Leukemia (2)

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I was sitting down in the waiting room. Jace's parents weren't here because they were in Washington on a business trip, they caught a helicopter and are coming here now. I was staring at the OR like a hawk, I wouldn't move or tear my eyes from it. Doctors went in and out. Sometimes they had blood smeared all over them, sometimes they didn't. I just waited, and waited. I finally get up as a surgeon walks towards me. She passes right past me and goes towards a blonde woman and man who had arrived a few seconds ago. "Mr. and Mrs. Herondale?" She asks. "Your son has been transferred to a different room, on the other side of the OR, he just woke up," she says. 
     "Take us to him," The woman says. They then walk towards Jace's new  room. I follow them, from Far behind. They go into a room. Jace was there. He looked better than before. He was arguing with a nurse.
        "Listen, I just want to see her ok?! I know she's here, so will you please just go look for Clary?!"
       "Jace?" Jace's eyes snap towards the woman.
       "Mom..." the woman runs towards his son. She hugs him tightly, kissing him and murmuring to him. Jace's eyes then caught mine. His Face lit up.
        "Son, we need to leave, we left a very important meeting that we have to get back to, your mother will be here tomorrow though," the blonde man says. The woman pulls away. She kisses Jace's forehead and then walks towards Jace's dad. I hide behind the wall and wait for Jace's parents to leave. Then I walk inside Jace's room. Jace stares at me. We were silent for a few minutes.
           "Oh, hey you're back,..." Jace whispers. Tears cloud my eyes as he greets me the way he's greeted me for so long. I run towards him and collapse into him. I cry on his shoulder. All the worry I've had for the past hours flows out.
"Oh my god Jace! Do you know how much you scared me?! You don't know how much it terrified me! How much...." I burst out into sobs. "You mean so much to me....you, you can't leave!" I cry. "I-I Love you....so much," I cry. Jace hugs me tightly as I say the words. He buried his face into my neck. I pull away lightly, I caress his cheek, it had turn less pale, and more red. He then smashes his lips to mine. I pull him closer to me. He wraps his arms around my waist. I put my hand on his chest. He wince's and pulls away.
"Ow....surgery...remember?" He asks.
"Sorry," I whisper and look into his eyes.
"Clary....are you sure you want to do this? Clary, I'm going to die...that's certain...are you sure you want to go through with this?" Jace asks. I nod.
"Jace...I'll regret it all my life if I'm not with you," I whisper. "Even if you only have a day to live...i want to be with you..." i whisper. Jace pulls me towards him and kisses me again.

Jace and I have spent all summer together, at the hospital, we've been getting closer and closer, and I even met his parents. Celine and Stephan Herondale. My parents knew about Jace. They even met him once, Jace has been getting better, and better, the doctors think it's for emotional purposes. Apparently I was literally healing Jace. That made everything so much more real...it meant he loved me enough to stay alive, and fight...and that means everything to me. I gently grab his golden hair in my hands. It was more vibrant, and less dull. Sometimes I would hide in Jace's room until they left him alone and I would sleep with him. The good thing about Jace having Leukemia is that my parents didn't worry about me getting pregnant since Jace is probably too weak to have sex. So they didn't mind.
      "You're getting better," I whisper happily.
       "Yeah, i am..." Jace smiles.
        "I love you," I whisper. Jace smiles and kisses my cheek.
         "I love you too," He says. I smile at him and kiss him lightly. My phone dings lightly. I look at the text and smile.
          "I've gotta go now, but i'll see you tomorrow," I say as I start to leave.
          "Ok," Jace says softly.

    I sigh as Clary leaves. It gets incredibly boring when she's not here. I look out the window and see Clary walk across the parking lot towards some guy. He was tall and pale and had platinum blonde hair. Clary hugs him and kisses his cheek. I watch her get into the passenger seat of the car. I sink back into my bed. Feeling absolutely pathetic. I was just a toy she played with, just to have fun while she was filling in her college application with community service, that's what I was, community service. My eyes cloud. I fell in love with this girl, the girl who was healing me...and I thought she loved me too. But I guess that was a lie. I feel tears roll down my eyes. Can I just die now?

     I couldn't see Jace yesterday because my brother Jonathan wanted to spend the day with me. So today I was going to see him. I walk into Jace's room and see him sitting on the bed, staring at the window. "Hey," I said. He looked bad, he was pale, and his hair had faded again. "Are you ok? What happened?" I ask.
       "Why don't you just leave?! Just go to the pediatrics  center and go cheer up some kid, or to the senior center and play chess with some ninety year old?!" jace asks angrily.
        "What?" I ask.
         "Just leave Clary, go home! Go to your healthy boyfriend, just leave."
          "What?" I ask confused. "Jace, what are you talking about?!" I ask as I walk towards him.
        "Just leave Clary,"
         "No! Jace! If this is some twisted way of breaking up with me, then just say it! But don't try to pin this on me!" I say.
         "Oh, so there wasn't a blonde guy who picked you up two days ago?" Jace asks.
       "Jace, that's my brother....Jonathan, he isn't my boyfriend," I explain. Jace looks up at me. "Jace....why would you think I ever cheated on you?" I ask as I grab his face on my hands.
         "Because Clary, you can run, you can jump around everywhere without being at risk of collapsing, Hell just standing up puts me at risk.....and get you're here....with me....and I don't get it,"
         "Why can't you believe me Jace?! I love you, I love your stupid personality, how your face lights up when you see me, how you love me so much to get better, how you always think of others, how you love kids, how you care so much about others you put up walls to protect yourself and others, I love every piece of you Jace...." I whisper. Jace kisses me as I finish.
     I walk into the hospital only to see Celine and Stephan there. Jace was on the bed. He was pale. I run towards him. "Clary," He whispers.
       "Jace....what's going on?" I ask.
        "He's dying....there's nothing we can do," a doctor says.
          "What? No, no, Jace...you were getting better, so much better, this can't-,"
        "Clary..." Jace says as he grabs my face and gently wipes a tear off my cheek. "I'm so sorry Clare....So....Sorry, I love you with all my heart Clare," He says softly.
         "Jace....I love you too...but you can't leave me jace...please don't...." I whisper.
          "I love you, Clary," He says. And with that, he closes his eyes and falls into eternal sleep. Tears flow down my cheeks.

    After Jace died I couldn't find anyone else Izzy begged me to go out with guys, so I did....for her sake. But there was always one problem with the guy. He wasn't Jace, when I told Izzy this, she set me up with a guy named Jace, but he wasn't my Jace, so now, I'm alone, and I'm happy, or as happy as you can be. I just rocked in my rocking chair in solidarity. And I was there, until I died.

    And all alone, the old lady died in her house, never to be wedded, never to have passed on genes, just alone, did the old lady die in her rocking Chair. After a whole life without the love of her life. She could finally die peacefully, and see him again.

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