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Chapter eighty five

The alarm of my phone woke myself and my bridesmaids up from our slumber; our alcohol induced slumber. We came crashing in at almost 4am, drunk (and a bit high) as fuck before passing out the second our heads hit the pillows.

But today was the day......I'm getting fucking married.

As the realisation hit me I shot up, my bed hair falling on my shoulders, and screamed.


From the bed across the room Layla also shot up with the biggest fucking grin on her face; Emma groaning beside her.


It wasn't before long Lena, Emma, Ellise and Torie all slowly sat up yawning.

"Making us all share a room, Em, is the worst idea you've ever had"


I didn't listen to Emma complain anymore I just jumped up with Layla already by my side; this bish was my makeup artist.

"Wait, shouldn't I have a shower first?"

"You don't need it, you look fine"

"Okay, make me look pretty"

"You do that yourself but okay"

Layla began to apply the make up she had chosen for me to my face while the others helped each other get ready too. I hooked my phone up to the room speaker and played some of Gus' music, we all fucked with it after all, you couldn't go wrong with it.

"Annnnndddd done! You likey?"

I looked at my reflection in awe.

"Holy hell, I'm the prettiest pile of trash ever"

"Okay, my turn to do your hair"

Layla switched places with Emma who was already in her dress so she could get changed well; I'm so glad I picked those dresses, they looked so cute on them. Fuck, we're all gonna look cute.

Cute. As. Fuck.


*Gus' POV*

I looked myself up and down in the mirror, wearing this tux felt weird but like a good weird. A different weird. I'm not used to wearing formal clothes like this but if it's for my wedding day? I don't care.

It'll be worth it.

"Yo dude, you ready to leave?"

"Yeah man, what'd you think?"

"You look great, let's go. The girls will meet us there"

"Good...I cant wait to see Em, she's gonna look amazing"

"I know, bet she'll look hot as fuck -"

"- dude!"

"- sorry"

Em and I decided it would be cool to get married in the church featured in the Benz truck music video, probably one of my best ideas. Goth lead me out to the, coincidentally, Benz that would take us to the church and then the girls in a coupe of hours.

Climbing in we blasted some Good Charlotte; the journey was short-ish but jamming out made it seem even quicker. Normally guys would have hella cold feet by now but I wasn't  nervous at all, I've wanted this for so long now that the moment couldn't come fast enough.

This is want I was destined for, I was gonna live in my castle with my queen by my side....we were gonna rule the fucking world.


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