Runaway Slow

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Chapter eighty

Everywhere around me was noise. Those saying goodbye, excited families going holiday and then there were the few like me; waiting to be reunited with the people we love. Just like the first month the last month of being away from Gus was just as hard, if not more so.

I was standing there at the gate with Emma behind me living streaming from my instagram account on my phone, apparently she wanted to capture the moment we were reunited. I didn't bothering asking any questions; it would be a waste of time. As a flow of people started coming off of the plane I spotted him, with freshly dyed purple hair his head stuck out amongst the rest; he was at least a head taller than everyone else.

My Gus.

I ran to him like I hadn't seen him in years and jumped into his arms as he spun me around, both of us knowing Emma was probably zooming in on us and making some sappy remark. We locked lips as he slowly put me down, hearing multiple 'aw's' from not just Emma but from those who could simply see us.

"I missed you so much Gussie"

"I missed you too, we haven't seen each other for two months and three weeks"

"Those were the longest months of my life; I love your hair though"

"I knew you would like it"

"Okay love birds, I know you two are so in love but we gotta go to baggage claim"

Gus pulled away and smiled as he looked over my shoulder at Emma, walking over to her and wrapping his lanky arms around her as well. It was so clear how little time they got to spend together compared to much they wanted to; that was life.

"Alrighty then, lets go get your stuff"

All of us walking to baggage claim was harder than we thought, several fans had waited for his arrival and met us there. It was cute and he was smiling throughout the meet and greet type thing but I could tell how exhausted he was.

He cares more about his fans than himself.

"Em? Emma? Can we take a picture with you two as well?"


We asked a passer by to take our picture, all 50 of us crammed into the frame with Gus in the middle and me and Emma on either side of him. As we said goodbye to everyone with his bags now by our side, Gus took my hand in his and squeezed it while smiling at me.

"I missed waking up next to you, seeing your beautiful face everyday"

"We FaceTimed everyday baby"

"It wasn't the same"

"I'm just happy you're here with me"


After Emma had left with all her belongings, Gus literally threw his stuff in our room as I order us both dominos; he's just come back from tour, we ain't cooking. Putting on some friends we flopped on the couch and I laid my head on his lap as he played with my hair; this was so peaceful I could stay her forever.

A few episodes past when a knock at the door came to my attention, food is here. Fuck yes.

"Hey babe, food's here"

Unsurprisingly he was totally knocked out asleep, sleeping in a position that was all too familiar. Scary familiar. The way his head was back and his mouth was hung open made me violently shake him awake, ridiculous I know. As he jolted awake I opened the door and tipped the delivery guy before placing our food on the coffee table, acting as if nothing had happened...other than me freaking out of course.

"What was that about?"

"The pizza guy was here"

"No, the manic shaking"

"I was just so excited about the food"

Looking as innocent as I could I picked a slice of pizza and took a bite, that was until he took the slice out of my hand and put it back in the box; giving me his concerned look.


"It's just - the way you were sleeping, it brought it all back"



"Why? You know I don't do that shit anymore baby"

"I know that but the position you were in was the exact same, for a second I was convinced it was happening all over again"

"Em baby-"

"- can we just eat? I don't wanna talk about it"

"Okay, I'm still surprised through that it freaks you out after so long. Wanna smoke some weed?"

"Hold on what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing baby, lets forget about it"

"No no, tell me. Do you think I'm over reacting or something?"

"I just think that it's about time you forget about it, I'm sober from that stuff and it happened so long ago that you shouldn't still be so freaked over it"

"I can't believe you still don't understand how scary that was for me gus! I -"

Before I could finish, a knock at the door interrupted me; slamming my pizza down I got up to answer the door, mouthing 'this isn't over' at him as I did so.


He stood there looking emotionally drained and drenched from head to toe with rain, not to mention a bundle of bags at his feet.

"What are you doing here?"

"Avery kicked me out for another guy"

What a bitch.


The end will only be the beginning to a new universe.


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