were pregnant?" He asks. I take a deep breath.
       "No.......i am pregnant...." i whisper. "I'm a month pregnant..."
         "And you didn't tell me?! How long were you planning on keeping this a secret?!" Jace asks.
        "I wasn't! I wasn't going to keep this a secret! I just didn't know how to tell you this! I don't even know if you want to marry me! If you want to grow old together as a couple let alone have children with me! I have no idea what you want Jace! And it's so frustrating because I am always tearing my hair when you say you want to talk, because odds are one of those times you're not going to ask me to marry you! You're going to break up with me! And I love you so much and I do want to marry you and have ten children with you and grow old together! But hey! It's probably not gonna happen because there's a 90% chance you're going to break up with me instead of asking me to marry you!" I blabber angrily.
     "You want to marry me?" Jace asks.
     "YES JACE! I do! I do want to marry you! And I know that you probably don't! Especially now because you know how much I doubt myself but-,"
      "You do.......but It's A part of you....and you always take care of lowering down my I'm going to have to help you to stop doubting yourself......but in the mean time......I've been wanting to do this for a while now....but i never found the perfect time.....and I'm not sure if this is the perfect time...." Jace smiles at me as he kneels down. "Will you marry me?" He asks. I let out a breath of relief.
       "Hell yes," i say as I fall to the floor with him, kissing him. Who knew a bomb could open up the road to paradise?

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