Better Off (Dying)

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Chapter One

I was told to meet him after one of his shows downtown but to be discreet as there could be photographers and not to worry because the bouncers were expecting me. I looked through the merchandise once more; John would kill me if I forgot anything.

15g of weed,
1g of cocaine
7g of Xanax

This guy, whatever his name is, either has lots of friends or likes getting high. I don't care either way, this is a one time thing and I won't ever have to see this guy again.

At least I'll get a free concert out of it, I just hope it's good.


I stood in the centre of the crowd with my rucksack at my feet and checked over the text I've just received from John aka the usual guy.

His name is Gustav or "Lil Peep". You can let him know you're the replacement by lighting a cigarette - John


Everyone around me started screaming as a tattooed, tall, grunge looking guy came on.

Lil Peep.

I'm not going to lie, he was beyond amazing. It was so emotional and you could tell it came from the bottom of his heart. None the less, I lit my cigarette and took a puff; enjoying the calming sensation.
This was when our eyes met and I saw his eyes widen even if he tried to hide it.

Eventually, the show ended and I made my way to the backstage entrance as quickly as possible; not forgetting the merchandise.

As I got nearer to the door, the guard eyed me suspiciously and didn't move an inch when I was directly in front of him.

"No entry backstage miss"

I silently sighed, he would be hard to barge.

"You're expecting me, I have Peep's merchandise"

"No, we're expecting John"

"He can't make it today, family issues"

"No John, no entry"

I was about to loose my patience when a voice emerged from the slightly open door.

"Let her in man"

Begrudgingly, the man stepped aside and pushed open the door as I made my way in. The lights were dimmed and quite music played as background noise while Lil Peep was sat comfortably waiting my arrival.


He jumped up and extended his hand for me to shake.

"Hey, I'm Gus"

I took his hand firmly; acting as formal as I could.

"Emily but you can call me Em"

"Why you acting so funny? Relax with me?"

"As good as that sounds...."

"If it sounds good why don't you do it you know what I mean?"

"What are we doing then?"

"Whatever you like"

"What about....weed? I don't want to get too intoxicated cause I gotta drive"

"You could stay over? We ain't moving till tomorrow and the bus is out back"

Before I could answer he carried on.

"You gotta stop letting yourself getting held back, live a little. You'll be better off"

"You know what? Screw it let's get fucked up"

He chuckled as he passed me a blunt he just rolled.

"That's my girl"

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