White Tee

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Chapter twenty three

*Gus' POV*

I stood to the side, confused and awkward as fuck during my girlfriend's reunion with her mum. I didn't question it but could tell how similar her mum looked compared to Em so it must be her biological mother.

"Who's this?"

"Mum, this is my boyfriend Gustav"

As her mother looked over at me I extended my hand out and tried to be as formal as I could. First impressions are stressful as fuck.

"Nice to meet you ma'am, please call me Gus or Peep"


"My stage name is Lil Peep and everyone calls me Peep except Em who prefers Gus"

"Well then Peep, you can call me Shannon"

She totally didn't like me.

They went back to catching up and I could see the amazement in Em's eyes. My baby had found her mother after almost fifteen years; she must be so happy.

I took in some details about Shannon.

Dark brown hair pulled up tightly into a bun; posh. Subtle makeup with bright red lipstick; daring. Something felt off, i had no clue why but I had a feeling there was more to her.

"I can make sure you two get this place if maybe you were to come over for dinner?"

"Mum, that would be amazing thank you"

"I'll let you too kids head off but here's my number. Don't forget to call me , sweetheart"

"Bye mum"

After one last hug goodbye, Shannon left and Em sank to the floor crying. I kelt down beside her and just held her, mainly because I didn't know what else to do. How else were you supposed to support your girlfriend when she's just met her biological mother?

"I can't believe I've met her"

"I know baby"

I helped Em up and wiped her tears away with my thumb, she looked so happy it made me feel happy too. Em clung onto me as we left and got back into the Benz Truck; honestly I was looking forward to dinner tonight with Shannon.

"What time is it?"


"Let's get back to the hotel so we get changed for tonight, you can wear your favourite dress"

"Gus, you only say it's my favourite because you like how it exaggerates my ass"

"Your body is flawless and you should show it off"

She raised her eyebrow at me, damn this girl knows me too well.

"And I like your ass"


"What if she doesn't like me?"

"Babe, she'll love you. If anything she won't like me"

"How could anyone not like you?"

"I have tattoos, piercings, depression and I do drugs. People won't like me until I'm dead"

She was about to respond but her mum opened the door and invited us all in; giving her a massive hug and me a passive aggressive smile. At least she was trying to like me.

Dinner was already on the table but I soon noticed two extra places set, who else was coming? As we were sitting down a tall business man walked in and took a seat.

"You must be Em, it's so good to meet you. I'm Tim, Shannon's husband"

They reached across the table and shook hands; Em looking extremely surprised. I don't blame her.

"Edward! Dinners on the table!"

Em and I exchanged looks and gripped her hand under the table, lacing our fingers. Who the hell was Edward? A young boy who looked like an exact mix between Tim and Shannon and came jumping into the room. He looked and Em and smiled but when we made eye contact he stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes bulged out of his head. That's when I noticed his white tee with my name spray pained on it.

He was a fan.

I pulled a pen out and scribbled my signature and a small message on a napkin which I passed to him. His eyes dramatically grew along with his smile; Ed looked up and mouthed "thank you" too me.

"Oh honey how many times have I told you not to wear such horrid clothes? Couldn't you have worn your dress shirt?"

I coughed and it seemed Tim made the connection before Shannon which is surprising because he had just noticed I was here.

"Shannon darling? I think the young man next to Emily is that 'lil peep' guy"

I was not expecting Shannon to turn so hostile so soon.

"So, you're the man who raps about drugs? Can't you find a more Christian thing to preach about?"

"Mum! Gus is my boyfriend and his music is honest. He talks about real stuff that no one else does"

We all ate our dinner in awkward silence and I couldn't help but feel like it was all my fault. I was probably going to push Em's family away from her just because she's with me.

"Shannon, May I use your bathroom?"

"Sure, it's down the hall on your left. Try not to do any drugs in there"

I ignored her comment as Em raised her voice a small bit. I can see where Shannon's coming from, Edward must only be like 10?

I was just washing my hands when I heard yelling coming from the dining area. I walked out and saw Em and her mother screaming at each other, from what I could hear it was something about Shannon trying to tell her what to do when she hasn't been around or some shit. I just saw Ed sat there looking like he was going to cry.

I headed to the Benz Truck to find some merch that I could give to him, poor kid deserved it. I found a t-shirt that looked his size, it was black with 'hellboy' on the front.

I turned around to see Em walking towards me as a car was heading straight for her, even if they were to break she would get hit anyway. I was not going to let that happen. I dropped the shirt on the ground and dived forward without thinking twice, I pushed her out the way as I felt my body come into contact with the vehicle.

At least she would be okay.

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