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Chapter Three

A week has past since Gustav and i's "moment" and we've barely made eye contact. It's been super awkward and we've only spoken a few words if we had too.

On the brightside, I've got to meet some of the other gothboiclique members like Lil Tracy and Horsehead properly (and sober). They truly are amazing people and luckily they joined us on tour.

I've also found my new passion, Netflix. I've never had it but Gus was kind enough to let me use his and I've spent the last two hours binge watching Scooby Doo. My favourite cartoon.

This was when Tracy popped his head into my bunk. Which, I won't lie, made me scream like a six year old girl. At any other time Gus would have come running to see if I was alright but I can tell he wanted to act tough in front of his friends.

"Tracy! You motherfucker"

"Calm yourself little lady, wanna smoke with us for a bit?"

"Nah, I'm just gonna chill here and watch some more Scooby Doo"

I knew from the manic footsteps and the occasional thud, Peep was about to come peeping. Sure enough he came tumbling into Tracy; knocking each other on the floor to which Peep quickly jumped up. Someone's been doing coke.

"Did I hear Scooby Doo?"

"You'll be correct Mr Åhr, the classic one though"

My eyes at first didn't leave my screen but Gus' butt was soon in my face as he climbed up into my designated bunk as awkwardly as he could.

Sober Peep? Barely looked at me, drunk or high Peep? Not so much.

Tracy was still on the floor looking confused.

"You joining us T?"

"Why the fuck not?"

We were all squished shoulder to shoulder, huddled round my laptop screen as the infamous animation played out loud.

Low and behold we hit a powerful pot hole an hour in and T fell out like a sack of spuds while I was dangling by my waist as Peep held onto to me and my computer. For fuck sake.

We laughed anyway and it wasn't before long Gus and I fell onto a wheezing (but now in pain) Tracy.
Sadly my laptop didn't make it and I've never seen a more guilty looking man than what I saw when I looked at Peep.

"Em, I'm so sorry I didn't mean for it to get broken"

"Peep, it's okay. We can now resume our marathon on the big screen"


"No buts okay"

He huffed like a small child and pulled out a blunt from his hoodie pocket which I quickly grabbed out of his hand. He was not pleased about that.

"You've already done coke today, I don't want you ODing already"

"As if you care"


"Obviously you're coming down from your high and getting pretty grouchy so let me help you up and you can go take a nap"

"No, I'm serious. Why would you care? You deal me my drugs not take them away"

It hurt a lot, I'd only known him for just over a week and I know things have been awkward but I've come to care for him deeply.

"Wow, fine then"

I dropped the blunt at his feet and stormed off. I didn't want to be anywhere near him so I locked myself in the bathroom, trying not to cry.

Fuck him.

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