Mug me (2)

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      I knock on Jace's door. He opens it. "What?" He asks.
        "I came for my 'crap'" I say. Jace stares at me. His golden eyes were cold. He opens the door wider and lets me in. I see all of my stuff in the middle of the living room. I walk towards it slowly. I pick up a box and smile. "You know....when I mugged you...Those comic books that you had....they fed me all winter..." I said with a smile. "I even got to buy a blanket with those things." I whisper. Jace stays silent. "But there was one thing I couldn't sell. And they always kept me entertained when I was bored....and when I finally started working...I kept it in this box..." I say. I walk up to Jace and give him the box. "So...this is technically yours..." I say. He skeptically opens the box. His eyes light up. But his face stay stone cold. He grabs the contents of the box and takes them out.
     "You kept this?" Jace asks as he looks at his original comic.
      "Yeah..." I mumble. "It was the only entertainment I had all winter..." I mumble. Jace sighs and puts the comic down.
       "I'm an asshole, right?" Jace asks. "I mean....without the stupid mugging...I might've not even have fallen in all....I-I might've not even......i....." Jace cuts off. "I'm sorry...I really am...what I said a few days ago....I'm so sorry!" Jace says as he walks up to me. I look up at him.
       "It's ok...your mugging was the most violent one since I actually hit you with the pipe..." I whisper.
       "Ohhhhh you did....and I love you..." Jace whispers, kissing me as hard as he could.

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