Pray I Die

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Chapter sixty four

*Gus' POV*

The 1st of January 2018, I'm surprised I'm awake to witness today with how hard we all partied last night; Em and i's first party where we didn't get high. Just very drunk..........very, VERY drunk.

Bad time too, today's the day we take the 9 hour road trip to Nevada to visit John. 'It's the best time to do it' she said, 'perfect time to get closure' she said; you wanna know what I say? I say Em's crazy but to be honest I wouldn't love her as much as I do if she wasn't totally fucked up.

She was currently getting showered, undoubtedly singing Lil Xan's songs at the top of her voice, when her phone rang; some Diego guy wanted to FaceTime her.

"Babe! Some Diego guy wants to FaceTime, what do you want me to do?"

"Answer it!"

I pressed the accept button and prepared myself for a jealous mood swing when I was met face to face with Lil Xan himself; his name's Diego?

Good to know.

As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened like saucers and a cluster of compliments towards me came flying out of his mouth. Em wasn't kidding when she said he was fan. It was strange though to see someone like me, a rising sound cloud artist, be as big of fan of me as he clearly was; very surreal.

"Sorry for basically screaming at you dude, I'm just a huge fan and I wasn't expecting you to answer"

"Nah It's cool man, I really appreciate it but ima have to disappoint you; Em's in the shower right now"

"Shit, bad time?"

"Kinda, But for reasons I'm gonna have to let Em tell you in her own time"

"Is it about that John guy?"

I froze on the spot.

"How'd you know?"

"It's all over the web, you might want to see it before she does. It's a bit triggering"

"Gotta go, nice talking to you and thanks for telling me. I'll text you"

"Sure thing, see ya"

The second the call ended I dived onto google, totally forgetting it was Em's phone I was on. Unfortunately it didn't take me long to see what Diego was talking about; boy it was bad.

Article after article where she was being exposed in a way about her past; pictures of her back during 2016 in the service station where she fell through the railing, pictures of me carrying her to the bus after she got assaulted in her hospital room, somehow ones when she was shot outside the courthouse.

No wonder our social media's were blowing up.

"What's blowing up our phones?"

There she was, in her hello kitty towel with the biggest smile on her face, it quickly fell when she caught sight of my concerned expression.

"What's going on Gus?"

"Nothing......just get ready so we can go"

"I'm serious, what's going on?"

"If I tell you, it'll only make everything worse. Let's just get today over with before okay?"

"Is it really that bad? I gotta know Gus gimme my phone"

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't keep her phone away from her because I didn't really have the right to do that. I've warned her which is the most I can do, it's not like I can stop her from going on the Internet.

It was easy to tell when Em saw everything, the way instant shock appeared on her face gave it away.

" do they know? The little amount of press there was neve gave away our identities?"

"I'm guessing the Internet figured it out for themselves. My pink hair and tattooed self carrying a girl with white hair just like how yours used to be around the time everyone knows we met? I don't think it's that hard to figure out"

"Gus..........there's pictures of John and I together on here long before you and I met"

"That's impossible, barely anyone knew who I was so who could've known about you?"

"No fucking way"


"The picture credits go to Mrs A R Semore; John's lawyer"


*Em's POV*

"You ready for this baby girl? You know I can't come in with you"

"It's literally now or never Gus, I need to do this........I want to do this"

"Whenever you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you can just get up and leave"

"I know, I love you, I promise I won't be long"

"Take as long as you need, I'll be right out here"

"Okay, see ya soon"

I went for the door into the private meeting room thingy when Gus called me from the waiting room.

"And I love you"

All I did was smile because I knew that's the only answer he needed; Gus always tells me how much a smile can actually say. It's adorable.

I took a seat in the cold, isolated room with nothing to separate me from John other than a simple table. Thank fuck for handcuffs and security cameras.

Before another thought could enter my mind, the sound of a metal door swinging open filled the room. Next I heard the rattling of handcuffs and the steady beat of three lots of footsteps : two officers and him.

His hair had been shaved off and several small tattoos had been added to his sleeve of artwork; disgusting artwork but still art. One thing hadn't changed though, his infamous, soul chilling smirk as he sat across from me; carefully eyeing the two armed men as they left.

"Well hello Gorgeous, long time no see"

"Hi John"

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